




Hello, My beauty-beguiled gamers;


My enthralling Emerald Eyes recently rested on this article about the new Monopoly game token.–finance.html


This got Me thinking about all sorts of games people play.


+  Even though we live in the electronic age, card games, board games, and other non-techie entertainments still hold much appeal for many.


+  No matter how simple a game may seem, it can possess a sometimes surprising array of complexities.



+  No matter how complex a game is, some things about it are simple and straightforward.



+  To play a game well, knowing oneself and the other player(s)  can be as important as knowing the game.


+  To help increase Your/your acumen for a specific game, while practicing using the even-numbered turns to play this game as You/you usually would and the odd-numbered ones to play like someone different from Your/your-self can help strengthen Y/your mastery of the game.



Monopoly getting a new token inspired these questions I hope You/you will enjoy answering:


???  Other than hypnotic and/or sensuality games, what is Y/your favorite game and why do You/you enjoy it?


???  Suppose You/you were creating a Femdom Hypnosis version of Monopoly, which name would Y/you give it?










???  Which one token would You/you be sure to include in this entrancing version of Monopoly and why?



???  Which board location, Chance card, or Community Chest card would Y/you include in the Femdom-fascination version of Monopoly and why?


When you are inspired to send Me comments, questions, and suggestions spawned by something I’ve written, said, or done, I am very pleased, entertained and appreciative.  😉