Now as i’m driving, i’m starting to sweat from nipple pain. i start to feel a deep throbbing pain in my testicles. Oh god, what did She do to me?? Why can’t i remember? my rock hard cock is just about ready to burst. by now i was only a few blocks away from my home. i reached in my right pants pocket. i wanted to grab my throbbing member. And then i found beautiful softness. Curious as to what was in my pocket, i quickly pulled my hand out. My hand was fondling BLACK SATIN PANTIES. Her Black Satin Panties were in my pocket this whole time. No way was i going to touch my stiff rod with my hand, not now. Quickly, i sped into my driveway, and put the vehicle in park. i held the Black Satin Panties up in front of my face. i started to remember… Seeing myself..?? In them? Memories started to rush in to my brain. At that moment, i felt an urge to inhale the aroma which radiated from them. These i knew She wore. i inhaled deeply. i suddenly felt lightheaded and dizzy. my head slammed forward into the steering wheel. Only seconds went by. i finally blinked a couple of times and the grogginess subsided. i inhaled once more, this time not quite so deep, just enough to once again smell Her musky scent. Again i fell dizzy–this time not so violently. It was more like when you jump up from a chair that you’ve been sitting in for a long time to go answer the phone. When you get dizzy enough to where you have to stop and rest for a second or two. At this moment, i rushed out of the car and went in my house. i did not stop to get food or jump in the shower or anything. i rushed to my bedroom and stripped off everything i had on. All of the memories which were starting to come to the forefront of my brain were once again all wiped out. i frantically put the Black Satin Panties on my bed and grabbed a shirt to wipe off all of the pre-cum off of my erect, tight-skinned penis. i then used the shirt as a fan to quickly dry any remaining wetness. i jumped onto my bed. i found the Black Satin Panties with my right hand and held them up in front of my face. There i was: on my back; naked and spread-eagled; holding with both hands by the lace waistband Her Black Satin Panties. i was going to stroke my penis with those Black Satin Panties until my penis exploded with an eruption of joy and satisfaction. i lowered the Black Satin Panties onto my fully erect and flexed penis. i stroked Them up the shaft of my member from the lace waistband all the way to the crotch. It was one second of pure, smooth bliss. i felt my head once again become dizzy. i stroked again, and my eyes closed shut. Only being able to feel and hear, i stroked a third time. All of the white noise became a loud ringing in my ears. i stroked once more and it felt as if i were floating in midair. One last stroke led to my last conscious breath of the morning. It was close to 9:00 A.M. when i arrived at my home and memories were starting to come back to me. Now after a few strokes of Her Panties, i again am unaware of what is happening to me.
“Ringggg, Ringggg.” i started to come to. i didn’t know where i was. “Ringggg, Ringggg.” Ohh, the phone is ringing. i roll over to get out of the bed and i feel a slight sensation on my hard member. It was a Black Satin Panty that brushed the smooth skin of my erection. As i tried to stand up from the bed, i felt a rush of dizziness come over me. i tried to hold my balance, but to no avail. i was crumpled on the floor of my room. The phone just kept on ringing. Whoever it was They were persistent. After the phone rang about 10 more times i was able to gather myself, stand up, and pick up the receiver. No words would come out of my mouth. Finally, She said in a sarcastic tone, “Hello, kevin, were you sleeping???” “Um, yeah, i think i was.” “Were you playing with My Panties, kevin?” A little fear rushed through my skin and i said, “No, what Panties?” “kevin, you don’t need to lie! I put My Panties in your pocket before you left My house this morning.” She said this very sternly. i replied, “Well, yes i was. At least when i first got home i was.” “Yes, my pet, and that’s why it took 25 rings for you to answer the phone.” i didn’t know what She was talking about so i just said “Yeah, that’s probably why.” Now some of it was starting to come back to me. i’m starting to remember the date that i went on last night. However, i now hardly recall any details from the night before. i looked over at the clock and it now said 12:30 P.M. She then gave me directions to where She was going to meet me. i diligently wrote them all down like i did the first time. i wanted to make sure that i met up with Her again. Before She hung up the phone She told me to bring my wallet, social security card, and passport. She also said that i needed to be there by 2:00 P.M. This gave me about enough time to jump in the shower, change clothes and leave. i had no idea where i was going. i figured that She must be taking me to Mexico for a couple of days or something. So i packed a little bag before i left. my penis still had a full erection. i was starting to get a little worried that something might be wrong. i figured that my penis was better off this way than to be flaccid. At least i only had one thing on my mind. As i started to get closer to the final destination, i noticed that i was nearing San Pedro, close to the ocean. A few turns here and there and Her directions had me entering a giant parking lot. This is strange, i thought. i took a ticket to get in and proceeded. i came upon a large limousine. She rolled down the window and waved me towards Her. i now recognized that i was at a cruise ship dock. i pulled up to Her limo and said, “If i’d known we were going on a cruise, i would have packed more.” She said, “kevin, if I’d wanted you to pack a lot, then I would have told you to do so.” “Point well taken,” i said. She pointed to where i needed to park. When i got out of the car, She instructed me to give my keys to Her limo driver. i did so and we started to walk towards the ticketing and loading building.
As we were walking She asked me a question, “So, kevin, have you ever been on a cruise before?” “Just once,” i said. “It went to Ensenada.” She then looked at me and said, “Well this one will be a little different than that, then She giggled a little.” “How so?” i asked. “you’ll see.” Oh my Goddess, i couldn’t believe how just absolutely hot She looked. i couldn’t keep my eyes off of Her. She was dressed in: a classic, white, two piece suit; a single breasted jacket; matching pants; and high heeled shoes. She looked like She was all business too. She knew that i was staring at Her and She asked, “So do you like My suit?” “Very much so,” i said. Then i averted my vision off of Her and started to look at where we were going. We walked into the building and went directly to a person who took our tickets. She handed the Woman one ticket and said, “this ones name is kevin.” i then asked, “Do You need me to give You some money for the ticket?” “kevin, it’s already taken care of.” i noticed that She never handed the person Her ticket. Anyway, we walked up to the luggage and boarding check point. She smiled at me and said, “Ok, kevin, hand the two Women your luggage.” i handed it to Them and They put my bag under the counter. i asked, “Do i get that back?” They said, “you won’t be needing it.” i thought to myself, well that’s odd. Then She said, “kevin, hand Them your identification.” So i gave Them my passport, social security card, and i started to pull out my driver’s licence. They said, “Oh, you can just hand Us your wallet, kevin.” So i did. i was starting to kind of wonder what was going on? That’s when it got weird. Goddess then looked at me and said, “kevin, take off all of your clothes and hand them over to the two Women.” i took a couple of steps back and said, “i don’t think so.” She then said, “kevin, don’t be scared. That is why I said it would be a little different than any other cruise that you’ve been on. You’ll see that everyone is checking their clothes in here.” i looked at the two Women behind the counter. They were looking at Goddess kind of strangely. i did notice that They had only Their Panties on below Their crew jackets. She said to Them, “he’s new, this is his first time. So I’ll take some of My clothes off to let him know it’s ok.” i was now a little scared, and i was shivering while i was standing right there. However, my member started throbbing, because it wanted to be let out so badly. She quickly undid Her jacket buttons and took off Her jacket. She set that on the countertop and told the Woman to just leave it there. Then She unzipped Her pants and pulled them off. She set Her pants right next to Her jacket. There She stood in matching Periwinkle Bra and Panties. my lungs exhaled. i started to remember thinking about how i took a long walk because i wanted to do what She told me to do. i couldn’t remember what it was that i did. But, i do remember wanting the walk to last a long time. So i pulled off my shirt. Then i took off my shoes and socks. i then pulled my pants down and i placed everything up on the counter. She then looked at me and said, “Everything, kevin.” i was helpless now as She was standing in front of me in Her Satin Panties and Bra. Like i wasn’t helpless before. It was like being shot at by an M-16 or a Bazooka. Either way i’m dead in the water. When She was standing before me in Her Satin Panties, it was more like having a missile launched at me. So when She said, “Everything, kevin,” i pulled my underwear off in record time. There i was, standing at a check in counter totally naked, nothing left for me to carry. The two Women handed my wallet, passport, and social security card back to me. i looked around and saw behind me, at the first check in point there was a line forming. Apparently they were all waiting for me. Some of the people in that line were already stripped down. We walked to another counter, where two Women in crew jackets and nothing else other than Panties asked again for my identification. i handed it all to Them. One Woman stamped all of my paperwork and the other Woman pulled out my credit cards. By now i was too shocked to ask anything. She ran my credit cards through a machine and then put them back in my wallet. The Woman who had all of my paperwork then handed me a boarding pass along with my paperwork. my hands were now full of paperwork. So i asked Goddess if She could hold onto my passport and social security card? She said, “Yes kevin, I’ll take it all.” “OK,” i said. The Woman who processed my credit cards now handed me a Ship’s Credit Card. i handed that over to Goddess as well. From there, we walked over to a flight of stairs where two Women dressed in Their Panties and crew jackets looked at my boarding pass and once at the top of the stairs the same thing. We then took a left turn and walked onto the cruise ship.
At this point we stood in another line. Everyone was either scantily clad or totally naked. The Goddess whom i was with went up to a Woman who looked like She was in charge. This Woman was directing most of the people into a room to the right–one at a time according to their boarding pass. It looked like Goddess asked Her something, and the Woman nodded Her head and pointed down the stairwell. She came back over to me and told me to start walking down the stairs. This was the main staircase to the ship. These stairs would take you to every deck of the ship. They were fancy with red carpet.
We got to the bottom of the stairs and we headed to the right. It appeared that we had gone to the ship’s hospital. Two Women were standing outside the doorway that we walked up to. One of Them asked for my boarding pass and identification paperwork. Goddess handed it all to Them. They said “Ok, take him on in.”
She then walked me into a room with about 15 chairs. They looked like dentist chairs that were converted for a gynecologist. Twelve of the chairs were occupied by men. they were all strapped down in a number of places. i could see that their necks had leather straps around them. There was one thick leather strap around their abdomens. their arms were strapped around the forearms and around the biceps/triceps, and their wrists were all cuffed. their legs were also strapped in two places, one above and one below the knee. Each guy’s ankles were also cuffed to the leg extensions, and all 12 of them had their legs spread as far apart as they could go.
There was one Woman standing in the middle of the room, with all of the men strapped to the chairs facing Her. She was wearing White Silky/Satiny Bra and Panties with white leggings. Her Panties had a red cross on them and each legging had Rx at the top. Goddess took me to my chair and told me to sit down. Oh, now i’m scared–but i do so because She told me to. i sit myself in the chair, and put my legs in the extensions and put my arms on the armrests where they belong. i willingly did so. The Woman in the middle of the room was smiling at me. “Do You strap him down or do You want Me to?” Goddess asked. “Go right ahead, he probably would be more comfortable if You do it.” So She started by strapping my waist then my neck to the chair. She then cuffed my wrists and ankles in place. She then strapped my legs into place. Last She strapped my arms into place. i asked, “What is going to happen to me?” She smiled a very nice and warm smile. “Don’t worry kevin, you’ll find out. I’ll see you later kevin.” Then She walked out of the room.
i looked over to my left. The two other chairs were being occupied by two men that i did not even see walk in. they were both pleading with the Women who brought them here. “Don’t leave me. No! i don’t want this.” They were almost crying. So i looked to my right. This guy was here before me and i asked, “What’s going on?” he was fighting with his restraints. Then he looked at me and said, “you don’t know?” “i have no clue,” i said. he then explained, “we are going to be part of the Hypno-erotic entertainment at tonight’s dinner ball.” “What?!!?” “Heh, yes, we are going to be put to sleep medically. All of the others are already being hypnotized as we speak. we are going to be hypnotized for entertainment at dinner, so we can’t be hypnotized right now. you’ll see.” i’m now petrified. Sitting in that chair, strapped down, i’m stuck. i start to observe the others. Some seem very scared. Some seem just to be nervous.
The prescription Doctor, the Woman in the middle of the room, starts filling needles with a clear serum. Wow, She is also very hot, standing in Her Thong Red Cross Panties. She is just going about Her business. She opens a package with a needle in it and screws it onto a syringe. She then pokes the needle into a vial and withdraws about 1cc of serum. Then She: unscrews that needle and throws it away; puts a new needle on the syringe; caps it and sets it down. She did that 15 times. Then She picks up one of the needles and proceeds to the man who was in the room first. As She approached him, i could see him looking at Her eyes. he started breathing harder and quicker. She set the syringe down and took out a cotton ball. She dunked it in something and then grabbed his fully erect penis. he was now really breathing hard and shaking. She carefully looked at his penis and then started to rub a certain area with the cotton ball. i could see him relax a little. “Does that feel good My boy?” he nodded his head, both of them. The spot that She rubbed was now an iodine color. Quickly, She strapped some tubing around the shaft of his rod and then pulled the head towards Her. She said, “Now this is going to pinch quite a bit.” he nodded his head. She grabbed the needle in Her left hand and placed it down alongside the side of his penis. With Her right hand, while holding his member in the down position, She pulled the cap off of the syringe. he braced himself and She slowly placed the needle in the correct spot. She then inserted the needle into his penis, right into a vein which runs down the side of his dick. “AHHHHHHH, ohhhhhhhhhhha, uhaaa.” he screamed in pain. She then injected the serum into him and quickly retracted the needle and covered the injection site with a cotton ball. “Ahhh,” he made a relieved sound. She then pulled his head right into Her breasts and She whispered in his ear. i now started to focus on Her backside. She was very shapely and Her Thong Panties looked very good and that is now what i was watching. Again, i began to hear him moan and whine. Then within seconds, She backed away. he was out cold, just lying there with a stiff erection pointing up at the ceiling. She then walked to the middle of the room, picked up another needle, and proceeded to the next guy. i was taking all of this in as my stomach started to tingle with more and more butterflies. i looked down at Her feet and noticed that She had on very high heels and followed Her legs up to Her voluptuous butt. At this point She was already rubbing the cotton swab on the second guy. She was directly across from me, bent over Her next victim. i was concentrating on the crease that runs between Her Butt and Her long slender legs. i was mesmerized by this sight. She must have been just about to inject him, when i followed the crease to the satin fabric that entraps Her beautiful folds. i had a perfect view of this as She was bent over him. Holy shit was my dick in a rage. my focus was quickly broken when i heard his shrill scream. i looked closer and She just pulled the needle out of his erect penis and placed his face in Her Breasts.
Two down and only 10 to go before me. i keep trying to take deep breaths to calm myself down. Every time i find myself refocusing on Her wonderful, exquisite body–but each time i notice that She finds the vein that She wants in a little different place on the penis. Sometimes She sticks the needle in the side down by the base, or under the shaft. Once She even stuck the needle into a vein close to the head. (i think that was the 6th guy.) Each penis must have the biggest vein located in a different place. No matter where She sticks the needle, the same result occurs. i looked down at my penis and saw a massive vein located right on top of my shaft. It was biggest from about the middle of my cock down to the base of the engorgement. i’d bet that is where i’m going to get it?
At that point, i heard another shrill scream. i looked over and She was just finishing up the 11th guy. She walked slowly to the table with the 4 remaining needles, picked one of them up and flicked it. She then walked sexily back to the guy to my right. i looked over at him. i could see the nervousness in him, but he seemed a little more relaxed than i. he was totally focused on Her as She walked over to him. “Well hello, fancy seeing you again jack.” Then She giggled a little. “The pleasure is mine, to be lucky enough to be graced by Your presence,” he said. “So your Mistress thinks that you can be a champ this time around?” “i will try my hardest,” he replied. i then focused on the curves of Her body–from Her smooth Lips to Her luscious Breasts. i then followed Her curves down and my eyes watched Her Stomach disappear into Her Panties. my eyes then went out to the side and focused in on Her Hip bone and followed Her Skin down the thigh of Her Leg. my eyes then returned and followed the outline of Her Buttocks up the arch of Her back. During this time i missed out on any more of their conversation. She moved towards him. he began to hold his breath. She took his erect member in Her hands and found a nice vein on the left side of the shaft. i could see it from where i was sitting. i looked to my left and saw the two guys who would be after me. their eyes were huge as they were taking it all in. i then glanced around the room, and noticed the rest of the men who were put under still had blue hard ons long after they were put to sleep. i glanced back over to my right and She was now rubbing the cotton swab on the vein. She then pulled the cap off of the syringe and wrapped the rubber tubing around his penis. She placed the needle right up to the skin. i watched and grimaced as She pushed it through the taut, smooth skin of his penis. he moaned in anguish and let out a sigh when She withdrew the needle. She pulled his head to Her chest and whispered something in his ear. About 5 to 10 seconds passed and She backed away and went to get my syringe.
She turned around and began to approach me. i became very nervous and said, “i’m sorry, but i think there must be some mistake. i don’t think that i want this to happen to me. Can i get out of here?” “No you may not. When you signed all of the paperwork, at the entrance of this ship, you gave up all of your rights. your Mistress now has all control of what happens to you,” She looked at my chart, “kevin. you know that you would do anything for Her–wouldn’t you? If I called Her down here and She told you to have me stick this needle in you, you would readily agree–wouldn’t you?” i thought about Goddess for a second and said, “Yes.” “Good, now let me take a look at your stick.” i could now smell Her perfume and i could feel the warmth of Her skin as it came close to me. Her breasts were drawing most of my focused attention, until She took the head of my engorgement into Her hand. She looked around it and tapped the vein right on top of my shaft–the one that i had figured She would use. my stomach felt like it was falling. i started to pull on the restraints with my wrists. She rubbed my penis with a cotton swab, which gave the top of my shaft an iodine color. She then wrapped the tubing around the shaft of my penis and placed the needle on the skin of my penis. The pain was searing as She pierced the skin. i tried to scream, only i had no breath in my lungs. i inhaled deeply and gritted my teeth and made a moaning noise. “Uhhhhhhhhha.” i could feel the serum being injected into me. It was a cooler temperature. i could feel it spreading throughout my groin area. Like when you are real thirsty and drink something, you can sometimes feel it moving down the esophagus and into the stomach. That is what the liquid felt like moving through my groin and down my legs. She then pulled the needle out and i gave a relieved sigh. She then pulled my head into Her Breasts. Oh that felt good and relaxing. She whispered into my ear, “Count backward from 100.” i noticed that my senses started to get dull: i could no longer hear very well; my sense of smell disappeared; i could no longer taste my tongue. As i looked into Her beautiful breasts, everything began to fade to a white color–like Her Bra. The cool liquid began to turn hot and it started to burn inside me. She just finished telling me to count backwards from one hundred. So i did. i said, “Ninety-nine,…..,98,….” Then i couldn’t remember what came next.
i woke up in a room. i was strapped down and spread-eagled on a skinny bed. The room was very small, not like a hotel room. i looked around and i could see a TV, a skinny pathway to walk through, a second skinny bed to my left, a small closet and a door which must have led to the bathroom. The beds were in an L shape at the corner of the room. The closet was close to the door which led to the entrance and the bathroom was on the other side. i pulled a little with my arms and legs, but i was securely locked down. At that moment, my Goddess opened the bathroom door and looked over at me. i became self-aware of how hard my erection felt as She smiled and said, “Well, look at what sleepy head just woke up.” Then She approached me and giggled as She poked my throbbing penis. i then started to remember how i was put to sleep and a little fear began to run through my veins. Mistress then bent over me and started to undue my restraints. god did She look hot!!! She was wearing a bikini swim suit and a matching sarong. She then told me to get up slowly, sit up in the bed and let the medication wear off a little. i sat up and i did get quite a bit dizzy again. So i just sat there for a little bit. She went out the door into the hallway and braced the door open. This allowed everyone who walked by to see into the room. i looked around for some clothing or even a blanket–but none were to be found. i couldn’t have moved with enough coordination to cover myself with the fabric anyhow. So i just sat there, looking out the door.
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