Tag: Foot Kissing

An Interview with Bob

INTRO:  As one of the Magnificent Mistress Marquesa’s most favored slaves – so I’m told, and of course I pray that it is really true – I am privileged that I am allowed to perform many tasks in accordance with Her strict orders.

One of the tasks recently assigned to me by Mistress was to interview male submissives and record those interviews.  Because I am just a lowly, stupid slave She allowed start by speaking to a submissive who served Mistress Racquel, the beautiful petite associate of the Marquesa.  This meant that I didn’t have to seek out slaves in the normal commercial B&D clubs. Read more…

Serving at a Superior Female’s Feet

INTRO:  We’ll skip our usual, long-winded introduction for this tale which we found to be completely self-explanatory.  Hope it gives you the kicks (especially if delivered by lovely, nylon-clad foot) that it did for Mistress and me! Read more…


A story conceived by Goddess Marquesa

A personal note from Goddess Marquesa: This story is a personal favorite of Mine because it references My number one pet. My Beautiful Borzoi.

This has nothing whatsoever to do with taboo subjects such as bestiality.  I would never consider such a story or fantasy.


I had never seen such a beautiful dog before. She darted across my vision just as I looked up from my Tolstoy. It felt like a sign, and was- though of what, at the time, I could never have guessed.

It was a cool, sunny, smog free day, and so I had decided to take my research outdoors. I had been camped out in the park for about an hour, reading and taking notes, when she appeared. She was a black-and-white Borzoi, and was bounding happily across the field on which I sat as if she owned it. Her coat was long and lustrous, her eyes bright with mischief, her frame animated by all the power and graceful agility of her breed. My eyes followed her involuntarily, my research momentarily set aside. Read more…

A Clinical Appointment Part 2

The alarm was screaming at me to get up and give it a sedative, but i couldn’t. Everything was so confusing, so muddled and I didn’t even remember taking off my clothes….scary. “i need to start drinking less” i muttered to no one in particular. i rolled out of the bed, falling on the floor. Now i could put that alarm out of its misery.


i stumbled toward the bathroom. i picked up my watch, checked the date, Wednesday July 1st…why was that date important? Wednesday!!! What happened to Saturday through Tuesday. “Arrrrgghh!” i moaned.

What happened? Read more…

Case Closed

George is a guard at the max security women’s prison. Goddess Marquesa is a prisoner there and has been convicted of stealing 100 million dollars.


I come to your cell with a package.  I slide it through the bars and you open it excited.  I say, “Sorry it’s nothing that’s going to help you escape.”

You smile and say, “Really? We will see a about that.”  You open the package and it’s a pair or 6 inch open toed high heels.  I go to leave and you say, “Wait I want to show you.”  You sit down on the bed and slide off your shoe, then slowly very slowly start sliding off your sock.  For some reason I just stare engrossed by what you are doing.  Finally the sock slides off to reveal these perfectly manicured silver toes.  You slowly slide your foot into the new shoe, and then you repeat the process for the other foot. Read more…


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