As I reached into my mail box I was pleasantly surprised to find a rather dazzling card. The envelope was Candy Apple Red, glossy and was covered with glittery flakes. As I picked it up the flakes seem to stick to my skin and glisten even brighter than before. The return address was an interesting one:
My Obsequious one
In Obedience to Me
Thralldom, CA Slave
“Hmmm, someone has a sense of humor,” I thought to my self as I turned the simple pure white card over and over in my hands. Opening it, I breathed in and noticed the most glorious scent,or perfume I have ever experienced. It rose over me, enshrouding me and kind of hovering around my face till it was ingested. This only took a second or two but it seemed much longer. Time seemed to almost stop as my brain expanded from exposure to the seductive scent. Opening the card, I glanced down, read the card and it simply had the words george— “You’re Mine Always” in the shape of a heart below my name.
I entered the house, placing the mail on the counter, I noticed my hands were glistening with the shimmery dust. So I went to the sink, got out the Doctor B’s and began scrubbing with a brush. To my surprise, my hands began to tingle, but remained covered in this puzzling dust. Exhausted and frustrated from a long day at work, I poured myself a couple fingers of Balvenie. and sank into my chair. Turning on the TV to Sports Center, I soon fell asleep.
“Rap, rap, rap,” a silvery tone from the door knocker woke me from my nap. I looked at my phone and noticed it was almost midnight. Who would be coming over at this time? It must be something really important for someone to come over at this hour. Maybe a neighbor is in need or an accident out front… Rushing to the door, I peaked out and all I could see was golden yellow strains of hair… I opened the door to one of the most beautiful woman I had ever seen.
“May I help you?” I asked quizzically.
“You certainly may” She cooed. “Might I come in, it is a bit brisk out tonight and I wasn’t prepared for this weather.”
“Oh, certainly.” I stammered. Trying to remember my manners. “Are You hurt, do You need a ride some place? Have You been attacked?” was all I could think to inquired.
“Well, I am in need, but not exactly in a way that you make think.” She purred. “How about a little of your Balvenie to wet my lips.”
“Oh, sure, I’m sorry, where are my manners. You have taken me by surprise. I don’t usually have visitors this late, really I don’t have visitors to often at all.” I droned on…as i poured Her a drink.
“I know, but tonight is a special evening. The beginning of a special day. You did get my card didn’t you?” She whispered.
“Excuse me? I didn’t get the last thing You said… Did You ask if I got Your card? Why would You send me a card… We don’t even know each other?” I mumbled. “This is awfully weird. You are so beautiful, almost Goddess like, why would You pay any attention to me… I am just an average man with a mundane job, eking out an existence.”
“Ahhhh, yes, you are a bit confused. Let me explain myself. You see it is almost Valentine’s Day and alas I am without a Valentine this year. You, are cute, fit, awfully kind and caring. Those are the qualities I just love in a man…” She hummed. “I believe that you would be My perfect Valentine.”
“Did you like the card?” As she changed the topic.
“Yes, but the glitter has stained my hands red.”
Purringly she responded, “I’m sorry, but I can fix that… if you want Me to…”
“That would be awesome, because I can’t go to work this way, people would laugh.” I protested.
“People would laugh because you had red hands???”
“Yes, they would think the wrong things,” a blurted out awkwardly.
She grabbed my hands and pushed me onto the couch. Giggling, She then proceeded to sit on my lap. Grabbed my right wrist with Her left hand and began sensually drawing circles on it with Her right index finger. As She swirled Her finger on my hand the red dust just began to retreat up into Her finger.
I starred in awe. Thunderstruck, my jaw dropped completely confused with what i was seeing. There was no explanation for what i was watching. She switched hands and cleared my left hand simply by her touch.
“How how did You do that?” i stated shockingly.
“I am a Witch…. I can do many things that will boggle your mind and body. you would like Me to boggle you… wouldn’t you?” She seductively surmised.
“Uh, well, yeah,… i don’t know. A witch, i am a bit confused here. First You send me a Valentine and i don’t even know Your name. My hands get covered in dust, then You retract the dust by waving Your finger over my hands…. Now You want to boggle my body? i don’t even know how to respond.”
“I am Marques de Sade, just say Yessss… Yessssss” She sublimely hissed. Then She kissed me on the cheek, then on the chin, then the third kiss on my lips… Her entrancing lips met mine and my whole body shivered and tingled. Her tongue entered my mouth and i became paralyzed, it was like She was sucking the essence out of me. She kissed me deeply and her lips lingered on mine till i was completely vulnerable, totally helpless, at Marquesa’s mercy. i stared into those gorgeous green eyes… i was undone, broken… willing and hopeful that this beautiful woman would invite me to be more than just Her Valentine.
Then Marquesa, She who must be obeyed, began to converse with me in my mind. She explained, that yes, She was a Witch… A powerful Witch who desired me to become Her Valentine. Hence the card… the brief message was all that needed to be said… You’re Mine Always! you will comply to my wishes, my Will! i know you want to… give in to Me… My Will is stronger than yours…Surrender Surrender SURRENDER!!!
At that point my mind went blank, or i surrendered to Her Will, willingly and joyfully.
Later that night, i awoke naked, on the living room floor. Well, almost naked i had a strange “Collar” on my neck. It was more like a thick neckless. Befuddled, i didn’t remember much of anything that had happened. i would have thought if i had “entertained a Valentine” last night there would have been evidence. Yet, the only thing that was out of place was this Collar around my neck and that my Balvenie bottle was empty. I guess that explained why i slept on the floor last night, too much Scotch can do that to you.
As i was cleaning up i noticed the white card on my coffee table. A happy face was drawn on its cover, on the inside was a Woman on a throne and a person kneeling at Her feet. Looking closer i noticed the kneeling persons face was a cut out picture of me! Confused i looked at the other page and saw two Emerald Green Eyes inside the heart. They drew my attention and captured me… sending me into an enchanted coma.
A clank on the door awoke me from my daze… i opened the door and there was Marquesa de Sade in all Her glory! Instantly falling to me knees, i waited for Her to speak.
“Happy Valentine’s Day puppy!” She joyfully hummed. She held out her leash, i crawled to her feet. Anxiously waiting for Her to clip me to Her leash and lead Her new puppy into Her Wonderific World.
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