Tag: Obey

The Birthday Gift

Dearest, Most Divine and Irresistible Goddess,


i composed a story as a gift for Your upcoming birthday, and submitted it on Your site. As usual, i found embarrassing errors on reading it over. An improved and corrected draft is copied below and attached to this message. i hope that plans for the celebration of Your birthday proceed apace, and that this message finds You blissfully content, despite the many trying experiences that You have endured in recent months.


Yours adoringly,





The Birthday Gift


*A story in anticipation of Goddess Marquesa’s Birthday on July 1


Goddess Marquesa looked at the young woman seated cross-legged across from her, lounging in one of the plush chairs in the Goddess’s parlor as if she owned it. The guest’s chestnut-auburn hair was pulled back in a neat ponytail, she wore a tight-fitting red satin dress, cut low to emphasize her ample breasts and short to expose her long, shapely legs. One black stiletto heel dangled from her right foot as she allowed her calf to bob lazily from her knee, as if determined to project unself-conscious ease. Read more…


This exquisitely enticing and excitingly erotic story is a collaboration.  The story was conceived and produced by Goddess Marquesa, and it was put to paper by pawnofMarquesa.  Of the story, Goddess Marquesa says, “This is a story that I feel no matter what one’s hypnotic erotic fantasies of domination are… All will enjoy it.”  “I liked this story so much I applauded!!! :)”    We think you will too!

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From Galatea to Tantalus, With Love

Rick looked down at the woman sitting next to him. The bar was crowded tonight, people were in a good mood. Friday, the weekend had begun. The woman was brunette, mid-twenties, very cute. Perhaps an aspiring actress or a rising young professional recently out of college. She had begun flirting with Rick almost as soon as he entered the club, and continued through two kamikazes.

This was not unusual for Rick. He was tall, broad-shouldered, with classic square-jawed features and a chiseled physique. Women liked him. Liked him a lot. Until recently he had never lacked for company. Right now he was only interested in one thing. Read more…


“This is a bat-shit crazy idea,” Bob yelled. I thought so too, but I didn’t say so with Morty standing there.

“That’s what makes it genius,” Morty, my manager, shot back, adjusting his tie. The voices echoed through the auditorium of the Dewdrop Casino in Las Vegas, where we had come to scout the prospects for this weird exhibition. “This match will be broadcast live on cable television, right before the title fight. The purse will be fat, and the publicity we get will put Benny’s name out there. This is what will get him a title shot of his own.”

“Bullshit,” spat Bob. “Who’s gonna want to see him after he hits a girl on TV?” Read more…

Interstellar Bombshell



Qal was feeling overworked. The spots on his hands, usually a healthy aquamarine hue against the cobalt blue of his skin, had turned a sickly purple from lack of sleep. With the countdown clock for the invasion of earth ticking down, the examination of abducted specimens had been accelerated. Command wanted as much up-to-the-minute data as possible before the first waves landed. When Qal had joined the military instead of seeking a university post upon completion of his advanced degree in xenopsychology, he had understood that he would be a support member of the invasion fleet. But he had never expected that the army would treat someone of his education as such a work horse. This was the thirty-seventh probe he had undertaken in less than two earth-days. Back home on Zygreb he would have had cause to bring a complaint for worker abuse. Read more…


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