This is not a real story. It is a comic book story located in a setting far away from the Marvel Universe or DC Earth II. It is set in M (Marquesa’s) World.
The Heroine of this piece is “The Black Cat,” a beautiful blond crime fighter. She is a thief. She is a liar. She is cunning, powerful, beautiful and devious. She dresses in skin-tight black sexy vinyl, a shapely shadow that stalks the streets of the “M” World for sexual prey.
High above the darkened street on the roof top of the Feline Building, a burglar was breaking into the luxurious offices of T.I. Gress, the mysterious lady owner and CEO of Feline Industries.
Luckily for Her—and most definitely not for him—T.I. had forgotten a package in Her office and had returned late in the night to pick it up. Little did he know that he had chosen the offices of the Black Cat. Her daytime alter ego was, in fact, T.I. Gress, the wealthy entrepreneur and owner of Feline Industries.
The burglar had chosen Gress’ office after he had seen Her photo in the society page of the newspaper showing off the cat’s eye ring that She had just purchased. The paper had said the ring was purported to have magical powers and had been found in a tomb in Egypt that had long ago been broken into. All that he knew was that it looked expensive. He could fence it for a lot of cash.
From the top of the building he listened to see if any guards were patrolling and, when he heard none, he jimmied a roof fire exit door to gain access to the building. As he entered the office marked “T.I. Gress” he carefully looked around the office. Closed circuit security cameras were recording the robbery from multiple angles but his dark ski mask hid his face.
He walked over to the wall safe which was open and unlocked. He felt a tingle on the back of his neck and came fully alert.
“Was this a trap!?”
Suddenly a voice came from behind him. “Well, well. What have we here? A clumsy burglar? What are you looking for My pet?” It was a soft, lilting feminine voice.
“Who are you? Where are you?” he stuttered.
The Black Cat, now in costume after hearing Her intruder, sauntered gracefully toward the startled would-be thief. She had many costumes but the one She had just put on was black form-fitting spandex. The shiny, snug fabric accentuated Her perfect—or should we say purr-fect—body.
Her firm, shapely calves, full hips, slim waist and full large firm breasts were visible beneath the spandex. Her nipples were hard and prominent, clearly showing through the tight fitting costume. She wore a pair of glistening smooth black leather boots.
She was indeed a True Super Heroine! . . . all the Heroine any man could ever desire, but much more than any man could ever handle!
The Black Cat slinked ever closer till they nearly touched. He felt himself sweating with Her irresistible exotic feminine scents and perfume weakening his will.
He tried to back away but was blocked by the wall. The Black Cat slowly reached out with Her delicately sexy black-gloved hand and stroked his blushing cheek. Her hand drifted down across his chest till it briefly teased the contents beneath the fabric at his crotch. His cock instantly came to life, stifling what little resistance was left in his head. His legs gave way and he fell to the floor, landing on his knees before Her.
For just a moment his head was mere inches from Her sex. There on his knees, the 6’3″ bandit’s head was level with Her pussy. She laughed and stepped back from Her new prisoner.
“Well, My little pet, why did you come here?”
“Please, please lady,” he stuttered, unable to think clearly with Her so near. He looked up at the open safe, then at Her, then back to the safe. “I came to steal T.I. Gress’ new cat’s eye ring but I guess you got it before I had the chance Black Cat.”
The blond in the sensual cat suit laughed again. The stupid man on his knees had no idea that Gress and the Black Cat were one and the same.
“Well, My pet, you are right! I am wearing the ring right now,” She said as She waved in before his startled eyes. “You seem, however, to be a pretty fair cat burglar yourself, My little man. You are perhaps a bit clumsy but you could be trained. Would you like to work for Me?”
Now sure that the Black Cat was not going to turn him in to the police, the kneeling thief was regaining some of his composure. ”I’m not your little man. I’m not anyone’s little man! I am Lance Harrington—Master Thief!” He stood up with his 6’3″ frame dwarfing the 5′ Black Cat. “In fact, I think I’ll take that little bauble from you, my dear, and get out of here. I don’t think there is anything you can do to stop me, my little kitten.”
The Cat tensed Her firmly muscled body and did a back flip away from Harrington. Part karate, part gymnastics, the sensuous move caught him off guard.
Now, a few feet away, the sexy feline spoke to him again. “I think it is too late for that. Perhaps you don’t know the story of this cat’s eye ring. It once belonged to Cleopatra when She enslaved and entranced Marc Antony and Caesar. It was stolen from Her one night and you remember Her sad story ended with an asp.
“But not the story of the ring. From time to time it has popped up in the hands of powerful Women in history: Marie Antoinette, Guinevere, Mata Hari—all had the ring, gained power, lost the ring and died. The Black Cat intends to keep the ring and the mystical power it holds deep in its eye.”
“Oh yeah, cat bitch, let’s see what you can do to stop me!” he said as he rushed toward Her.
Normally the Black Cat would have used Her martial arts or aerial skills to escape such a large attacker but now She wanted to experiment with the ring. She raised Her black-gloved hand and pointed a closed fist toward Lance, exposing the cat’s stone to his view. A greenish-blue light seemed to emanate from the core of the ring and She directed it straight into his eyes.
Lance was struck by the ray as he was reaching for Her throat. Suddenly he stopped, his face went blank and his arms dropped to his sides. There he stood, transfixed before Her. The Black Cat continued to focus the ray of light into the entranced burglar’s eyes.
“Now, My little man, do you believe the story of the ring? Do you feel your will to resist Me draining away? And you feel My power over you growing!”
“Growing,” the thief agreed.
“You feel Me gaining complete control over your mind and body.”
“My mind and body.”
“You are becoming a slave to the Black cat!”
“slave,” he said as he again fell to his knees before the all-powerful Cat Woman.
“Now, My little pet, would you like to work for Me?”
Silently, obediently, he nodded his head.
“Well, shit-for-brains, you had your chance. Now you must show Me,” She said imperiously, “clean My boots!” She extended Her leather booted foot toward him and he went to all fours and immediately began licking and kissing her precious boots.
“The bottoms are dirty too,” She said as She turned Her foot to expose the underside, pressing the leather sole to his face. he licked lavishly, cleaning the dirty bottom of Her boot as a smile of triumph beamed from under the Black Cat’s cowl.
“Stand up!” She commanded.
Like a raw recruit standing before a nasty drill sergeant lance leapt to attention.
“Unless your Mistress tells you differently, you should always be naked when in My presence!”
Quickly he removed his clothes and stood naked before his new Owner. She reached out and stroked his cheek as his cock rose to full erection.
“Oh . . . I see I do have an effect on you, slave boy,” She said as Her gloved hand brushed across his hot, rock-hard cock. She rummaged around in a desk drawer in the room looking for just the right tools. Ah yes . . . two forks left over from a carry-out lunch—plastic, but sturdy. Again She turned Her attention to Her entranced slave.
Even in his entranced state fear began to show in his face. It was a good idea to be afraid! She used the forks to scrape his balls (or scrotum). One. Two. First with Her left hand, then with Her right. Scratch. Cut. Scrape. Deep in his mind he was grateful She hadn’t found knives as squeals of Her laughter filled the room.
“Now,” She commanded, “show Me your fanny!”
Immediately he fell to the floor, head on the carpet and his ass raised high up in the air. The Fabulous Feline unclipped the buckle on Her black leather utility belt and doubled it over in Her hands.
She lashed his ass time and again with the black leather strap.
The belt whistled through the air, each hit raising a perfect red welt.
“Oh you naughty slave boy, you aren’t thanking Me.”
“Thank You Mistress.”
“Thank You Mistress.”
“Oh Thank You, most kind and noble Mistress.”
Again and again and again, the Black Cat whipped Her lucky, obedient slave. Never once did She cut his skin or bring blood, but each stroke of the black leather belt raised yet another painful stripe. She was indeed an expert in the gloriously erotic and sensual torture of the leather strap. The sensuous pain felt so good to him as the belt made contact with his raw ass.
“Thank You!”
“Thank You!”
“Thank You!”
The slave was indeed grateful for the lesson he was receiving from such a beautiful and superior Female. he knew he was getting what he deserved and he felt pleasure and an odd sense of relief each time the leather belt made contact with his reddening ass.
Okay, My pet, let’s see you stand up again,” She said.
As ordered, harrington struggled to his feet, his cock still as erect and hard as ever—he obviously didn’t need viagra to get an erection in the presence of this glorious Female! Even through the pain the sensuous closeness of the Black Cat so affected him that he was completely full of desire for Her . . . his only real thoughts were of his desire to please Her.
Once again the costumed Heroine rummaged through a desk drawer looking for just the right tool.
And again She found just what She was looking for. It was a pair of rough leather work gloves—black, like Her costume.
“Put these on, My pet!” She commanded.
Without a moment’s hesitation the entranced, grateful slave obeyed his Mistress’ command.
“Now stroke it for Me,” She said.
He wrapped his hand around his cock, his column of joy and then first slowly and with an ever-increasing pace he stroked his (or was it Hers?) hard, hot erection. Each stroke reddened his engorged stick, making it more and more raw. But this pain was now, of course, a great pleasure to our lowly creature . . . the lowly slut slave who only lived to bring happiness to his most glorious Mistress.
As he jacked off, She teased his nipples with Her gloved hands and whispered into his ear, Her hot breath exciting him even more. he had never experienced such an erotic experience in his life, his body tingled from the top of his head to the tip of his toes as this magnificent Woman was kind enough to touch his worthless body as he stroked away on the useless thing sticking out from between his legs.
“Keep pulling on that useless little thing, My slave,” She said. “you love being My slave. you will do My bidding—whatever it may be—as long as I desire it, My pet. Just keep pulling . . . keep stroking . . . that’s a good little slut slave.
The slave was sweating and groaning but he heard every word his Mistress whispered into his ear.
She continued, “you are mine . . . your body . . . your mind . . . yes, even your soul. you will steal what I tell you to steal. you will live only to serve Me, your beautiful, powerful blonde Goddess.”
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