Now as i’m driving, i’m starting to sweat from nipple pain. i start to feel a deep throbbing pain in my testicles. Oh god, what did She do to me?? Why can’t i remember? my rock hard cock is just about ready to burst. by now i was only a few blocks away from my home. i reached in my right pants pocket. i wanted to grab my throbbing member. And then i found beautiful softness. Curious as to what was in my pocket, i quickly pulled my hand out. My hand was fondling BLACK SATIN PANTIES. Her Black Satin Panties were in my pocket this whole time. No way was i going to touch my stiff rod with my hand, not now. Quickly, i sped into my driveway, and put the vehicle in park. i held the Black Satin Panties up in front of my face. i started to remember… Seeing myself..?? In them? Memories started to rush in to my brain. Read more…