A Story set in 2012
So how come an English guy like me ends up teaching in America? Well it is a long story. It started in the 1990s. I started exchanging emails with Krystal. She had a website and started writing stories for her website. In return she would give me free copies of her video and audio hypnosis recording she made. I loved them! her voice was just so smooth and relaxing, and she had this lovely soft American accent. Gradually as I kept listening I became more and more gravitated towards Krystal. I would go out like a light for her! I gradually became more and more friendly with Her. At first she was a bit reluctant to get too close to me, as I lived so far away, and had a fiancée, and while my fiancée lived quite a way from me, I did see her every weekend. Gradually though Krystal realised that this fiancée didn’t give me what I really needed and desired – deep hypnosis by a skilled and talented hypnotist! She also realised how very deeply I was falling under her spell and how sincere I was in my admiration for her.
Eventually she did a one-to-one induction on me by phone. It was lovely! We kept in contact by a daily email. We also arranged for “our time”, when, come what may, we would always have time for each other, and I would phone her and she could weave her magic on me again. For me, it was 10pm on Sundays, after my daughter had gone to sleep. For her it was 2pm on Sunday afternoon, being in California she was 8 hours behind me in the UK.
She finally let me see her on her web-cam in 2010, and I was struck how beautiful she really was. She had showed me some pictures she had of herself, and they were lovely, but I had suspected that they might have been years old. Now I could see for myself that they were not, and that she really was an extraordinarily beautiful lady.
By this time I was deeply in love with her, and often her trances would emphasis this. She would say things like, –
“You are deeply in love with me. You long for me. I am your Krystal. You must obey me. You would do anything for me. Anything my little heart desired. You are mine, all mine.” Krystal gave me a pet name, she starting calling me her “pup”.
When I first met her, I was very tied to the UK, as I had a daughter who was coming up to being a teenager. I had joint custody of her. This meant that she stayed at my house three or four nights a week. It was such a shame having these long summer holidays and not really being able to go anywhere, and my ex was such an unhelpful sod, if I wanted to change these arrangements. I figured if I couldn’t go away to have a nice long summer holiday, I could pay for Krystal to come here, and help me enjoy it here. I made arrangements with her, paid for the tickets and arranged for them to be sent to her address in California.
It was about this time I finished with my fiancée. This was painful in a way, as we had been together for a long time, but she had turned down several requests to move in with me, and eventually I had gotten bored with her.
The Great Day finally came when Krystal flew in to the UK. I can remember waiting for her and running to meet her and hugging and kissing her. She knew that I had “a thing” about female bottoms, and she was wearing a tight pair of black slacks. I was touched that she had put them on for me. After hugging for a while, she tapped me on my shoulder and said “Come on, lets get my luggage.” I followed her down the corridor to the luggage return, my eyes glued on her lovely bum swaying side to side as we walked. It seemed to be saying to me “Don’t forget I wear the trousers….”
She saw her suitcase, recognised it, and bent down to get it off the convey belt. I admired her lovely bum as she bent down, and thought that all my Christmases had come together. Her “pup” certainly had a “bone” at this point.
We walked together to the car, and she remarked on the cool English weather. I agreed and said that I would buy her a coat next day, and some thicker clothes. So the next day I took her shopping, and had the pleasure once again of admiring her lovely backside as I followed her round all the clothes shops in town. She eventually settled on a nice long coat, a nice tight pair of jeans and a nice trouser suit in case she wanted to look smart.
I easily feel into the routine of waiting on her hand and foot. I had been used to looking after my daughter in such a fashion, so it was easy to switch my attention to her. I wondered how she would get on with my daughter, although I wasn’t that worried, as Krystal had such great understanding about people. As it happened, they got on like a house on fire. Krystal never tried to dominate her or hypnotize her. At the time Sarah was having her first boyfriend, and Krystal gave her advice on how to handle him. You could say that Krystal made her more dominant, but actually Sarah was quite a dominant person anyway.
Not that Sarah was with us all the time of course. In the days when Sarah was not with us, I took Krystal on little trips around Britain, a few nights here, a few nights there. I took her to London; staying at a little cheap hotel my former fiancée had introduced me to.
During the Christmas break, I managed to arrange for Sarah to be with me the second week and for her to be with my ex and her family the first week. This allowed Krystal and I to go back to California. I enjoyed meeting her family at last, and having a Family Christmas with them.
Sarah stayed a while us, and then returned to England. She was by this time studying to become a teacher in England. She had got the taste for bossing little primary school kids around, and wanted to do it full time.
Eventually Sarah grew up. I can remember Krystal whispering in my ear one night “Come and live with me in California. You can work as a substitute teacher there. Sarah doesn’t need you to live with her all the time anymore. You have done far more than your duty in looking after her. Come to California with me. You long to be part of a family. Join my family and me. Both your parents are dead, but my mother can be your mother. Help me look after her.”
I couldn’t argue with logic like that. That is how I came to be teaching in California. I still keep in touch with Sarah by phone, email and telephone and we holiday in England every year. I am blissfully happy and eternally grateful to my lovely Krystal, or, should I say, wife.
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