Tag: School Girls

Tommy’s Turmoil and Transformation Part 1

The advanced feminine studies program was designed to catapult the female student body into political, business and financial leadership roles in society. For the three years of the academy’s existence, no boys had ever been admitted. If his mommy, Samantha, was not best friends with the founder and owner of the school, Marquesa, tommy never would have been attended. But he was, and thus commenced the beginning of the end of tommy’s former life…as a boy. Read more…



He hated wedding receptions. Well, he hated the enforced bonhomie and bad jokes that such events lent themselves to.

He didn’t hate the ladies fashions though.  His usually nervous in most social situations mind’s eyes were especially drawn to the long elegant and breathtakingly alluring satin and silk charmeuse dresses, doubly especially the bridesmaids ones. He also felt safe and secure and rather comforted by the long two piece sets that the mothers of the bride and groom wore. He especially loved the experienced, knowing, and nurturing looks that these ladies had. He often loved these more than the stern and rather mocking looks of the young bridesmaids. Read more…


He was in one of the older trains, alone in a quiet compartment, and feeling a little dozy. He had left work early in the hope that the train would be quiet.

As it pulled into one station, he saw a crowd of young girls. All were lavishly dressed in long, satin, charmeuse and velveteen gowns. All these fetching young ladies were stylishly bejewelled and clearly going to a party. Some of them were carrying bottles of some sparkling alcohol. “Oh no!” he thought as they made for his carriage. Read more…


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