Tag: Corset

Tabula Rasa Days 4 & 5

Day 4

            Another strange breakfast with my jailer. She made a new condition for my being rewarded today. When I tried to take my usual seat on the opposite side of the table from her she stopped me.

            “Sit here,” she said, gesturing to the side of the table at an oblique angle to her.

            “Why?” I asked.

            “Because there will be another reward if you do,” she explained. Read more…

A New Beginning, to Serve Marquesa

As I knocked I heard a giggle, or maybe a wicked smile breaking forth through the silence.

“Come in, I have been waiting for you. Because today is going to be a new beginning for you, my pup-pet,” Cooed Marquesa.


I entered warily, not knowing what to expect. My heart was bashing against my chest so loud that i could barely hear M’Lady’s commands. Stunned into silence by the beauty of Marquesa as she revealed herself from out of the corner. My knees went weak. i fell to the ground and knelt before Her glorious presence. my mind was aflutter with thoughts of unworthiness. Suddenly my world stopped as the cool, calming presence of Her velvety soft hand lifted my chin upwards. i was now staring into Marquesa’s glorious green gaze! Blissful revelation danced between my nerve endings.

The longer i stared, the more i realized that only Marquesa could make my mind dance so beautifully! First a tango, then a foxtrot and ended with wickedly wonderful waltz of wonderment. Then She let my chin go and my head bowed in subservience to Her, awaiting Her next wish.

A flashing finger pointed to Her toes and i began kissing, licking, and lightly sucking each toe till She shooed me away.

“To the room slut…  I want you naked in position one before I get there!” She decreed. “Oh and by the way, I have an outfit for you, it will define who you are and always will be when you are in my presence!”

i crawled down the narrow, dimly lit hallway. Knees aching from the tile, mind a blur from Her dominance over me. i began thinking why, oh why was i even here. This is going to be my demise i just know it.

As i turned the corner i could see a black box on Her Altar. i stripped off my clothes, folded them and neatly placed them in the corner with whatever will i had left. i was Hers, not just in fantasy but in reality. Marquesa owned me, She had always known it, i just wasn’t ready to accept my fate.

Kneeling near the altar i got into position One, back and head straight, palms up, eyes down, mouth shut and mind completely open. Waiting for what seemed like an eternity, i dimly heard the click of Her heels on the tile. Then slowly something was being dragged on the floor by her side, a whip, or crop? The clicking became louder, i have to say that is one of the most seductive sexy sounds i have ever heard. i knew that with each click, Marquesa was coming closer to implementing Her will over mine. i wasn’t forced, this is a violation of my rights… Rather it is an enlightenment of my being, realizing my purpose here on earth… being Her slave. i don’t know if She knew this, but could i hide anything from Her…heck i had a hard time surprising Her with gifts. i digress…

Marquesa strolled into the room. Her crop caressed my arm, sliding across my shoulder, up my neck across my cheek and stopped in front of my lips. “Kiss my crop!” She demanded. i kissed and kissed. “Enough, face to the ground. I don’t want you to see your surprise till I can see the look on your face when you embrace this lovely gift I am bestowing on you.”

“Thank You Marquesa! Thank You for this privilege!” i stuttered.

Marquesa giggling, “Privilege, yes, that is just how you will think of it as from now on…”

i heard the rustling of paper as She opened the box. There was an enticing aroma, quite feminine, but pleasant. “Turn and embrace your new life… slave!” Marquesa’s words were so powerful and arousing that i became rock hard complicating my turning to face my new destiny.

“Head up and look at your new outfit, your Maid’s outfit! Or I should be more accurate, your French Maids dress, corset, hat, gloves and heels!” She wickedly laughed.

i was crushed. i didn’t know what to think. me in a frilly, tight French Maids outfit with matching shoes and gloves. my will was gone, but i was completely aroused, Marquesa had me completely. She had taken my will, my body and mind and made them Her’s. She controlled what i thought, how i reacted and now what i wore and my occupation. i was now becoming a permanent part of Her world and She loved it!

“Well, my little girly-boy, put it on… mustn’t keep your Goddess waiting.” She snickered. “What’s the matter? Don’t you know how to put on your outfit? Well, I can help with that… In fact it would be My pleasure to lace you up!”

The corset was tight and pinched, the shoes were unbearable too small, too high, and much too wobbly. The gloves fit, the hat was too small, the nylons felt wonderful, but were tight in all the wrong places. The dress fit me and made Marquesa laugh and sigh with how i had been completely changed to becoming Her’s.

As Marquesa explained the intricacies of my cleaning duties, my clouded mind finally became clear. As i wobbled to the laundry room to get the bucket and rags to hand mop the floor, i saw the light. i saw the most beautiful scenario, it was unimaginable, but there it was right in front of me.

Instantly my demeanor changed. i began to whistle a little tune as i got down on my hands and knees and scrubbed Her bathroom floor. i was serving Marquesa! i was her domestic! She picked me to scrub Her floors, dust her furniture, do Her laundry…. i was Maid to Serve Marquesa!

Now every time i visit Marquesa, She has a “honey do list” for Her French Maid. It usually has me on my knees scrubbing the floors, which i believe it my place in Her world. Maybe i could surprise Her by learning French, or how to cook French Cuisine…



I woke up at the foot of the bed one morning, after a brutal session with Marquesa. My bottom was still red with welts. Marquesa was standing above me with a wicked smile and said She had a surprise for me for Halloween. We were going to the Hookers Masquerade Ball in San Francisco. It is a benefit for a non-profit that helps hookers in various ways, but is turning into a Fetish ball that stops at nothing. Read more…

Prisoner of Passion

Part 1


It covered him from head to toe and pulled him back to consciousness.  After a moment he opened his eyes to the blurry world around him and tried to understand.  The memories came flooding back too fast for any comprehension.  Memories of his search for his friend and teammate, plunging into the enemy base, and then the fight….

They lost.  They lost the raid on the base and he was taken captive.

With comprehension sinking in, he tried to focus in on where he was now.  He moved his bruised arms and began to rub at his eyes, wiping away the sleep and willing the world into focus. Read more…

Miasmo’s Pleasure Time! Part 3 (Chapters 5 and 6)


Chapter 5

Several weeks had passed in the Miasmo mansion. She had trained and overseen Leila’s new fitness program. Her bodybuilder’s body was now even more muscular and sculptured to Miasmo’s tastes with hypnotic techniques and body enhancing drugs employed to further these ends. Miasmo’s two new girl slaves had been kitted out with erotic French maid’s uniforms. The slave boys had been trained to cum on command or to be in hours of orgasmic denial, yet forced to watch Leila perform in lesbian trysts with either or both of the two maids. Read more…


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