The maitre’d’s spoon clinks on the cooking pan, ending Marquesa’s reverie and returning Her attention to the masterful show he is putting on. With the meat almost done, he spoons a bed of mashed potato onto the dinner plate and then carefully arranges the steak slices over and around the potato. Next, he neatly pours the pan juices over the steak and potato, and places the platter before Marquesa’s prey. Lastly, he places a very hot side dish of creamed spinach next to the sizzling serving platter. To Marquesa, the steak alone smells aromatic enough to make a tyrannosaurus rex drool. In fact, it looks so good that She almost wishes She had ordered this dish instead of pheasant. Oh well, next time, She thinks. She transmits to Her subject, “YOU WILL NOW..THANK THE MAITRE’D FOR HIS PERFORMANCE. AND..YOU WILL DO SO NOWW!!”
In reply, Her subject slowly turns to the maitre’d and says woodenly, “Thank you for your performance.”
Inwardly wondering what this customer has been ingesting, the maitre’d responds with perfect aplomb, “You’re most welcome, Sir. Will there be anything else I can bring you at this moment?”
It is Marquesa who answers, “No, thank you. This looks magnificent.” She really means it. By way of dismissing him, She flashes Her special smile. Smiling back, the maitre ‘d turns aside, looking for help from his waiter who seems to have disappeared. Frowning, he moves off, wheeling the before him trolley as when he came to the table. Not wishing the meal to get cold, Marquesa turns to Her subject, “YOU WILL..EAT YOUR DINNER..NOW.. WHILE IT IS HOT AND FRESH. YOU WILL SAVOR IT!! YOU WILL EAT IN SILENCE! YOU WILL SAY NOTHING! WHILE YOU EAT. EYYE WILL GET BACK TO YOU SHORTLY.” And with that, the two of them commence eating a superb meal. We will leave them to savor their fare and return to them when they have finished the main course.
By and by, they are finishing the last of the main course. Both have enjoyed it immensely. Marquesa found Her wine an especially fine and pleasing accompaniment to the pheasant, and She feels suitably mellow. Reaching over to feel Her subject’s cock, She is delighted to find that it remains erect and hard. Veerrry Goood!!! Another sensuous treat! She tells him via telepathy, “In a moment, the waiter will return to clear our dishes, and then bring dessert. YOU WILL CONTINUE TO SIT UP. YOU WILL SIT STILL, AND YOU WILL THANK THE WAITER WHEN HE SETS YOUR DESSERT DOWN IN FRONT OF YOU. Won’t you??” He nods. “Veeerrry Goood!!!” She gives his cock a pleasurable squeeze.
Sure enough, seeing them finished, the waiter returns. As he approaches Marquesa, his cock once again begins to tingle involuntarily, and it is only with the greatest effort that he controls it, or at least, momentarily succeeds in keeping the tent from returning to the front of his apron. As he clears the remains of the main course, he asks if they are ready to for dessert, to which Marquesa replies that they are. “I’ll be right back,” he says, turning away to preclude himself from seeing Her flash that smile. And what a smile, he thinks, knowing that if he sees it, the tent will reappear on the front of his apron, and that he will be absolutely powerless to prevent that from happening.
With the waiter gone, Marquesa resumes gently stimulating Her subject’s cock, partly to remind him of Her presence, partly to remind him that She alone possesses the bizarre, surreal ability to take him SEXXX!ually over the top, partly to keep him completely under Her control, and partly because She finds it pleasurable to play with his cock and balls. “Soon, the waiter will return with dessert. YOU WILL..SAVOR YOUR DESSERT! AS MUCH AS YOU SAVORED YOUR DINNER. YOU WILL NOT BOLT YOUR DESSERT LIKE A DOG. YOU WILL TAKE YOUR TIME OVER IT AND..YOU WILL ENJOY IT! ALLL OF IT! Won’t you?” He nods. “Veerrry Goood!!”
As the minutes pass, She continues to stimulate the cock and balls of Her prey, bringing him — and Herself — once more into heightened arousal. By and by, the waiter reappears, carrying their respective desserts on a large serving tray, which he sets down nearby. Serving Marquesa first, he sets a bowl before Her into which he ladles several spoonfuls of a rich, whitish liquid, and then, using silver tongs, he places several white chunks into Her bowl. Like icebergs, the chunks float gracefully on the surface. The dish is floating island, a French dessert, and the liquid is a light vanilla custard, laced with a hint of Grand Marnier liqueur. The icebergs are balls of meringue, made of beaten and lightly cooked egg white, which daintily adorn the surface of the custard. This dessert looks delicious, and it appeals most strongly to Marquesa’s sensual receptors.
Moving over to the other side of the table, the waiter places before Marquesa’s subject a masterfully prepared creme brulee, garnished with fresh raspberries and a sprig of mint. It, too, looks appetizing in the extreme. Together, these dishes seem a wonderful denouement to a beautifully prepared meal. She Herself is fully prepared to enjoys this dessert. Time to ready Her dining companion, too. She commands him, “OPEN YOUR EYES AND..REMAIN DEEEP..DEEP a-SLEEEP!!…YOU WILL THANK THE WAITER…AND YOU WILL..THANK HIM WITH MORE ENTHUSIASM THAN BEFORE…AND YOU WILL THANK HIM..NOOWW!!”
Her subject’s response is almost instantaneous. “Thank you very much.” At least he said it with more animation and conviction than the last time, Marquesa thinks. The waiter nods and departs. She remains in an extremely heightened state of arousal, and knows it. She also knows that, as much as She likes likes good food — She fancies Herself a bon vivant, a label for which She unquestionably qualifies SEXXX!ually, gourmet dining at this level lies more outside Her sensual range — venturing into epicurean gastronomy represents for Her a step into a seldom travelled realm. As Marquesa is about to start Her dessert, She thinks rhapsodically that if this concoction tastes half as good as it looks, it promises to stimulate Her taste buds as much as Her Power over men stimulates Her pussy, thereby providing Her with a second erotic charge. And just then, Her senses fully engaged and Her pussy dripping, Marquesa is possessed by a sudden download. MAYBE, RIGHT NOOWW! She can mix food and SEXX!…Yeeeesss!!…Why not meld the two? Mix one sensual realm in which She is preeminently masterful — and loves — with another realm She also loves that complements Her first love yet represents territory seldom travelled. So what if She’s never tried this before. Hey! She has never visited a better venue in which to try Her idea. Plus, Her dinner companion seems perfectly suited to accommodate Her desire. A very different experience, to be sure, but…since Her taste buds are now as aroused as Her pussy, then why not satisfy them both at the same time? Why not, indeed? Her pants still remain undone so She is ready to start.
Her mind made up, Marquesa begins to issue a string of telepathic commands to Her subject. “PLACE YOUR LEFT HAND OVER MYY PUSSY!…That’s Right!!!…Veerrry Goood!!!…BEGIN TO..STROKE!!…Sloowwwly!…Eazzillee…Yeeesss!!!..That’s it!!” She places Her hand on his. ““PLACE YOU FINGERS WHERE I DIRECT THEM AND..ALLOW THE MOVEMENT OF MYY BODY TO GUIDE THEM…CONTINUE TO DO SO UNTIL I COMMAND OTHERWISE!…Yeeesss!!!..Veerrry Goood!!!”
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