The Single Man Finally Finds the “Lady of His Dreams”
rod did as he had been ordered to do in this initial phone conversation with the Mistress. he called precisely as directed at 9:10 AM on Thursday morning to learn of the time and place for their interview.
The Mistress had originally planned to hold it later that morning or on Friday morning (She generally holds Her interviews on weekday mornings). But it turned out that one of Her favorite out-of-town slaves from Massachusetts (a close confidante of a Senator from that part of the country) would be in town on business those two days. he desperately wanted to see Her both days before flying back for an important appointment Saturday morning. He could only see the Mistress in the mornings during his two-day stay.
The Mistress had a pretty full afternoon lined up for Thursday with two slaves, while on Friday afternoon She had a nail appointment that She really didn’t want to break–considering the fact that She had badly damaged two of Her lovely nails on Wednesday while administering slave george his weekly beating.
She also had a long standing “date” for dinner with Her live-in reserved for the Belvedere Room in the Beverly Hills Peninsula Hotel at 8:00 Thursday evening. he had been such a faithful, obedient and useful slave boy for the past two weeks that She had promised to let him take Her there as a special reward.
As a result of all of the commitments, and rod’s very believable sincerity (and his apparent almost immediate need to be taken under Her wings), the Mistress consented to interview rod at the usual place about a mile from Her home at six o’clock sharp Thursday evening. This meant that the Mistress would have to be dressed and ready for Her dinner date immediately upon conclusion of the interview–and hence, at the start of the interview.
Why do we go into all this detail on what may seem to be a minor point? The reason is that when the Mistress has an interview appointment or a training session appointment She is Her “usual” magnificently beautiful self, adorned in very Dominant attire suitable for the occasion.
However, when She goes out on a dinner date at an expensive restaurant–usually for the express purpose of dazzling the male customers, the Maitre D’Hotel and even the waiters and valet parking attendants–and any other males in the vicinity–She is incredibly and truly AWESOME!
Not only is She dressed impeccably in elegant stylish attire, but the vibes it sends to the discriminating male connoisseur of female beauty and sexuality leaves him breathless, panting and salivating while his heart rate goes into high gear! he finds himself unable to maintain any kind of coherent conversation with his companion or to tear his eyes away from the Mistress for more than a few seconds at a time. Of course, he also senses simultaneously a strong twitching pulsation emanating from the region of his crotch.
Why is this so? One reason is Her attire has been scrupulously selected and provided by male slaves who have purchased the garments for Her that both She and they know will have just this effect on all males within eyesight. Another is that above and beyond Her wardrobe is the extra time, care and effort She has spent on Her makeup and Her hair. Every detail has to be perfect!
In effect, She has literally transformed Herself into the earthly embodiment of a “Goddess of Sexuality.”
It was in this “hyper-mode” that the Mistress drove up to the assigned meeting place that evening just ten minutes after rod’s call confirming his arrival there. Upon approaching the glistening white sports car waving a white handkerchief as instructed, rod literally froze in his tracks once he got a good look at the totally gorgeous sophisticated blonde at the wheel. “Oh, my Great Goddess Above!” was all he could utter before being struck dumb.
“Come, my bashful slave-boy, get into the car so that we can begin the interview…Did you hear me? Don’t just stand there frozen with your mouth agape. Do as you’re told. I don’t have all day to play games with a shy or reluctant interviewee.”
rod slowly and gingerly got into the passenger seat–almost as though the Mistress would bite.
“Now, slave, tell Me a little about yourself and what it is that you are into. We need to have a very frank and open discussion so we have no major misconceptions that can cause problems later–assuming I decide to allow you to enter a Mistress/slave relationship with Me.”
rod began rather haltingly to tell the Mistress about his background and the experiences that led up to his request for an interview. Throughout, he remained very much awed by the Mistress’ beauty and by Her commanding Dominating demeanor.
All the while he was thinking to himself that She is indeed the lady he had been dreaming of and fantasizing about all his life. It was actually a case of love at first sight.
Even while he talked, as slowly and haltingly as he did, he thought to himself, “Maybe i can get Her to like me–and someday we can marry–or maybe She will allow me to become a live-in slave! There is no way i can turn back now that i have met this “Lady of My Dreams.” She is truly as close to a Goddess as i’ll ever see!”
As if his thoughts betrayed him to the Mistress through some magical ESP (actually, by experience, the Mistress can read most slaves’ thoughts through clues they give away in body language and by what She can read in their eyes), the Mistress knew where he was coming from. Besides, sooner or later most slaves have these identical kinds of thoughts. They must be dealt with early when they are recognized. She proceeded to do just that.
“If I grant you a first training session I know quite well that you will want to return very soon for another. If I like what I find in that first session, I will gladly accede to your wish and grant you another as soon as you want it. Perhaps as early as that second time, but certainly no later than the fourth time, you will feel compelled to confess to Me that you are madly in love with Me.
“I almost feel you to be ready to do so now, during the interview–let alone during any of the first four sessions! Hold off till later. I don’t want to hear it now! However, I know it is inevitable and I expect it. If it weren’t for the fact that this happens with all men that I consent to train–and that gives Me scores of loyal obedient slaves if I care to see that many–it might set Me back on My heels if you didn’t fall in love with Me! But, having all the men I care to own, it wouldn’t faze Me at all–I’d just wonder what your problem was and dismiss you from My Mischievous Manipulating Mind!
“The point I’m about to make is that I know you will need Me. you will need Me so badly that you will want to marry Me. Even though I will refuse, you will still propose that I let you live in My household so you can serve Me every day to satisfy your needs for My attention. you will beg to serve and be used by Me far more frequently and longer each time than I could possible find time for.
“You will simply have to learn that it is My pleasure that comes first–My needs and My desires. And I need as many men who will serve Me and be eager to be used by Me on a moment’s notice–no matter how infrequently I find time to use them!
“I already have My loyal and obedient boy friend who hopes to one day marry Me. I also already have a very useful, compliant, unquestioning totally obedient live-in slave and I also have about twenty handpicked quality slaves who live away from me whom I permit to see Me often–some as often as even once or twice a week for an hour or so each time.
“Normally, I do not choose to see more than two or three slaves a day (usually only on weekdays)–sometimes none at all when, for example, I go all the way to Orange County to see My special hairdresser and stylist.
“I don’t mean that you will ever have a very hard time securing an appointment for a training session if I accept you into My inner stable of favorite slaves. I only stress that you can forget all thoughts of marrying Me, becoming a live-in slave or of being in My home performing chores four to eight hours every day–or even more than once a week. I’d have a hell of a time finding that much for you to do that I honestly want done without you becoming an annoying pest! Do you understand My point?
“So the next thing we need to address, given that you may see Me only a few hours a week, is how do we keep you happy and contented? What do you do with your time away from Me when you’re not working at your profession?
“Well, I would expect you to have a lot of outside interests to take up your spare time–not just your job, but hobbies and activities that you have a genuine interest in. Perhaps you join an athletic club that has a gym. Maybe you like tennis, basketball or golf. Maybe your hobby could be one that I find useful that would help fulfill part of your need to serve Me.
“If you can actually see Me once a week for a training session I’m sure you’ll find your sexual nature quite fulfilled–especially when I supplement this with numerous activities that I direct you into when you are ‘off-site’ that stimulate your masochistic mental addiction and even build up your needs to serve Me. When you do see Me each week these needs are satisfied in a very exciting manner in the training session which can also be accompanied by some choice ‘on-site’ chores.
“However, let us say that you cannot see Me that often for one reason or another that has nothing to do with My availability. A number of My other slaves are in that predicament. In their cases I have developed individualized ‘programs’ for them to follow involving other ‘outside’ women–namely wives or girlfriends to help them solve their sexual needs during the extended time periods when they can’t get in to see Me in person.
“They can supplement their need to see Me and be used by Me by bringing these other women into their sexual therapy regimen. The wives and/or girlfriends need know nothing about the slave’s relationship with Me and still be very useful to the slave in this regard (and indirectly serving My purpose of keeping the slave reasonable happy and contented with the situation).
“Never mind that the wife or girlfriend is a simply ‘ordinary female’ who is generally quite passive, or even submissive, in nature. I will train you how you can imagine with near realism that you are in ‘fact’ with Me when you are actually with her. you will learn how you can train her to appreciate giving you the kind of sex that deep down you would just love to have with Me–but which, for professional and personal reasons, I will never permit you to have.
“This program that I would order you to follow would have numerous very beneficial effects, some of which are: (1) your needs for sexual relief only partially realized in My training sessions due to the infrequent nature of your visits would be rounded out and fulfilled by this supplemental program; (2) these needs would be fulfilled in a manner that you know meets with My approval and encouragement as well as the approval of your ‘outside lover’–no need to have guilty feelings; (3) you would get immense enjoyment from this outside sexual relief because you will discover how to imagine it is Me that you are making love to in a way that you can only dream of–and satisfy a portion of your masochistic streak by realizing that I have commanded you to do it; (4) I will allow you the vicarious pleasure of being able to report back to Me and share with Me any and all details on how it went, and we can laugh (or cry) about these together. This is like being permitted to tell on yourself (and her, too, of course) without suffering any dire consequences and maybe even receiving praise and encouragement from your Mistress; (5) your ‘outside lover’ will benefit immeasurably as the recipient of all this ‘extra’ sexual activity improving your relationship with her immensely; (6) and lastly, you will be reasonably happy and content getting the best of both worlds–and available as well as eager to serve Me when it’s possible for you to see Me. This is My goal and you become a better slave.”
“slave! Have you been paying attention? That dying calf look in your eyes tells Me that you’ve barely absorbed a word I’ve spoken in the last 15 minutes! This interview will end and you’re out of here for good unless you pay strict attention! What I tell you is important and for your own good! I may give you a test on what I’ve said at some later time–if I decide to see you at all!
“I’ll bet you had a few dominant teachers when you were young who gave you unexpected punishment (and a little vicarious masochism) with such tactics. But somehow you strike a responsive chord with Me.
“I do feel a bit sorry for you. To show you that I’m not all spit and vinegar I’ll demonstrate a little of my pity right now that will afford you some relief from your tensions.
“I give you permission to unzip your fly and pull out that stiff overactive cock of yours…. Fine! Now, if you promise not to cum, you may stroke it very gently. Be careful, though. If you cum against My express direction and soil the carpeting or anything else in My immaculately clean car, I will order you to leave immediately with your shameful cock between your legs. Understand? … Good! Let Me continue!
“Of course, whether you are able to see Me often or not I will insist that you call Me frequently. Even a 15 minute phone call two or three times a week can have very important therapeutic value. I’m willing to devote that much time to a good slave who is always ready to be used when possible to do so when I call upon him for some special service to perform.
“What I want to make very clear is that when I select a male to become a member of My stable, I do it with the long run in mind. I do not take on a slave with the object of exhausting his value to me in two or three months, or even in a year or two. I take him on for life, hopefully. he will be far more valuable to Me that way.
“I want to keep him interested and eager to be My slave indefinitely. he will also be of more use to Me if he is successful in life and reasonable happy. Therefore, we need to jointly work out a means of sustaining the relationship for the long haul.
“This is why I have spent so much time in this interview emphasizing the fact that I cannot and will not devote all of My energies toward any one man alone. I’m not made that way. I need many subjects to dominate! However, I know full well that any slave must have other interests to pursue when he is not getting My direct attention.
“Men, by nature being what they are, must have frequent sexual relief with a woman. Since I will not have direct sex with a mere slave–frankly, they are all really beneath Me in this regard–they must find it with other women if they cannot see Me often enough to satisfy all their needs, experiencing their sex indirectly while worshipping Me in My regal presence.
“In this latter regard, I am very ‘kind’ to My slaves. I not only use them and abuse them to excite and hold their cocks hostage, but I do let them worship Me. Typically I do this by letting them kneel before Me, while I engage Myself in one act of vanity or another, and allowing them to masturbate to prove how much My beauty and My dominance fills their poor little souls with a fiery all-consuming reverence! They realize that they will always be My property if I let them serve Me and demonstrate their abject adoration of everything that I am in this manner in My overpowering presence. No amount of ‘normal’ (or ‘abnormal’ for that matter) sex with an ‘ordinary female’ can really replace this ritual form of worship for a true Goddess–Me!
“Oh, no! I let you get too excited–and now you’ve done it and disobeyed Me! I’ll give you just five minutes to clean up your mess! Lucky I do have some cleaning materials and rags for just such a purpose in the trunk! The interview is over! Call Me Monday at 9:15 AM to find out if I’ve decided to see you again. We may resume the interview and cover other subjects if I decide you need it–or deserve it.”
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