Lady Languorie looked out into the London night in the small guest house on Hampstead Heath. Her large, lovely, eagle-eyed orbs looked over the Towers of the City of London, St Paul’s cathedral. and the thrusting edifice at canary wharf. She had adopted the name of the character in one of Her special hypno-movies. A cool, alluring, dominant Lady always dressed to impress in the sleekest black satin dresses. In reality, She was The Leading Lady in a project designed to entrance the planet to Her Female dominant wiles through hypnotic movies. Indeed “Mesmercom inc” was growing rapidly, spreading from Los Angeles in the US to Milan, Paris, Beijing, Tokyo, Barcelona, and of course London. Great Britain’s capital was still a key financial center. And therefore, it was a place Lady Languorie should see and entrance.
Lady Languorie had a beautiful, cultured, intelligent, and completely captivating niece-lullania Languorie. Along with doing Her best to ensure Her beloved niece’s happiness, She correctly saw it as a key opportunity to romantically intertwine her niece with Piers Longhorn. Piers was the son and heir of the boss of “Terramedia” the biggest global cable and wireless network on the globe. This visionary corporation was a pioneer and key player in the ongoing development of ultra-real computer games with scenarios so realistic that frequently one could not tell where the space between the shore of reality and the ocean of enhanced digital fantasy was.
She knew Piers had been having doubts–despite the fact that She, Lady Languorie, had consistently mesmerized him to yield to his natural inclinations to want to marry Her first prize catch of a niece. [Lady Languorie’s conclusion was thanks to Her highly perceptive intuition and other effective information gathering and analysis methods.) He was becoming recently wayward however, despite Her conditioning from the day that She had put this dear boy into such a wonderful, hypnotic sleep. She remembered smiling as his droopy eyes drifted into his sweet, young forehead as She traced gentle circles on his temples. His head finally fell softly into Her silken bosom. She chuckled mischievously as She recalled how his body went so limp, how it shuddered slightly as She successfully and successively induced irresistibly deeper sleep, and the spell of his sweet relaxation deepened. Despite Her acquired, cold, calculating nature what She had allowed to remain of Her heart still melted when She recalled this moment. “Such a sweet, young man….” She mused almost maternally.
But now to work. Dreams coming true of global media domination triumphed as She picked up the telephone and dialed the bridegroom’s suite in the Hotel Sedadorm off Regent Street.
Piers was restless. He was unsure of all this. Despite being sure he loved Lullania he still had doubts or cold feet or something was unnerving him. He was only twenty-two. Why couldn’t he play the field more?
He went over his previous times of impending marital ambivalence. Every time his uneasiness surfaced he was for some reason or other invited into her Aunts home. Come to think of it, it seemed that every time they went over there Lullania had to retire to bed earlier than anyone else. And every time rather than leaving on his own, her Aunt always arranged transport home for him or allowed him to stay in a separate room. And every time as the next morning broke, he seemed re-convinced that the marriage would be right, perfect.
So When the phone rang and it was Aunt Languorie saying that She knew he was restless and that She was concerned at how he had been recently, he wanted to tell her to leave him alone. Nevertheless, inexplicably he could only acquiesce when She said She needed to talk to him “Right now young man!”
The knock on the door was firm. Piers felt restless and disheveled. He answered it and Lady Languorie swept in and stood before him. The moment She entered he sat on the edge of the bed as if bludgeoned by the sheer feminine forcefulness that stood in front of him.
“Piers Longhorn, what is the meaning of your wakefulness and disheveled state at this hour? is it true what I instinctively feel about your apparent doubts about marrying My niece? Tell me the truth, Piers, you know I will discover it. So tell Me! Tell! Me!!”
Her still quite attractive figure came closer. With Her last step Lady Languorie was towering over him. He noted every surprisingly appealing feature from head to toe . The dominant yet alluring and somehow soothing eyes partly hidden by Her hat and laced veil. Her full lips, stern but somehow sensually compelling. But it was Her dress and adornments that took his breath away.
She wore a one-piece charmeuse satin gown that hugged Her shapely figure like a satin glove. The dress fell open in a v shape to tantalise the viewer with an image of mature but firm, soft breasts. The valley between them was straddled by a pair of pearl necklaces. Below them the immaculately preserved, smooth, satin finish dipped seductively below Her bosom and tightened at Her waist wrapped in a bejewelled belt with a silver heart-shaped locket that swung gently whenever She spoke. Below this was an ocean of the most soft and mesmerizing sea of smooth, reflective, black satin he had ever seen. Every time She moved it was like a stone being cast into an enchanted pond of silken delight with concentric ripples drifting hypnotically out from Her perfectly shaped hips.
He was transfixed and She knew it. She had been in this power position before. How well She knew exactly what to do with and to and for him as his confused eyes flickered in the light of the lamp by the bed.
“You don’t need to answer Piers, My little love. My dear, sweet, darling boy, you know what the dress means don’t you? And the locket too. Yesss, the locket!”
She rocked Her hips. And as She did, Her long, prettily manicured, exquisitely experienced fingers opened the heart-shaped locket. This act of alluring revealed a scintillating delight of a myriad of rays of light. Each dancing across his eyes as they watched in wonder. Her hips rocked back and forth carrying the light with them.
“Yesss, you remember the first time don’t you My sweet, little Piers? When you were ill and soooo tired and unwell. And I took you up to My special room and tucked you into bed. And I urged you , compelled you, softly lulled you to sleeeep!”
She saw the entrancement as the lulling locket in it’s full glory stayed swaying before his droopy, tiring, drowsier eyes. She knew that he had a fetish for satin and sensual sleep. Despite all his efforts, he would not be able to resist her will. She placed one soft, silken gloved hand behind his neck and masterfully massaged those areas where the messages to the brain sensually and beautifully mix the urge to close dreamy eyes with a sense of unfettered and uninhibited arousal. He was Hers. She loved it as his eyes feebly fought in vain their inevitably loosing battle with the irresistible urge to obey Her directives. The urge to close in satin-embraced, dreamy slumber was unstoppable. All he was now capable of was to keep on yearning To fall between Her hips pillowed by Her wonderfully dominant yet protective, sweet womanhood. She saw “THAT SMILE” come completely across his face as he grew sleeeeepier and sleeepier. And She also saw that welcomed growing bulge in his skimpy underwear as Her hands slipped soothingly yet arousingly downwards.
A few minutes later, his head fell dreamily into Her dreamy thighs. “That´s right, sleeeeep. Sleeeeep! My wonderful, dearest, darling boy. My tired, little man, sleeeeeeep is all you need to do is obey Aunty Languorie’s suggestions. Rest, My sleepy little dearest love.”
He smiled more. He relished these words. he was dimly aware of those wonderful hips as they slid back and forth before him. He was inraptured, transfixed…..
There was another knock at the door, one of the bridesmaids burst in and looked in panic at lady Languorie.
“What have you done to him?” she said. “What are you doing?”
Lady Languorie calmly smiled and compellingly motioned her to sit next to luscious love spellbinding Languorie’s soon to be son-in-law. As the young lady complied with Her unspoken request, Lady Languorie nonchalantly turned away and quickly poured a few drops of a pleasingly aromatic substance onto Her satin gloved hand. The subtly fragrant elixir flowed forth from a bottle labelled “Lavender Lullaby ” She had secreted in one of Her slinky gown’s hand-embroidered pockets. Due to Her mesmerizing ministrations and mind-molding massages, aphrodisiacal attraction to this sensual scent was witchingly imprinted irresistibly into Piers Longhorn’s inner man-hood which was wonderfully pliable, increasingly receptive, astoundingly responsive, and stimulatingly obedient to Her every whim and slightest wish.
As She began to respond to but not answer the bridesmaid’s questions, Lady Languorie slowly approached the frightened looking girl. When She was practically close enough to reach out and rest Her satin-suathed hands upon the pretty, nervous girl’s still slightly trembling knees, Languorie held the glove a few scant inches from her face. The girl’s eyes first looked confused, then relaxed.
Lady Languorie slowly stood up and seemingly casually waved the locket in the seated woman’s face. As Languorie did most of their talking, within minutes the young girl’s eyes began to drift into her head. “Sleep now, My child. Sleep as you too breathe the fragrance of forgetfulness.”
Soon lady Languorie faced the two consciously sleepier, young things on the bed.
“Piers” She said commandingly. “You will outwardly be a devoted husband to My niece. But you will secretly continue to desire Me and you will keep on doing My bidding. Whenever I call, you shall feel such sensual stimulations.” Piers nodded then nodded off.
“You My fragrant, young one, you will also come when I call because you shall always enjoy being in My presence.”
Now outwardly prim and proper Lady Languorie’s mind gave in to one of Her body’s most lascivious desires yet. “Why have pleasure for two when three will do even more!”
The young girl nodded. Lady Languorie put away the tools of Her mesmerizing trade. With a triumphant look laced with wicked wantonness She sultrily said, “They say that threes a crowd. But I like to experience life from all perspectives. And while I’m at it, continue ensuring our media domination of the planet is enhanced. Night, night for now, piersy-pooos.”
While eyeing Her girlish catch of the day, She blew the seemingly sleeping male a kiss. The smile on his face got broader as the bulge in his pants got bigger.
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