A Friend Indeed
…a Goddess Marquesa birthday adventure
We all have friends that we are not so friendly to. Well…maybe everyone doesn’t, but I do. Lots of them. Among women it is pretty common. Some of the women you know put you on your best behavior, others bring out the bitch in you. This is a story about a woman who brought out my inner bitch.
I forget the exact circumstances where we met. Maybe at the hotel by the beach where we go for sunset cocktails some Friday nights. Maybe at a lunch date on a weekday. I can’t remember who brought her into the group. Terry, I think. But I remember my first impression of her. She had just moved to Palm Harbor from California, and had a little bit of a “lost girl” vibe. Trying to find her footing in a new social scene. So of course I made her feel welcome…not.
From the beginning she rubbed me the wrong way. She was the new girl but she didn’t act as if she had to defer to any of us long-time Floridians. I was born in Tampa, for God’s sake. Her confidence put me off. And her looks. I confess, she’s gorgeous. I would die to have those tits. Those legs. That blond hair. Those green eyes. She is the kind of woman that you know right away your man is going to want. I didn’t have a boyfriend at the time, but I knew that almost any man you introduced to this woman was going to jack off to her in the shower at least once.
I was perfectly polite to her on the surface. But I made sure to be extra passive-aggressive with her. I made catty comments about her clothes and jewelry that masqueraded as “compliments.” “That’s so pretty…I had one just like it in the nineties.” “You really make those earrings work.”
I interrupted stories that she was telling the group to remind people of a plan they all already knew. I would stop her mid-sentence as she asked me a question so that I could check my cell phone. I would pretend that I had forgotten facts about her life that she had told us three or four times.
She got the picture. She is very, very smart. But she didn’t show any signs that any of my bullshit bothered her. That, of course, made me even more irritated.
I found her so full of herself. A professional hypnotist…who was she kidding? She made it all sound so glamorous. Traveling all around the world. Collecting art. Building her own business. And the men. So many men! I would have called any other woman a liar, but when you look at her body and hear her sexy voice you know that the stories she tells are true.
She got so far under my skin, and I couldn’t get under hers, no matter how hard I tried. One night at a party I finally lost my cool. It was at Terry’s house, and everyone was there. This gorgeous young stud had drifted into her orbit and become captivated. He had to be at least ten years younger than me, and she is older than I am, so I confess I was jealous as hell. She was seated with those gorgeous legs of hers crossed so he could drink them in. He hovered over her for an hour, hanging on her every word, refreshing her drink, laughing at all of her jokes.
She summoned him down so that she could whisper in his ear. The look on his face as she did was priceless…a Norman Rockwell portrait of mixed fear and fascination. He helped her to her feet and they drifted out of the parlor down a corridor toward the bedrooms.
Some old fart was trying to flirt me up, but I hadn’t heard a word he was saying. I was too focused on her seduction of the young stud. When she snuck off with him I was disgusted. This is Terry’s party and Terry’s house, for fuck’s sake! Get his number and bang him on your own time and turf!
I gave them five minutes to get busy, then I excused myself from the old lech and went off in search. My plan was to open every door until I found the one they were humping behind. “Oh…I’m sorry…I was looking for the bathroom” always works as an excuse, never mind that I know Terry’s house better than I know my own by now.
I found them in Terry’s study. The room was dark, lit by a single lamp, but the scene wasn’t what I expected. He was laid out on a couch, a look on his face of pure bliss. He didn’t turn to notice me as I barged in. She was seated in a chair next to him, cradling his hand in her lap.
“Wh…what’s going on?” I stuttered, my bathroom excuse abandoned in my surprise.
“I’m hypnotizing my new friend,” she said, flashing a wicked smile. She didn’t seem at all surprised by my intrusion.
“Oh…he looks very relaxed,” I mumbled, failing to cover my embarrassment.
“He is,” she replied. “He is deep in trance. Would you like to try it sometime? I’d be happy to hypnotize you…friend to friend. It can be very therapeutic.”
“Uh….well…that is…maybe some other time…” I turned, fumbled for a moment with the doorknob, and fled the room. Making my excuses to Terry I left the party and raced home to drown my humiliation in red wine.
I was self conscious about running into her again, and skipped out on a few social plans with our friend group to avoid seeing her. After a week I finally had the nerve to go to a lunch date I knew she would be at. I was actually feeling contrite, and getting ready to apologize to her, but as I came to the table the hunky chef-owner of the restaurant was hovering over her the same way the young stud had done at the party the other night. Chef hunk had ostensibly come to check on the whole table (the other girls were already seated and had received drinks, I had been held up by traffic), but he had obviously come over to flirt with her and was laying the charm on very thick.
I saw red. All thought of apologizing was forgotten. I blew her an insincere air kiss and went back to being my usual bitchy self toward her.
To cap things off, after lunch was done, as I came out of the bathroom and exited the restaurant I passed them huddled in a secluded corner by the front register. She was leaning against the wall in a perfect “ravish me” pose, her tits thrust up so that he couldn’t possibly look away from them. He was leaning over her, practically drooling, and pleading in a desperate tone.
“I have to see you…don’t say no…please…” he whined.
“Well….Saturday is My birthday,” she breathed. “If you promise to be a good boy I will let you come over to My place and make Me brunch…”
She looked over as I passed just in time to see steam come out of my ears.
I was apoplectic with jealousy, and it got worse that Friday night. She showed up at sunset cocktails on the arm of the same young stud that she had hypnotized at Terry’s party. I was standing near the balcony of the patio bar as they came in.
They sat at a table for two and placed drink orders, then she noticed me staring daggers at her and leaned over to say something to him. I couldn’t hear what she said, but it obviously upset him. He flushed bright red and shook his head, protesting. What happened next stunned me. She slapped him across the face- not hard enough to leave a mark, but hard enough to make him wince and clutch his face in pain. As he did she shook her finger in his face like a nanny scolding a naughty child. I expected him to get up and storm out, but he just lowered his eyes meekly and nodded. I thought I could see a tear leak from his eye.
When the scolding was over she placed her hand over his and leaned forward, stroking his hand gently and whispering some words to him. He smiled shyly and nodded. Then she got up from the table and walked to the powder room.
Curiosity drove me over to the table. I approached tentatively and waved to catch his attention.
“You were at Terry’s party, weren’t you?” I interjected, offering my hand for him to shake. “Is it okay if I sit with you until your friend gets back?”
The young stud looked up at my greeting, all sign of his prior discomfort gone. He gestured for me to sit.
“I had the impression you two had met just the other night,” I said. “You guys have gotten pretty serious, huh?”
“I’ve never met anyone like the Goddess,” he replied.
“Goddess?” I blurted in disbelief.
“Yes…that’s what I call her,” he insisted. “Everything Goddess does…everything she says is so…so…magical….I’ve never felt so alive as when I’m with her, and when we’re apart I can’t stop thinking about her.”
“But she has a bit of a temper…” I observed.
“Did you see us just now?” he asked. “That was…that was nothing. She told me to do whatever another person…a woman…asked, and it made me a bit uncomfortable. I have to become better at obeying her.”
Obeying her? That was the last straw. I couldn’t stomach the thought of this hot young stud adoring her so intensely when she obviously didn’t return his feelings.
“There are things about her you don’t know,” I hissed, pulling out my cell phone. “Give me your number…”
“But….,” he protested.
“What can it hurt?” I asked. “She’ll never know. Give me your number, I promise you will not regret it.”
He hesitated, but seeing how insistent I was ready to be, he relented. He entered his number into my contacts and handed me back my phone. Just at that moment, she emerged from the bathroom and walked back to the table.
“Do you two know each other?” she asked.
“I recognized him from Terry’s party,” I explained. Gesturing to my phone, I continued, “I was hoping that I could take you up on your offer of a hypnosis session.”
“Oh, sure,” she replied. “Name a date and I’ll come to you.”
“I don’t want to make you make a house call,” I simpered sweetly. “Tell me where and I’ll come to your place…”
Once I had her address in my phone I had all that I needed.
I showed up at her condo late Saturday morning, right around time for brunch. Sure enough, there was a second car in the driveway, with the vanity plate “TopChef”. I called the number the young stud had put in my phone and got his voicemail. “I’m at your girlfriend’s place,” I said. “You should come by here now. There is something you have to see.”
I waited for twenty minutes. I called a second time. Still voicemail. Then I texted. After a half hour my patience had given way. I took a picture of “TopChef’s” car with my phone to show the young stud later. But that didn’t satisfy me. I wanted real evidence to show him just how badly he was being played.
I walked up to the front door on a crazy impulse and tried the door handle. It was open. I walked into her condo, which was very neatly arranged and beautifully decorated. I could hear sounds coming from inside, so I walked in the direction of the noise.
There were three of them in the big common room. She was stretched out on a divan, wearing black lingerie and black stiletto heels, looking as sexy as I had ever seen a woman look. In her hand was a glass of white wine.
The young stud and the hunky chef were in front of the divan, facing each other and showing her their sides. Both were naked, both looked to be in hypnotic trance. The young stud was on his knees, sucking wetly on the cock of the hunky chef. The hunky chef’s eyes were rolled back in his head and his mouth was open in a silly grin.
“Hi, sweetie,” she said as I walked in on the scene, surprised but not fazed. “I don’t remember booking a hypnosis session for you today.”
‘Freaking out’ does not nearly describe my emotional state. I was unhinged….lost. My mouth could not make words.
“I…uh….I’m sorry…..I thought….I will just….” I stuttered, completely unable to put together a coherent thought.
“It’s My birthday,” she explained nonchalantly, “so I am having My pets put on a little show for Me. Call me later and we can set up that hypnosis appointment.”
“Y…y…yes…” I spat, and ran out the door like I was being chased by wolves. As I ran I could hear the wet sounds of sucking continuing behind me.
I’ve been jittery for a couple of days, but I have gotten calmer now. My inner bitch obviously needed a spanking, and it got one. One thing I’ve learned for sure: Goddess is not merely my friend, she is my best friend. Not in the sense of “best buddies,” but in the sense of “supreme.” She is superior to everyone else in my life, including me.
How boring would my life be without her in it- stuck with nothing but the shallow, plastic dames that make up my social circle? Even before I discovered just how powerful Goddess is, she was the most interesting person I knew. Now that I’ve seen who she really is….I love her. Not in a sexual way…not yet. But like her hot young pet I can see the magic in everything she does.
I owe her a birthday gift. But what can I get her? I don’t trust that my taste is good enough for her. Perhaps I’ll just go over to her place and offer to do something for her. Anything that she wants me to do. Anything….
The End
Happy Birthday Glorious Goddess Marquesa!
Happy Goddess Day to all the readers of H-E! Remember to show your love for Goddess Marquesa, today and every day!
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