Tag: Goddess Marquesa

Goddess Marquesa, Mommy Mia, and So Much More!

It All Starts With Her:
Goddess Marquesa and Erotic Hypnosis

WARNING: Since I’m writing about one person’s considerable contribution to our scene, there’s a danger it’s going to read as shameless-in-the-bag adoration akin to those goddess worship devotionals we all know so well.
That’s not what this is at all, I promise.
There’s low points to her work, stuff that didn’t work, and stuff that was both corny and not worth the money (which is the story with everyone who has ever made anything), BUT this is a documentation of history and not devotion.
This isn’t a 2020 word add, it’s history.

(Also, duh, I mean I’m at least a little in the bag for her, and I’ve never hidden that)
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It All Starts With HER

Dearest, Most Sublime and Mesmerizing Goddess,


i was surfing the web obsessively for traces of You as i am so often prone to do, and came across a very well-written, informative, and reverent blog post about You. You may have read it already (the author is obviously completely smitten with You, so You may well know him personally), but on the off chance You have not i thought it wise to send you the link:




Yours adoringly,




The following article was written was written by J.T. Meyer and can be found on Transcript.com Read more…

Physician Heel Thyself

        Fletcher looked at the tape held in his hands, an old VHS cassette, marked: “Marquesa- Session 1.” Dr. Gomez, his supervisor, had expressly warned him that this material was off limits in general, much less to junior residents. Fletcher had only been working at the Kleinman Center for the Study of Human Sexuality for two weeks. He had learned of the existence of the tapes just three days ago. But since then the curiosity had been building inside him uncontrollably. Read more…

In Service to Goddess Marquesa: Chapter 6 To What End Pt. 1

Freshly shaved, showered, dressed and all round clean, Ravar walked down the steps that followed the square contours of his house, went past the hallway of the upper floor, and entered the open plan downstairs. A steady thrumming buzz filled the place, a riot of pollen born haze everywhere.

Hornets without number flitted here and there in lazy trails, alien and strange in their bright jackets; orange, red, yellow, even a few blue and black ones. Red roses and purple orchids, those plants offered to the only Goddess, were set out in rectangular plots on the windowsills around the place. Read more…


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