“Can you help me?”
It was a question Marquesa was very accustomed to. As an attorney, she handled only a single field: divorce. She had elected to narrow her practice further still, taking only female clients. Even then, she only agreed to represent a small fraction of those who came to her desperately seeking her assistance. It wasn’t the woman’s particular reasons for divorce that concerned her especially. It was neither here nor there whether her husband was an inconsiderate oaf or a serial philanderer. She was unconcerned about who was in the right and who was not. Ultimately, only one thing really mattered… Was he rich?
In this case, the woman sitting on the other side of Marquesa’s desk, Anna Alexander, was married to a very wealthy man. As was so often the case, she had signed a prenuptial agreement which guaranteed that only a tiny fraction of that wealth would go to her in a divorce. She had then decided to pursue an affair with a very attractive tennis pro who had caught her eye and had come to the conclusion that she would rather be with him than her husband if it weren’t for one small detail… She enjoyed being wealthy.
Marquesa made it a practice not to judge the morals of her clients. She did make a judgment of the intelligence of any woman who would sign a prenuptial agreement in the first place but she usually kept that to herself. At any rate, what was done was done… And that’s why this woman had come to her for help.
Marquesa nodded. “Yes, I can,” she said. “I see no reason you should be bound by a prenuptial agreement that is so clearly against your interests. I’m confident I can obtain something much more appropriate for you.”
Marquesa walked her new client into the outer office. She instructed her personal assistant, Kim, to arrange for a settlement conference with Mr. Alexander and his attorney for the following evening.
“He won’t settle. He has no reason to. I’ve been told that the agreement we signed is ironclad… Why would he agree to change it?” Anna asked, again on the verge of tears.
Marquesa smiled, “Leave that to me.”
“Marquesa? Your 4pm has arrived.”
“Shall we?” Marquesa asked her client who had been waiting with her for her husband and his attorney. It was 4:23.
Marquesa walked into the outer office, her hand extended. Robert Alexander and his attorney were waiting. Neither offered an apology for their tardiness. Though they had not met, Marquesa knew her opposing counsel by reputation. Stanley Robins was an experienced, talented attorney. He was also a pompous jackass.
“I really don’t see the point in this,” the attorney began before they had even finished shaking hands. “I drafted that prenup myself and you know as well as I do that it is air tight.”
Marquesa’s only reply was a smile. “Kim, is the conference room ready?” she asked her assistant.
Marquesa opened the double doors and led them into the room. As they entered, the two men were sharing a dirty joke, slightly too loudly, about Kim. When their eyes fell on the artwork, however, both were instantly silent. It was a piece of modern concept art. Full of flashing lights in abstract designs. The lights danced across the piece in patterns that were random. Or seemed random at least. Swirls and loops played across it in every color. The two men stared at it silently, their mouths slightly open, their eyes unblinking. They were transfixed.
Marquesa sat down on the conference table and crossed her legs. “Well, gentlemen, I can see you appreciate my taste in art. I’m soooo glad you approve. It’s quite… Mesmerizing, isn’t it?”
Mrs Alexander looked at the piece and saw… Nothing. Or at least, nothing unusual. She knew little about art and cared not at all. She looked at Marquesa in puzzlement. Rather than explain, Marquesa rose from the table and walked around the two transfixed men. Standing behind them, she spoke in a voice barely above a whisper.
“Yes, Gentlemen… Continue watching the lights… Watch the colors as they dance… Watch the swirling patterns… Yes… It’s all relaxing, isn’t it? You find it very relaxing. You are very relaxed… It is too much effort to think… You just watch the colors and listen to the sound of my voice. You love the sound of my voice… You love listening to the sound of my voice. You have no thoughts… There is only my voice. It fills you… You enjoy hearing my voice. It pleases you… You cannot think, you can only listen… My voice pleases you… My words please you… You want to obey me… Obeying my words is pleasure… Do you understand?”
Both men nodded simultaneously. “Y…yes…”
Marquesa smiled at her client who was now understanding more clearly. “That is very good… Very good… You will obey and you will feel such pleasure… Such pleasure to obey.”
Marquesa walked over to the intercom on the conference table and pressed the button. “Kim, please bring in the paperwork.”
A moment later, Kim entered with two manilla folders. She smirked at the silent, staring men as she handed the folders to Marquesa who quickly thumbed through them before turning her attention back to her guests.
“Now, gentlemen, shall we get down to business?” Marquesa took a seat at one end of the conference table and gestured for her client to join her. The men remained where they were, still staring blankly at the artwork. Marquesa opened one of the folders and laid out a set of documents next to the pen stand on the table.
“I’ve taken the liberty of drawing up a revised property settlement for Mrs. and Mr. Alexander. Unlike your original draft, Mr. Robins, this one recognizes my client’s contributions to the marriage. I’m sure it meets with your approval… Yes?”
The attorney nodded absently. “Yes, Marquesa… It meets with my approval.”
Marquesa smiled, “Then I’m sure you will advise your client to sign it. Isn’t that right?”
He nodded again. “Yes, Marquesa… You should sign it, Bob.”
Marquesa took the pen and held it out. “In that case, Mr. Alexander?”
His face utterly blank, Robert Alexander took the pen from Marquesa’s hand and bent over the table to sign the document. As he did so, Marquesa briefly explained its terms.
“Very good, Mr. Alexander… As you can see, this settlement calls for an even distribution of all marital assets… All real and personal property, all accounts and so forth… Mrs. Alexander will receive 50%… And I will receive 50%. You find this entirely fair, don’t you, Mr. Alexander?”
As he scrawled his signature on the documents that left him penniless, Bob Alexander nodded, “Yes, Marquesa… Very fair… Thank you.”
Marquesa smiled, “You’re very welcome, Mr. Alexander. My assistant will just notarize your signature. You may go and stand beside your attorney.”
As Kim notarized the signature, Marquesa turned to her client. The fear and worry that had clouded Anna Alexander’s face was gone now. Replaced by a smugly satisfied smile. “You see, Mrs. Alexander? I told you to leave everything to me.”
Anna Alexander signed in her place to finalize the agreement. As Kim notarized her signature as well, Marquesa continued, “That takes care of everything except Mr. Alexander himself. How would you like to handle him?”
“I don’t understand,” Anna asked, confused.
“I always consider the ex-husband to be part of the marital property. I have no particular use for him so I’m willing to waive my 50% share if you would like to keep him,” Marquesa explained.
Anna laughed, “Keep him? For what?”
Marquesa shrugged, “Sometimes my clients, once they have achieved a suitable financial settlement of this sort, decide they would enjoy keeping their former spouse around in some capacity… A servant perhaps… Or simply as something to display to their friends…”
Anna shook her head, “It might be entertaining for awhile but I have what I want now. I just want to put him behind me and enjoy my life.”
“I understand completely,” Marquesa assured her. “In that case, if you would be interested, I can get a good price for him on your behalf. We would of course divide that equally.”
“As in sell him? I… I had no idea! As a servant?” Anna asked, stunned.
“Not precisely,” Marquesa explained. “I have a connection in Southeast Asia that is always interested in obtaining healthy, Western males like your husband… They have a very profitable business… Shall we say… ‘Entertaining’ visiting foreign businessmen… I’m sure they would find your ex-husband quite useful.”
Anna laughed at the thought of her arrogant, stubborn husband spending the rest of his life on his knees and her decision was made. “Yes! Absolutely! That is simply too delicious to pass up.”
Marquesa and Anna exchanged a few pleasantries and shook hands. As Anna was getting ready to leave, she sighed… “My only regret is that he doesn’t know what I’ve done to him.”
Leaving aside the issue of who it was who had done it, Marquesa answered, “Certainly he does. He can hear every word we say. I’ve destroyed nothing, merely suppressed his ability to resist. Deep inside he is entirely aware of everything that has happened to him… And everything that will happen.”
“Really?” Anna asked with a wicked smile. She leaned in close to her now ex-husband and whispered in his ear, mocking him. Though he remained absolutely still, Marquesa noticed that a tear ran down his cheek and one of his hands trembled ever so slightly. When she was done, Anna patted him on the bottom and said her goodbyes, “Have a nice life, Bobby.” And, with a laugh, she strode confidently from the conference room into her own new life.
Her obligations to her client complete, Marquesa turned to her opposing counsel. He had remained entirely still throughout.
“And then there was you, Stanley. What shall we do with you?” Marquesa asked. She casually scanned the original prenuptial agreement he had drafted before tossing it aside. It was, as he had bragged, air tight. Whatever his other failings, he was a talented attorney. And Marquesa had built her fortune on having an eye for talent.
“You seem like a reasonably competent attorney, Stanley. Under the right circumstances, I might be able to find a place for you in my firm. You would be interested, of course,” Marquesa offered.
“Yes, Marquesa. I would be interested.”
Marquesa laughed, “I thought you might be so I have an employment contract for you.”
She opened the second folder her assistant had brought and laid a document on the desk.
“It’s the usual terms for my employees. An initial five year contract for your services as a paralegal, renewable at my discretion. Minimum wage of course… No vacations or insurance… None of that nonsense. You may sign it now.” Marquesa instructed.
Stanley took the pen from her hand and signed the document. Marquesa placed a second sheet in front of him.
“And this is a durable power of attorney authorizing me to dispose of your personal assets as I see fit. You have no objection.” Marquesa continued. Of course, it was not a question.
“I have no objection, Marquesa.”
“Excellent! Sign.”
Stanley did so and Marquesa took the pen from his hand.
Beaming, she placed her hands on her hips. “Well, Kim, this has been a profitable evening, wouldn’t you say?”
Kim laughed, “Definitely, Marquesa.”
“Please have Mr. Alexander crated for shipment to Bangkok. And show Stanley to a cubicle… He can start work tonight by putting together a list of his assets for me,” Marquesa ordered.
Kim nodded. She snapped her fingers, “This way, bitches.” She walked out of the conference room with the two men walking meekly behind.
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