Dear Krystal,

Like I told you some days ago, when I saw you on the net, all my past was moving in front of me, because when I was a child I was dreaming about a lady with a soft voice and soft legs. I was interesting by surrender too but too young to understand what it was.
When I saw you, surrender and the lady were here in the same time! It was impossible for me to believe in. It is strange, normaly, a child is playing with other childs! But I was dreaming about you and surrender! And you are now, not when I was child.

I speak about you often with women. With a man it is difficult because they don’t understand what is wonderizm. There are many female (Elena Beloff is a good hypnotist certainly) but they are not you. There is a big difference.
You are hypnosis, your spirit is hypnosis. And it is important, it seems you like people you hypnotise. You have respect.
And you are creative. Your work is nice and precise.
I want to divide up your site with friends, but very difficult in France.

In france, there are hypnotism and sophrologie, two different things. In america, it seems like the same thing!

Here sophrologie is everywhere but hypnosis not.

I made sophrologie many years and was good for me. I saw a lot of creative pictures with it. With hypnosis, it is difficult for me.

When I see a girl hypnotised by you, it is like a gift for me. It is so soft, so nice, so quiet, so wonderful.

At the TV, there is hypnosis in france, but everybody don’t beleive in, and smile. The only persons I speak about it are… Hypnotists, for relaxation.

Thank you Krystal