You may have read this writer’s work on other sites where he has made a reputation both notorious and deserved. Keep reading, and look for the final chapter sometime soon!
“Honey, there is something I must tell you,” Jackson Hill began.
“It’s very important.”
“What’s that, my love?” Jillian replied.
“I can no longer have sex with you.”
“Why? Don’t you love me any more?”
“I do still love you, but you can no longer arouse me sexually.”
“Don’t you find my body sexy?”
“Your body is fine, dear. You are very pretty.”
“Then what is it? Why can’t you have sex with me?”
“Only Mistress Marquesa can arouse me now. She is the only one.”
“Only the voice and image of Mistress Marquesa can arouse me, and it
is only by Her command that i may experience orgasm.”
“I don’t understand. What are you trying to say??”
“Mistress Marquesa owns me sexually now. She controls my penis, and
my sexuality. i can only respond to Her – to Her voice, to Her beauty.”
“I don’t know what to say, I feel so terrible. This is so SUDDEN! Do
you love Her?”
“i do not need to love Her. i belong to Her. She has explained to me
that this is enough. i want to belong to Her. She has explained to me
that this is what i want, and i can see She is right. It is perfect.”
“She has EXPLAINED to you?”
“Yes, and i trust Her. i believe Her, and i think – no, i KNOW She is
right. She is always right about me.”
“Always right? How can you say that?? I thought I knew you so well.
I thought you knew YOURSELF!”
“She understands me deeply, and She knows the inner truth about me.
She knows what i want better than i do. She knows what is deep down inside
me. She understands me better than you or i ever can.”
“How long have you known this Mistress what’s-Her-name?”
“i have known Her as long as i need to, and She has known me forever,
it seems. She has explained to me that She understands me. And i know She
is right.”
“Then I guess it’s over between us. Is that what you’re saying?”
“No, that’s not what i’m saying. i’m simply saying i cannot have sex
with you, unless my Mistress commands it. Only by Her choice can i be
aroused by any other woman.”
“Then maybe I should talk with Her. She sounds like quite a woman.”
“Yes, She is. She is all that, and more.”
“Then I’ll definitely have to meet Her. If I have to fight it out
with Her, then that’s what I’ll do.”
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