Tag: Breasts



            The doorbell rang. Goddess Marquesa sighed. Since injuring her foot, she had been largely housebound, and even common chores like answering the door posed a challenge. Whoever it was had better be on important business. With painful effort, she rose.

            Standing on the front step the Goddess found an attractive brunette. The visitor was tall, late 30’s or early 40’s, wearing a prim pastel lavender skirt suit. Clasped tightly to her breast, bound in black leather with gilt lettering across the cover, was the Holy Bible, held so that the title would be visible to whoever answered the door. Read more…


            Swami Kamiprajna settled himself onto his devotional cushion, anticipating the arrival of his new disciple. She had been coming to hear his teachings for several weeks now, and she showed all the signs that she was ready. She followed his every word with rapt attention, and looked at him with wide, glistening eyes through the chanting service when his lecture was concluded.

            Last week, at the conclusion of his talk about “watering the flower of wisdom within,” she had worked up the courage to pose a question. “Is it possible,” she had asked breathlessly, seemingly overcome by awe, “for me…I mean for someone…to overcome sensual desire?” That was when he knew that he could summon her for a private “interview”. Read more…

Diary of a Fugitive


I finally broke free. I skipped my session with her yesterday, loaded my car, and headed out of town. I don’t know where I am going, but I must flee. This is my last chance to escape her control. I know this is right. I feel exhilarated.


Last night I was on her couch, listening to her silken voice as she put me under. When I woke up in the motel room I was disoriented…disappointed. This is natural. I don’t have to be worried. There will be a period of adjustment, but eventually I will be fine.

Read more…

A Lesson in Manners

            Bill glanced at his Rolex as he entered the coffee shop; he was in a rush to get to the office as usual. The tables were crowded with customers, but the line was not too long this morning, about five people. He would be pushing his luck, but he dreaded facing a day of client interviews and meetings without his morning latte. He took his place at the end of the line.

            She was there again, two customers ahead of him. Recognizing her gave Bill a pang of annoyance. On Monday they had had an altercation. He had been running particularly late that morning, and had shouldered to the head of the line. The others on line didn’t make a peep, but she had turned out to be pretty feisty. First she had scolded him for his bad manners. When he had tried to give her the brush off (“Look, lady, I’m in a rush….”) instead of clamming up she had gotten angry. What had she called him? A boor? A jackass? Anyway, it had been a lot of trouble to get a freaking latte. Read more…

Going Down

            As soon as she walked onto the elevator, Phil became fidgety. He was sharply dressed, with his work suit and leather briefcase, but she was disconcertingly beautiful: the picture of an Amazon queen. Golden ringlets framed a face that was kind and open, but her eyes…they were such a rare shade of jade green, and flashed with such intensity, that her gaze was hard to meet. She wore a short, low-cut floral print dress well suited to the warm weather, and Phil had to struggle to keep from leering at her breasts and nylon-sheathed legs.

            She smiled at him. He tried to voice some sort of greeting, but could only make his lips move to frame some dry rasping noises from his throat. Nodding as if they both understood his meaning, he looked down at his feet, resigned to riding to the lobby in abashed silence. Read more…


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