Tag: Hypnotic Toes

At Her Feet 

“I want to p-purchase a Valentine’s Day g-gift certificate for one of your customers,” the man on the other end of the phone said. It was my first day of work at the Cupid Salon. The shop was busy and the boss had barked at me to answer the phone. Something about the man’s voice gave me the chills. He spoke as if he was in a trance. A trance of love. No…..worship. Read more…

Goddess Marquesa Takes Over the Town Phase 3.5 (Marquesa continues to enthrall the town)

My Dear Readers:  My silly sissy secretary arranged this story in the wrong order for publication.  Please read this installment of “Marquesa Takes Over the Town” before reading Phase 4.


Between her computer program and survey she was quickly taking over the town.  She decided it was time for a TV spot to ensure the entire town would be under her wonderful spell

Her first program hit the air At 8:00 promptly with a small blip, the every TV screen in town came to life. If people were already watching TV it changed to this channel. Translucent letters reading Marquesa Pleasures drifted across the screen in front of a swirling background. Soft music began leaking out of the living room speakers. The beauty of this program was it was special once you looked at it for five second you could not pull your eyes away Read more…


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