Tag: Satin Blouse



West of the Centre of Los Angeles, not far from LAX Airport and Marina Del Rey was Langourie tower. It was an imposing 30 floored structure. Perched on its top floor was a huge diamond-like structure which moved around at night bathing the ground below in flickering, mesmerising scintillas of coloured light.

It was the headquarters of the Langourie media empire. This up and coming corporate heavyweight had massively grown into a now formidable body encompassing some 20 smaller organisations with offices in London, Paris, Rome, Madrid, Tokyo, Berlin, Prague and a brand new branch in Beijing. Read more…

I’ll Never Again Be the Same!!


I walk into the doctor’s office and am immediately stunned at the sight of the receptionist.  She is tall, slender, self-possessed, and (most notably for me), busty and curvaceous.  My eyes are immediately drawn to her top half that is loosely but somehow obviously packaged inside a soft, white, silky, blouse.  She wears no bra and the effect is mesmerizing.  I stare for only a moment, but she definitely notices.  I am certain of it – she tells me with her eyes.  I am a bit embarrassed at being caught ogling her, but more than that, I am uncomfortable.  Suddenly, my face feels red, my ears start burning, and my pants feel tight at the front. Read more…


Becoming a sex slave to the Magnificent Mistress Marquesa wasn’t for me a personal choice. It was as inevitable as the rise of the sun in the east. When I first saw Her, my fate was sealed. That’s what happened – but nothing in my background suggested that it should have been such. I was renowned for snapping my fingers and having my every wish fulfilled – quickly! I was an unparalleled computer engineer and technician, in great demand for my skill in designing, installing and repairing business computer systems. Because of my six figure income, and my good looks, I was popular – no, irresistible, to women. So when I was contracted to do a system install at MarquesaCo, I smiled to myself, reveling in my good fortune. Read more…

Beauty Sleep


Go to a sex therapist! That’s what my very on or off girlfriend Serena said I should do to make her more on than off.

Everything was fine until problems at work and other nagging worries a few weeks ago joined with Serena’s sudden, unexplained absences. Now my “Love wand” appeared to be waning. This had happened in the dim and distant past. Things would start fine, then ZZZZZZZAP!!! off went the power and on came the stress and “Deflation”. And even when it worked better it would peak way too early. The more I thought about it the worse it got. According to my doctor, everything was supposed to be ok physically though. Read more…

Soporific Succubi

As a student he was certainly not rich. When he took the glossy card from the striking looking lady in shades though it was more curiosity that made him go along.



Director Lady Mesmer

Good rates paid for participants in our Sleep Research Program

Males under 25 especially welcome. Read more…


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