He had been a care worker for 20 years, ever since he left school. The pay was not much, but he loved the work. Most of the old ladies he looked after in the home he worked adored him, and thought of him as “a lovely young man.” Then things changed. A new government won an election and took office. He could still remember the new speaking in the elections “For too long we have kept our old folk locked away in large, institutionalised homes. If we win the election we will do everything we can to keep them in the community. We phase out grants to residential homes for the elderly and instead spend the money on providing domiciliary care for old people in their homes.” For once the new government kept its promises. Without a year his home had closed down and he was looking for work.
It was a hot August and he expected the jobs market to be quiet. He was surprised when he went to his local Jobcentre to be told that there was another home wanted to employ a new carer. Given the climate that Residential Homes now faced, he wondered how they could afford it. He rang the home. They offered to see him at once. Excitedly he drove over. Perhaps his world wasn’t going to collapse after all.
He rang the front door. He was pleasantly surprised by the sight that greeted him. There was a gorgeous lady, with lovely straight fair hair, and big blue-grey eyes smiling at him. She wore lovely gold earrings in both ears, which seem to capture the light and shine in a most alluring way.
“If you just like to follow me please, I’m afraid that my office is on the top floor.” She led him up a narrow winding staircase. She was wearing a tight pair of black shorts, and he couldn’t keep his eyes off her lovely bottom as she led him up. The very tight black shorts almost seemed to be saying to him, “Don’t forget, I am the one who wears the trousers.” Beneath them were the most perfect long legs he had ever seen on a woman, and on her dainty feet she wore high heeled sandals which meant when they were standing next to each other he had to look up into her lovely blue-grey eyes.
Eventually she reached her office on the top floor. “I’m sorry to have had to lead you all the way up here, but it makes sense to have the clients on the lower floors and to have my accommodation up here. Do sit here”. She motioned to a chair and he sat down. “Let me just put away what I was working on.” She took some papers from her desk and bent over to put them in the bottom drawer of a filing cabinet, sticking her lovely behind in his face as she did so. She then took a chair next to him and started telling him all about the home. All the time she was looking straight into his eyes, and he was looking back into her big blue-grey eyes as she talked. She went on and on about how the home had started and gradually got bigger and moved to new premises. She talked about the old folk in the home, the other workers, everything that there was to say about the set-up. All the time she was looking into his eyes, and he was concentrating on her eyes, listening to her sweet voice and taking it all in, but also getting used to her eyes, getting attached to her eyes. She then switched the focus of the conversation to him. Gradually she found out everything about him. She started with very gentle, almost banal questions, and gradually probed deeper and deeper into him. He almost felt that she was getting inside him somehow. She was pleased to find out that he was single with no girlfriend or other family commitments. Eventually she said, “And how do you feel about working for me. Does it bother you working for a woman?”
It was on the tip of his tongue to say that working for such an attractive lady would be his dream come true, but instead he said “not at all.”
“Not even a very bossy and demanding one?” she asked, leaning closer to him. He smiled. “I’m sure you are not that bad.”
“Good” she replied, “because I want someone who is loyal, trustworthy and completely dedicated to the organisation. I’ve got men working for me who would almost die for me. I want to take on someone who has the same level of dedication. Do you think you would be able to fit into the team?”
Again, it was on the tip of his tongue to say that as long as he could look into those lovely blue-grey eyes at least once a day, he would be happy, but instead he just replied. “Of course”.
“Good” she repeated. “I demand a lot from my staff, I expect them to go that extra mile for me. But in return, as you will see, I will look after my staff, and make sure that their EVERY need is met. Now, before you make any final decisions, let me show you around”. She led him out of the office, and started a tour of the building. Once again he had the chance to look at her lovely backside as she led him round. She led him into the dining room, where she treated him to lunch. He had already been there a couple of hours, but he was so absorbed in her that he didn’t notice the hours flying past. He also didn’t notice that most of the other workers there were male, at a time when most care workers were female. He also didn’t notice the glazed look on their faces, which lit up when she came into view, and how they almost fell over themselves in their efforts to please her.
Eventually she led him into a room with no windows. “This is our relaxation room. Sometimes our clients get confused and we bring them in here to relax them. I also do relaxation in hear with some of the workers before and after work. After a hard day at work, some like to chill out in here. I’ll show you what I mean. She flicked a switch and a projector started sending out psychedelic patterns onto the walls. Lovely patterns of colours moved slowly across the walls. She flicked another switch and soft gentle melodic music started playing. She flicked another switch and the main light went off, leaving only the light from the projector. She lit a scented candle and soon sweet perfume of the candle filled the room. She motioned for him to sit on a beanbag. He obediently sat. She sat on a beanbag next to him. She looked at him with her big blue-grey eyes again.
“You will soon understand how relaxing it is in here. So nice just to chill out and listen to the music, and taking it all in. I’m sorry I have rather bombarded you with facts and figures and you will probably have difficulty in remembering everything. Just listen to my voice and relax now. You can stop worrying now. Just relax. I am sure we are going to get on great. You will enjoy working for me, and I will enjoy having you as part of my team. Now just relax and look into my eyes. That is right. You are doing so well. We are going to be so happy working together.”
She started stroking the side of his face. Her nice, gentle warm hands, moving down each side of his face, relaxing him more.
“That is good. We have had such a busy morning. Just let yourself relax now. You are going to be such a good worker for me. I can see that you will always obey me and do exactly what I tell you. You want to work for me don’t you, my sweet one. Just relax and listen to my voice. You may want to close your eyes. It’s ok. Just close your eyes and listen to my voice. My nice, soft, soothing voice. Taking away all your cares, all your worries. Nothing matters except my voice and your relaxation. Let yourself go. Close your eyes, but keep thinking of my eyes looking into yours. My big beautiful eyes. You love gazing into my eyes. You love relaxing here. You love listening to my voice. Just relax a little bit more. You are doing so well. Let yourself go….”
His eyes closed and, as she suspected he was completely under and well on his way to entering her harem. He would soon be like all the others, totally committed to her. She and the home would be the center of his universe. Soon he would sell his flat and move into the home, totally in love with her, willing to do anything she wanted, totally hypnotized and dedicated to her. In return she did satisfy every need he had.
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