She hadn’t intended to meet him.

In fact, she had taken a conscious decision not to.

He was perfectly capable of getting a cab, after performing a little ‘task’ at the airport to ensure that when he arrived, he would be properly – appropriately – prepared for her initial interview.

She loved first meetings.  All the hours, weeks – months even – of preparation now coming to fruition.  When she took control.  Total control.  Complete and utter domination.  And that wonderful moment when they realised that they really were going to become a submissive slave.  The realisation that, in fact, the process had begun a long time ago.  That it was now well progressed & irresistible.  She loved it when they felt the jaw-dropping reality that SHE was in control.  Of them.  And it was now just a matter of time.  Always slowed down, so that they experienced every last element of the step-by-step process which would render them hopelessly, helplessly – but always consciously – aware of their fate & the terrifying [for some of them – hah! – s.o.b.’s who had thought they were ‘playing’ her or just playing along] realisation that sooner or later [depending on her whim – slow or quick – but not too quick] they would succumb.  Utterly.  Deliciously [for her] and – depending on her whim & his performance – quite possibly exciting – & assuredly instructive for him. Read more…