It’s a quiet and soft evening
as i lay down on my bed
the player sitting on the nightstand
and the earphones on the pillow
The doors are closed
The curtains are drawn
And i am alone
i lay there on the bed
my manhood engorging itself
with ideas of its own
on what is to come…
i put on the earphones and lay back
The last of the ‘world’ is gone
and now i am not alone.
She is here now
Her sweet seductive tones
seduce my senses
the bewitching beauty
boldly boasts of bringing me here
with the last few moments
She playfully teases , torments, and titillates me
sleep comes now
the simple sleep She suggests
the seductive sleep She speaks softly of
the world turns
time passes
i awake to find the lace the way i left it
accept i am spent
and my Goddess is happy
when i try to think about what happened
i find a can not
but my body remembers…
my pulse pounding through my pleasure pole
the waves of passion and contraction
sending the seed soaring through space
my member moving methodically
to a beat She intoned
now Her hopeless little cum slut
with his daily offering.
Author – aladystoy
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