A Goddess Marquesa Thanksgiving Adventure
As a scientist, my training has prepared me to encounter the unusual. Even so, it was a shock when I saw myself walk through the door of my brother Irving’s home in the middle of Thanksgiving dinner. I had a wild, crazed look. Dark circles stood out under my eyes. I had lost weight. But it was unmistakably me. I recognized the lab coat that I wear in my work space at the University of West Florida.
“Eugene!” Irving shouted as I barged into the family room where I was already seated at the groaning festive table. “There are two of you! Or one-and-a-half, anyway….”
“I’m sorry,” interloper-me said, “I need to borrow myself for a minute.”
“Oh, that’s no problem,” Irving’s wife Franny chirped, “Please stay…there’s plenty of turkey…”
After mumbled apologies I led my other self into the adjoining living room as my young nieces and nephews snickered. Once safely out of earshot, I turned abruptly.
“What the hell is going on?” I asked.
“Well,” other me replied, “there is good news and there is bad news.”
“Hmm?” I grunted, tapping my foot impatiently.
“The good news is that the time machine finally works…”
“Obviously!” I interrupted, rolling my eyes.
“The bad news is that it can only travel in one-year intervals. One year exactly, backwards or forwards.”
“Okay….not what we had hoped for, but we can keep working on it….”
“That’s not all….there is a woman…Goddess Marquesa…”
“A woman?” I snorted, incredulous.
“Just listen!” I snapped back. “She is not like any other woman. She is seductive….bewitching…irresistible….”
I could see my future self drifting off, carried away by his own imaginings, so I slapped him across the face.
“Pull it together, man! What about her?”
“You are going to meet her at Irving’s and Franny’s at Thanksgiving dinner next year. That is, I’ve met her just today. Irving and Franny introduced her to me.”
“How do they know her?”
“I don’t know….they didn’t say,” future me said, seeming to find the question disorienting. “In any case, I’ve never been so drawn to anyone in my life. I can feel myself….becoming her slave.”
“What?” I asked.
“She is so sexy….Her face…her breasts….her voice…her legs. Oh God, her legs! And those eyes. Those emerald green eyes….”
Slap! “Concentrate! How long ago did you meet her?”
Future me looked at his watch. “Two hours ago.”
“Two hours? And you are already this pathetic?”
“You don’t understand! She is overpowering. I can’t escape how much I want her! That is why I used the time machine to come back here, to warn you! So you can find a way to resist her!”
“Wait a minute,” I said in a flash of realization. “Weren’t you prepared when you met her two hours ago?”
“What do you mean?” future me asked.
“Well you must remember warning yourself,” I said. “You are me one year from now, so you should know everything I do.”
“That’s true,” future me replied, “Unless….Wait! She is a hypnotist! She must have hypnotized me so I forgot!”
“Tell me,” I barked, “what do you remember?”
“We were flirting here at Irving’s and Franny’s….I walked her over to the lab….we were kissing….at some point it gets hazy. She excused herself to receive a phone call. I got panicked….I could feel myself losing control, so I jumped in the time machine and set it to take me straight here.”
“Okay…while you were alone in the lab she must have hypnotized you and wiped your memory clean. So that’s easy. We just need to send you back with the resources to counteract her programming.”
I pulled out my phone and Googled “memory retrieval hypnosis.” It took me to a site named “Hypnotherapeutics.com” that had a link to a “memory retrieval trance” rated five stars by 33,452 users. Future me made a note of the URL on his phone and smiled with relief.
“That was close….,” future me said. “I’ll listen to the trance you found as soon as I get back to the lab. Thanks.”
I wished future me good luck as he departed for the time machine. When he was gone, I excused myself to Irving and Franny and went to relieve myself of an excess of pumpkin-spice beer.
As I returned from the lavatory I heard the front door open, followed by an unfamiliar, eerily compelling women’s voice.
“Is Eugene here?” the velvet voice intoned.
“Yes, let me get him for you,” Franny replied. “Oh there you are,” my sister-in-law noted as she saw me approaching, “Eugene, you have a visitor.”
I came out into the family room and saw a gorgeous blond woman standing in the foyer near the front door. As profoundly unsettled as I had witnessed my future self to be, I was unprepared for the sight of Goddess Marquesa. She winked at me as she caught my eye, and my throat closed in a spasm of arousal and desire.
“Forgive me, I need to borrow Eugene for a moment,” the Goddess said.
“So popular today!” Franny beamed with contrived cheer. “Don’t be too long, Eugene, dessert is almost ready. Please invite your friend to stay.”
I walked back into the living room, following the shapely roll of Goddess Marquesa’s hips. When we were alone and she had turned, I spoke sharply.
“What are you doing here?” I asked.
“I can see you have spoken with your future self already,” she replied, bathing me in a sultry smile that set my blood racing. “You are a bit more plump than the Eugene I met,” she said wryly, looking at the expansive tent forming in the front of my trousers, “but there is no doubt that you are the same man.”
“How did you know to find me here?” I rejoined.
“Well, pet, when I got back from my phone call you- my Eugene, that is- and the time machine were gone. When the time machine finally brought my Eugene back, he scurried off to the men’s room in a hurry. I was curious, so I got into the machine, hit the ‘return’ button, and here I am, in what for Me is last year.”
“This is crazy,” I said,
“Not really,” she replied. “About a week before Thanksgiving I ran into Franny at the grocery store. She kept calling Me ‘Eugene’s friend’ and insisted I come to Thanksgiving dinner. I had no idea what she was talking about at the time, I accepted her invitation out of curiosity. But now I guess we know what happened. When I saw how irresistible you found Me at Thanksgiving dinner next year, I couldn’t help seducing you.”
I was thrown off balance, coughed nervously. “What do you hope to accomplish?” I whined.
“Well,” she sighed, “I thought when I wiped my Eugene’s memory clean I had taken the last of your willpower, but I can see there is a little more work to do…”
She stepped toward me, enveloping me in her perfume. I gasped slightly as her lips closed with mine, but then I was lost in her kiss. She pressed against me so that my rigid cock poked into her pelvis through the bulge in my pants, and my hands closed involuntarily around her waist.
When she disengaged she was holding my phone, plucked deftly from my jacket pocket. I opened my mouth to protest, but was too misty with lust to speak. While I stood gaping she took my hand and used my index finger to unlock the phone’s display.
“Hypnotherapeutics.com, eh?” she noted, handing the phone back to me. “I’m pretty confident I can counter-counter program whatever those amateurs have slapped together.”
“Why?” I asked. It was the only thought I could summon through the fog that clouded my brain.
“Because you’re so adorably nerdy, pet. I want to keep you. Besides, a man who can time travel has his uses…you must admit.”
“I can still beat you, you know,” I said. “I can just not show up to Irving’s and Franny’s next year.”
“Sure you can,” she said, her tone deeply sarcastic. “You do that, pet.”
Blowing me a kiss, she walked away. I heard her exchange farewells with Irving and Franny while I stood, stunned.
“What a nice woman,” Franny remarked as we ate our pumpkin pie. “How do you know her, Eugene?”
“Oh…er….,” I stammered, searching for a reply that would not be too bizarre. “From work.”
“Well please feel free to invite her next time you’re over.”
I shrugged the whole thing off. I’m a rational creature possessed of free will. A scientist. I’m not doomed to accept any future that I can see coming from a full year away.
But there is, of course, the paradox. If I don’t go to dinner at Irving’s and Franny’s next year, I will never have met Goddess Marquesa at all. Then why can I still remember her eyes? Her voice? Her perfume? Her legs. Oh, God, Her legs……
The End
A Goddessful Thanksgiving to All!
For an additional Thanksgiving story by this author go to: https://hypno-erotica.com/stories/giving-thanks-ii/
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