As Mark entered the office he couldn’t help but notice the large portrait of Mistress Harriot, of the Harriot School for Young Men. It occupied most of one wall of the office. As he approached it almost seemed to light up, coming strangely to life, glowing so that Harriot’s dark, intense and fascinating eyes looked straight at him. Her face was stunningly beautiful – in a stern, fierce, commanding sort of way.
Mark met the portrait’s gaze coolly enough but even this confident, arrogant young man found himself ever so slightly unnerved to think that very shortly she would be right there in this very room talking to him. It made him shudder! He had been told about her reputation from his father – but Harriot in the flesh . . .awesome, hypnotic, mysterious, if this portrait was any indication – might be something else again. He warned himself to be on guard.
As nightfall approached he sat in her office, awaiting her arrival. Mark was 19. He had been tossed out of five very prestigious colleges – not for grades but for behavior – a tough task in the 90s.
He was bright, young and rich. He stood to inherit his father’s vast fortune if he graduated from college, any college! This might be his last chance so he sat awaiting her appearance for this evening’s appointment.
The door opened. She entered.
She was tall – maybe 5′ 10″ or 5′ 11″ – just an inch or two shorter than Mark. Her long, silken red hair hung loose . . . almost to her waist. Her skin was pale and flawless. She had sexy, full red lips.
But her eyes . . . her eyes!
He couldn’t tear his eyes away from hers. He wanted to . . . he tried very hard to . . . but he couldn’t . . . he was unable to look away. He was held by the powerful, almost magnetic, pull of her gorgeous, seemingly all-knowing eyes.
“Your parents have sent you here to complete your degree work so you may assume the reins of the family company. I can help you get your B.S. but you must do exactly as I instruction while you are here. Do you think you can do this?”
Mark felt nervous. He was actually sweating and trembling but still unable to look away from Mistress Harriot’s eyes. He couldn’t speak. As she continued to look into – no through – Mark, her eyes bore into his with an intensity which left him almost paralyzed.
“I said, ‘Mr. Johnson, do you think you can do this?'”
He snapped back to consciousness, “Uh . . . uh-h-h, yes . . . I think so!”
“Well you better be sure because discipline here can be described as rigorous. It was good for your father, he graduated from here, you know.:
Mark hadn’t known his dad went to school here. He had never mentioned it at home.
She continued, “We teach very much in a Victorian manner. You will be assigned a teaching assistant who will monitor your behavior and attitude constantly. You will learn to respect and obey her. Stand up now Mark and be introduced to Mistress Karen.”
Mark stood as a lovely blond woman entered the room. She was only a couple of years older than he. And she was stunning!
She looked like one of those super models. Her hair was long, sexy, and very blond. She was just slightly shorter than Mistress Harriot and her exquisitely shaped body was far superior to most of the women he had seen in men’s magazines.
She was dressed in a way that showed off nearly everything that she had – not like a hooker, but like a strong, sensuous, commanding female. Her clothes were tasteful, expensive and very, very sexy. She wore a white silk blouse, open to show off just a bit of her magnificent cleavage. Her black skirt was at calf length but there was a slit in each side to allow movement of her long, graceful, well-muscled legs.
Out loud he muttered, “Oh my god, wow!”
Instantly Mistress Harriot stepped over to Mark and slapped him hard across the face.
His face stung and tears came to his eyes as he turned toward the Head Mistress and lifted his hand as if to return the blow.
Quickly Karen grabbed his hand and Harriot reached up and grabbed his chin in Her surprisingly strong grip. She forced his face around so his eyes were looking into hers once again.
“Don’t look away from me Mark! Lift your head and look deeply into my eyes! Now! I control your body and your mind!”
Her eyes reached into his brain . . . he felt it . . . he knew what was happening. Somehow She was putting him under Her power. Staring into Mistress Harriot’s eyes did it. It put him under Her spell. It made him powerless, it made him helpless before Her. He wanted to look away and break Her spell but it was impossible. He couldn’t look away. She had him. All he could do was look at her powerful eyes . . . he wanted to look into those wonderful, beautiful, fantastically dominant eyes . . . forever, if possible . . . he was helpless . . . totally helpless . . . !
Her voice was all he could hear . . . “your mind is totally open now to My commands . . . you are totally entranced.”
She continued to stare into his eyes. What little will he had to resist Her slipped away as Her eyes held his.
“Tell Me you will always obey me Mark.”
“I . . . will . . . always . . . obey . . You . . . ,” he responded haltingly. His spoken words somehow made him feel very good, very warm. He wanted to obey anything Mistress Harriot desired of him. It would be so pleasant to obey Mistress Harriot!
“Mark, tell Me you will always obey My commands. Always, Mark!”
“I will always obey You.”
“Mistress . . . say Mistress.”
“I will always obey you Mistress!”
He screamed as loud as he could, adding “I want nothing so much as to obey You, Mistress Harriot . . . nothing!“
Both Harriot and Karen laughed at Mark’s sudden conversion from angry young man to a more-than-fully compliant young slave, but it wasn’t unexpected. Harriot had subdued many a recalcitrant lad in Her years as Head Mistress at the college while Karen had been trained by Her to expect this kind of obedience from males as Her absolute right.
“Soon Mark, I will free you from my hypnotic spell, but I want you to remember something . . . and obey . . .!”
“Karen, rub a piece of your clothing under Mark’s nose so he can smell your scent.”
“Inhale deeply Mark,” the Mistress commanded.
Then She said to Karen, “This is only your third slave so let Me again remind you what to expect as a possibility. Right now Mark is totally under My power. He will soon by a hypno-slave to You just as he is now to Me.”
“But, if we don’t periodically reinforce our power, or better still, totally break his will to resist, he may soon recover. Even powerful hypnotic suggestions like Mine can weaken with time if not occasionally reinforced . . . or permanently implanted in his silly pliable little mind.”
“First, let’s tell him the rules and break down his resistance a little further.”
Harriot spoke to the entranced student: “Mark!”
“Yes, Mistress?”
“As you inhale Karen’s fragrance you must reflect on its power. Her feminine scent has the power to enslave you. Her fragrance clouds your mind, makes you weak, ready to obey Her commands.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“But Her scent holds more power. It is as strong as steel. Its power is unbreakable.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“Hold your hands out so that Karen can bind you with the piece of Her clothing, filled with Her scent.”
“Yes, Mistress.”
Karen wrapped the piece of Her clothing around Mark’s wrists.
“Feel its strength Mark?” Mistress Harriot asked.
“Yes, Mistress.”
“Try to break loose.”
He struggled, letting out groans and grunts and finally stopped.
“It’s too strong Mistress. It’s impossible to break loose, Mistress.”
Karen was surprised. “Harriot, doesn’t he know he can just rip right through that material?” She exclaimed as She watched him yanking and pulling at his silken bonds.
“No. He is under My – no, Our – hypnotic spell. You may take him to his room and do as You have been instructed. Make him Yours.”
Karen pulled Mark to a nearby dormitory room by Her silken garment tied around his wrists. He followed docilely.
“Lay down and we will begin your lessons, Mark dear.”
He eased onto the dorm bed, still bound by the black silken strip.
“Look at Me, Mark.”
Even without the hypnotic command, he would have found it hard not to look at Her. Her face and body were so beautiful.
For the first time he noticed the silver pendant suspended on a fine chain resting comfortably between Her large, flowering breasts. She removed the chain from around Her neck as Mark watched.
She held it up before Her new student’s appreciative eyes.
“You remember that Mistress Harriot hypnotized you simply by just using Her eyes? The reason She was able to do that was that She made you focus only on Her eyes as She hypnotized you.”
“All that needs to happen for you to fall under the control of any beautiful woman is for you to focus on something . . . anything . . . and allow the hypnotist’s voice to penetrate deep into your mind.”
She twisted the pendant so little sparkles of light reflected from its surface into Mark’s eyes.
“That’s what’s happening now, Mark.”
He stared at the shining pendant dangling before his eyes. Her voice was so compelling he wanted to be under Her control. He knew She was again hypnotizing him. She was strong, he felt so grateful to Her that She would take all this trouble to reinforce his state of eager willingness to be Her slave. He was helpless, powerless before Her and he was loving every last moment of it!
“Yes, it . . . is . . . happening . . . now . . . Mistress . . . Karen . . . .”
Mark’s thoughts became less focused, more and more random. His eyes glazed over, his mouth fell slightly open. He was, in fact, helplessly entranced. Hypnotized, under Her spell. Powerless. It was all so . . . so right!
“Anytime your Teacher thinks you have done something wrong She must spank you, don’t you agree?”
The hypno-slave nodded his agreement. “Today you tried to hit Head Mistress Harriot. That was wrong, wasn’t it?”
“Yes, Mistress.”
“So you must be spanked. Stand up slave boy.”
“Yes . . . Mistress . . . Karen . . . please spank me . . . I must be spanked,” he said as he leaned over, offering Her his ass.
“Drop your pants slave!”
The slave obeyed his Mistress instantly.
Whack! He felt her striking him with a book that had rested on the bedside table.
She struck again.
He almost fell.
Oh-h-h the pain.
Slowly he lost consciousness and fell to the floor beside his dorm bed.
When he woke up he was alone and it was dark. His fanny still stung and he felt weak. She had beaten all resistance and all his energy out of him. His mind raced. He snuck out of the dorm to a pay phone and called his father.
“Dad, it’s crazy here. I just got beaten and, I think, hypnotized! Please come and rescue me. Please! I’ll do anything. Just save me from these people. Please!”
“Okay, Mark, okay,” he responded. “Just go to that big motel down the street and tell them you are my son and if they need to they can call me to verify it. I’ll come and get you but don’t – don’t – open the door for anybody but me.”
“Thanks,” he said as he hung up the receiver and ran to the motel. With a minimum of problems he checked in and fell into a fitful sleep on the bed waiting for his rescue. Minutes, hours passed as he slept. Finally the knock came.
“It’s me son, open up.”
Mark dragged himself to the door and opened it. There was his father and mother.
And Mistress Harriot!
And Mistress Karen!
Mark fell to the floor as they entered.
“I’m sorry son. I should have told you before. You mom was my teaching assistant. They like to control the whole family so we can contribute to the school. The school is our church. The school owns all we own. Our teaching assistants control us day and night. Mistress Harriot is all-powerful. She is our guiding light, our grand and glorious Goddess!”
Mark’s head was swimming.
“The whole graduation/inheritance story was just to get you here. Of course we will both give all our money to the school. You and I are slave to the school.”
Was there no one who could save him?
Sexy, powerful, dominating Karen smiled and stepped close to Mark as he contemplated his escape route. She gently cupped his face in Her hands. She kissed him gently on his lips, then drew Her face back a few inches. Her face . . . all he could see was Her face. She place Her fingers on his temples and began to move them slowly, in a soft relaxing circle.
“You don’t want to leave yet Mark. You want to stay here with Me and your Mom and dad. Just like you dad obeys his teaching assistant, your Mom, you want to obey me.”
“Someday if you’re really good to Me, we’ll get married too and give our children over to the school to control.”
“Here, let me help you lose all your fear and just relax. Just look at Me Mark . . . and relax . . . that’s right . . . look into My eyes . . . look right into My beautiful, dominating eyes and remember how you felt when you looked at My pendant.”
“Remember . . . you were pulled in by it Mark. Remember how it pulled you in just like My wonderfully sexy eyes are pulling you in now.”
“My deep . . . blue . . . commanding . . . compelling . . . controlling . . . mesmerizing . . . hypnotic . . . powerful . . . dominating . . . eyes!”
“Don’t they just thrill you to the core of you silly little male soul?”
“You are letting go . . . “
“Surrendering . . .”
“Falling into My eyes . . .
“You can’t resist . . . !”
My wonderful powerful dominating eyes . . . .”
Now Mark’s will was totally broken. It was so nice, so pleasant, to do his best to please Mistress Karen. He knew he would forever serve Mistress Karen – his teaching assistant just as his father has faithfully served his.
How tremendously fortunate, he thought, that his father had fallen into Mistress Harriot’s and his Mom’s benevolent grasps!
He would forever serve Mistress Harriot and Mistress Karen unless either should decide to banish him – banish the thought!
He would forever serve them . . . serve . . . serve . . .serve these glorious Women!
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