He was exhausted from so much walking, the tourist center people had taken his details and booked him into a little guest house.
He was a little worried because he had stayed at guest houses before in England and found those who offered “A peaceful stay in our family home” to be utter control freaks, wanting to know everything about their “Guest” (Really victim) and acting like the person filling their pockets by paying for this “Nosey parker” torture,
probably undeclared as taxable income-was some kind of alien. The images from the British comedy “League of Gentleman” of the “Local Shop” proprietress came to mind “Don’t touch the pretty things” when the “Pretty things” in question were usually bought cheaply from some dreadful second hand store. The woodworm ridden “Tastefully polished teak desk” was probably some worm ravaged veneered pinewood nightmare bought from some dump with a name like “Reminisces” for five English pounds.
When he arrived and the door was opened by a very tall stern young woman he thought his worst fears were realised. She had dark raven hair and wore a stunning strapless black satin gown….
He remembered that when he booked this room he was asked, via the proprietress what sort of material he would like his sheets to be. He, having a little fetish for this material replied “Satin”
The young lady of about 27 years of age beckoned him into a room and unlocked the door.
“Here is your room” she said with a cold cut glass English voice.
The vision that he encountered on entering took his breath away. It was tastefully furnished but what struck his eye and sent an oh so sleeepy erotic message from his optic nerve to his brain was the bed. Bed, it was more like a vision of a million silken heavens. Every sheet and cover was formed of sumptuous luxurious soft black charmeuse satin. Like a pair of inanimate yet sensual loving silken arms wanting to enwrap the viewer in satin bliss and transport them to wonderful silky satin dreamland.
He gasped as he saw it. … He felt a certain stirring in his loins as he saw it, his guide clearly saw all of this and said….
“The Mistresssss of the hotel will see you later….”
When she left he simply bounded up to the silken splendorous bed , stripped himself of all clothes and slept. He developed the biggest “Hard on” ever but still slept rocked by sumptuous silken fabric to sleeep, sleeeeeeeep.
“Hello darling” he heard this voice once or twice and stirred to see the most wonderful vision before him.
Before him and above him was a lady with soft silken slightly yellowy blonde tresses. The sort of tresses that he simply wanted to rest his tired head against as he felt so sleepy still.
This lady was wearing a wonderfully soft charmeuse satin blouse which undulated like sweet waves in an ocean of relaxation as they flowed over her voluminous mesmerizing silken breasts.
Between these breasts was a glittering jewelled pendant that sent soothing scintillas of light everywhere and especially into this lady’s face,. the stern yet caring eyes were a wonderful emerald shade, looking down in him lovingly-hypnotically.
“Sir I understand from our tourism center that you are a bit of an insomniac and whilst
I can see that you have slept a desperate sleep of exhaustion ,it could mean that you don’t sleep well during the night when you really need your resssst, sssso I and my niece have come to help you into restful sssleeep, I am lady Krystal Mesmer darling and soooo pleased to make your acquaintance”
At this point he sat bolt upright, deep down he longed for the sleep these ladies suggested but felt that he had to act “Normally”
As if reading his mind Lady Mesmer laid a hand on his shoulder, her niece produced a violin, her silken hips so close beckoned his head to rest.
“My niece will play the Brahms lullaby for you my darling” Lady Mesmer said “I will simply lull you and it won’t be hard because you have just woken from our pre -prepared little silken nap”
“Pre pre-pared” he thought, what were they talking about, but as the first gentle notes of the Brahms lullaby wafted out of the violin he felt less able to care.
“Look at my pendant my angel. Hear the soft lilting lulling soothing notes of the best and oldest sleeep inducing song in the world-watch in time to looking at my glittering sensual pendant set between breasts clad in the softest satin waving back and forth, back and forth my sweet one swayiiing you, swaaaying you softly to satin fairy dreamy-bye land, eyes closing soffftly closing soooftly closing”
“You feel my nieces soft satin skirt rocking softly back and forth next to your sleepy head, ressst on that skirt my little one, let your tired head loll upon the silkenly heavenly thighs as you hear hear sweet lullabies my darling, rest , ressst , ressst.
His face fell helplessly against the black satin skirt, he felt silken soothing fingers then propel his sleepy head into the soft satin clad voluminously voluptuous and dreamily languorous satin clad breasts of lady Mesmer, he felt deft feminine nails caress his neck, he relaxed like a rag doll as his head nestled against Lady Mesmer’s perfumed satin clad bosoms, he felt his manhood rise as in lady Mesmer’s sweetly loving silken arms he was hypnotized-he knew he would worship this sweet, stern yet soothing Los Angeles Goddess forever and no matter how he tried to escape, that sweetly swishing blonde hair, that dark satin bosom, that sweeet maternally languorous sensually soothing deep gentle, restful yet subtly controlling voice would languorously and languidly lull him to deep restful sleepy orgasmic heaven for evermore….
Lady Mesmer tiptoed out of the room with her niece ..
“We got another one honey but I want him first”
Her Niece looked a little fed up
Lady Mesmer said “Hell you provided the background music but his little orchestra is gonna play for the both of us angel you mark my words and if we keep him in sleepy -sexy heaven for his vacation then all our dreams will cum true!!
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