I went to the office. I thought it was an ordinary day and was going to be like the rest. Little did I know that it would be a day that would change my life forever.
The day began normally enough, and at lunch time I took a walk on the promenade. All the women on this hot balmy day were really making me horny. I spotted one of those New Reality newspapers at the newsstand. On the cover was a picture of a gorgeous, sensuous Dominatrix. I drifted off into daydream land, thoughts of my secret past desires— to be at the mercy of a headstrong wild beauty welled up in me.
I had been to several Dominant Ladies homes before and I had some passably satisfactory results. I had a deep need to be submissive, but had kept it sublimated for the most part, so these forays had been few.
I remembered a particular trip to a dungeon. The Mistress tied me up with leather and rope until I could not move a muscle. i liked that very much because then i was completely under her control. Then She began to drip hot wax over my whole body, all the while telling me that i had to “take it” in order to prove my desire to truly worship her and allow her to train me to take pain to please her. She really didn’t care much that i didn’t care much for pain, but told me that it was important for me to bear it for Her so that i could appreciate submitting my will to her completely. i really enjoyed serving her, but somehow she She wasn’t actually the type to turn me on completely. It just seemed more like play acting than the real thing. She appeared to be just going through the motions with a canned act.
Just then, someone bumped into me, bursting my daydream bubble. “Hey, you going to buy that, or just stare at it?”
“oh,” i said, “uh yeah… how much?”
” Two dollars.”
I bought the paper, tucked it under my arm, and told myself to forget it and get back to work.
i sat at my desk and tried to concentrate. Well… maybe one more time…
i locked the door to my office and opened the paper to look at the ads for Mistresses and to allow my horniness to take command and my fantasies to run rampant. My eyes were immediately drawn to an ad for “The Marquesa.” It said i had to be serious. “How could i be more serious reading this provocative ad?” i thought to myself. i could not resist the way it was written, i picked up the phone and dialed her number. She answered the telephone Herself and spoke in a very sexy voice.
She interrogated me in a manner that quickly drew out my most deeply held secrets. Somehow, i could not resist Her seductive, self-assured knowledge and yet sympathetic and understanding approach. She knew the whys and wherefores of all my secret yearnings! However, She told me that She was very selective and only sees a few slaves. Because i was very submissive and convinced her that i wanted to please Her with actions— not words— She agreed to see me for an in person interview the next day.
The interview went well and we scheduled a session for the following day. i called Her from my car the next day, and She ordered me to wait ten minutes, then to get my ass over to Her home. We had a session that was indescribable, and to describe it would be a whole other story. But, for the purposes of this narrative, when She had several implements of torture on me, She interrogated me about my life, thoroughly drawing out many details such as what i did and where i worked, my salary, my responsibilities… the whole nine yards! i told Her everything and would soon discover that She would take advantage of me and my submissive nature in a way that i would never forget.
A week or so went by and i was looking at my e-mail when i saw one from “Marquesa.” Opening it— a little nervous— i read “slutboy! On your knees! So you se me one time and then don’t call Me to thank me or bother to see Me again. You will pay for this insult. Now what i want you to do is call Me as soon as you receive this. Call Me at (310) 827-4512.”
Shaking i picked up the phone and dialed Her number. A recording answered and i was about to hang up when She picked up the phone and said “Hello.”
“This is richard” i began, “You saw me a couple of weeks ago and You e-mailed me yesterday. i just got the e-mail and i just called You to say…”
“Shut up and listen to Me you worthless slave!” She spoke, and i could tell that She was really pissed!”When I saw you I said that I only saw a few slaves and you begged to be one of them. Now I haven’t heard a peep out of you for two weeks! That is not how I expect My slaves to treat Me. I expect devotion and obedience. I expect contact several times a week. Now I want your lousy ass over here for a formal session today or our relationship is terminated!”
There was silence and i was trying to think of a reply and what was on my schedule for the afternoon when She continued: “I am waiting and I don’t like to be kept waiting! What is your answer slutboy?”
“i’ll be right over” i said.
“Good” She said as she hung up.
The session was the most intense i ever had.It doesn’t pay to get the Marquesa angry and displeased with you. Like an obedient slave i sent Her some flowers and a card the next day and i called Her to say that i appreciated Her valuing me enough to punish me.
Another day went by and i received an e-mail that She was going to visit me at the office. “Oh no” i thought, immediately typing a reply, begging Her not to do it. i was lavish in my pleas. i promised Her anything. i received no reply until…
The following Monday i received an e-mail that said i was going to get a package in the mail and that i should lock my office door and then open the package. It arrived that day, and when i opened the package i discovered a push-up bra, panties and a thong. A note instructed me to put them on and then to call Her. I could not believe i was actually stripping— in my own office, no less— and dressing in the feminine items She had sent! She had a power that was awesome— and impossible to resist! i called Her and when She answered, She asked if i had followed Her instructions. When i told Her i had, she laughed out loud and told me that i was truly Her slut boy now , and that i was well on the way to becoming completely Hers! Hearing this stirred something in me that left me feeling incredibly happy. Perhaps She was right. She told me to keep the undergarments on and to put my clothes back on and continue my work. i was to keep them on until that evening when i was to take Her out for dinner.
As soon as i arrived at Her place, She had me strip to model the outfit She had mailed. She additionally had me put on black stockings and a thin silk blouse. You could easily see the bra under the blouse if You looked closely. The i was told to put my clothes back on and leave my socks off.
As we left for dinner i was instructed to drive Her to Hollywood, where we pulled into a parking lot. i got out and opened the door for her. She had me get down on my knees and kiss her lovely feet before She stepped out of the car. She asked me if i would do anything for Her and i replied ” Yes. Anything Marquesa.”
“Good,” She said. “Get up and follow Me.”
We walked up some stairs to the second floor, and i realized She had brought Me to a tattoo and piercing studio. She was greeted by people She obviously knew and then She called me forward and announced that i was Her latest slave and i needed to be marked as Hers. She had me kneel while She opened my blouse, i instinctively started to resist, for which She slapped me hard and ordered me to behave. i meekly obeyed, but lowered my head to hide my embarrassment.
She commanded “Put your hands behind you!”
i did as instructed and heard the cuffs being locked into place around my wrists. my feet were also bound and then she addressed the proprietor with ” I want his nipples pierced. Both of them!”
i started to protest when She produced a ball gag and silenced me. They used very little painkiller— on Her orders— and inserted two fairly sizable silver rings. A short chain was attached that draped itself between my two nipples. i was then ordered to put my blouse back on.
Very tender and very sore, we went back out into the night.
We went to dinner at a really upscale restaurant where She ordered for the both of us. When the waiter asked if that is all i wanted, She mortified me by telling him that She would let him know if i needed anything else. i turned beet red! During our dinner the Mistress would “accidentally” brush up against my nipples, causing me to gasp for breath. She explained, without apologies, that it would take about a week for them to become normal again, but that their sensitivity would probably increase— to Her advantage.The rest of the evening was a series of events that these pages simply have no room for.
Next day at work i checked my e-mail. Another one from the Marquesa.It simply said, “A package will arrive in a few minutes. What is in it shall be worn by you at all times while you are working at your desk. Without fail, the consequences of disobeying, you don’t want to know! Is this clear? On the other hand, it is designed to feed your fantasies and prove to you that you re indeed loving the process of becoming a most obedient and grateful slaveboy!”
“What could it be,” i wondered. i didn’t have to wait too long— for a few minutes later a shoebox sized package arrived. i locked my door so i could open it in privacy. It was a shoebox and it contained a pair of pink high heels. i sat there with my mouth hanging open. What was i going to do? i suppose i could just get used to changing my shoes a lot and sitting with my feet tucked safely under the desk, so no one would notice. She certainly had me in her control! my first thought was not refusal, but just wondering how i was going to comply. i was truly Hers and— just as She had predicted— very grateful to Her for the way my new life as Her slaveboy was beginning to unfold.
The e-mail kept coming. Another one said that another package would arrive, and that i should read the enclosed note and do exactly as She had ordered. Immediately upon its arrival, i opened it. Inside was a restraint to be worn between my legs and it had a type of small electronic device on it. The note instructed me to put it on, connect it’s chain to my nipple rings, and when i felt something unusual, i should call Her. i snapped the device around my manhood. It held my genitals in a vice-like grip, and the more aroused i got, the tighter it got. i dressed again and went back to work.
About an hour later it began to vibrate and didn’t stop! I was getting excited and decided this was obviously the unusual feeling She mentioned. I called her— and got her answering machine. i waited a few minutes and called back, and again i got Her answering machine. i really didn’t know if i could control myself.
The president of my company, Ms. Sullivan, called me into Her office. We talked for over an hour and a half about a business deal. i was about to faint when a call came in Ms. Sullivan dismissed me. i went back to my office and lunged for the phone to call Marquesa.
my very creative Mistress answered the phone and asked me what had taken so long? i told her i was trying to call Her when, my boss called me into a meeting. She could tell from the tone of my voice that i had complied with Her wishes to put the device on.
She explained to me that it was a remote control device that worked like a pager. i pleaded with her to please turn it off. She laughed and placed me on hold while She took another call. i waited about ten minutes before She came back on and asked me a lot of questions like “Who do i belong to?” and “would i do anything She commanded?”
i promised Her i would do anything She asked and that i belonged totally to Her.
She commanded that i get on my knees, assuming a position of reverence while i confessed these feelings to Her. She had me grovel and literally beg to be whipped and tortured by Her, and to admit to Her that i was Her slut to be used in any way She desired.
Then she made me prove it! i was to strip in the office, put on the bra, stockings and heels, and take a Polaroid of myself for Her to keep in Her files. I put Her on the speakerphone and began to do as she commanded. i know knew i was eagerly doing as She requested. When i was done She informed me She would soon arrive at my office to pick up the photo. i tried to convince Her once again that She shouldn’t come to the office. She just laughed and hung up. About a minute later, the vibrator stopped.
i collapsed in relief, thinking about what She had done and said, and what She was about to do. i put the photo in my desk and went back to work. i tried to think clearly but it was absolutely impossible!
Two days went by and i received no e-mail from my Goddess. Lunch time arrived as i sat with my office door open. Suddenly i looked up and saw my Mistress standing there. i gasped and started to rise from my chair, when She signaled me to remain where i was. She winked and waved at me, turned on Her heels, and walked into the President’s office! The door closed, my heart sank, and i broke into a cold sweat. What was She up to? What had i gotten myself into with this Mistress? my life was passing before my eyes.
About fifteen minutes went by. i was thinking of all sorts of things that were occurring in that office. i could not get back to work. i was ready to scream! What should i do? I didn’t know what to do. i determined the best type of slave would wait in meek submission for Her to let me know.If she had blown my cover, i didn’t have a job anyway— if not, i was safe. either way, it was in my interest to make my Mistress happy. i could do no better. No matter what was to happen, it was She who had my life in Her hands. There was nothing i could or should do. i belonged to Her totally, in body, spirit and soul, and that’s the way i wanted it to be!
For two and one half hours i waited before the intercom buzzed for me to come into the President’s office. i took my heels off and put my dress shoes on and walked into Her rather regal office. Ms. Sullivan( who is a very lovely 40+ woman, tall with a great figure and beautiful dark hair) smiled at me and told me to close the door and lock it. i did as directed. She then told me to get on my knees.
Marquesa walked over to me laughing. She pulled my hair and whispered to me to kiss Her boot. i didn’t even think about it— She had me so well trained. While i was licking Her boot, Mistress Marquesa said to Ms. Sullivan, “See, he does anything I want, when I want it, and where I want it. And now my slutboy will do anything You want, when You want it, and wherever You want it!”
“My God,” i thought, “What has She done?” What am i going to do?
Before i could answer myself, my Boss said, “Come over here on your miserable knotty knees and crawl under my desk and put your tongue to work!”
As i went to work under the desk, they discussed how they would share me during the day and night. Marquesa said that She needed a domestic that could work mornings and evenings, while Ms Sullivan needed more attention at the office. even though i was an executive, She decided to move me into Her secretary’s office so that i could share the private suite with Her. She mused about how She would populate the entire office with slaves, both male and female.
But that is another story. However, i was surprised to find out that was the first time the Ladies met, that day, when the Marquesa came to the office!
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