Tag: Kissing

Transmigration (Part III)

“What had She done with me?” The thought continued to pound through my head like African drums as I watched the floors drift so painfully slowly by. The elevator seemed to move even more slowly as my frenzied impatience grew. The pointed edges of the crystal became the furious, razor-sharp fingernails of a tortured demon as I clutched it in my fist. I bared my teeth in defiant rage, as the happy ring of the elevator seemed to announce the arrival of another guest to hell. Read more…

“The Chair”

Of all the things I thought would wake me Monday morning, having Mistress Marquesa calling me ten minutes before my alarm went off and telling me “Be here early Friday night… I want your cock” wasn’t one of them.

I was utterly stunned and I vaguely recall answering “Yes Mistress” to Her. Read more…

The Vicar

I was delighted to get a call from my brother. Well to be accurate he is my non-identical twin. When we were growing up together we were inseparable. As teenagers we began to grow apart somewhat. He was stockier than me and excelled at Rugby, while I preferred Football, or what our American friends would call Soccer. We were both a bit too old to play, but usually we would spend the weekends in front of the TV watching our respective sports. It was summer now. The football and rugby union season were over for another year. We would usually meet up in the summer, and regress back to our student days when we used to drink vast quantities of booze and smoke an unhealthy number of cigarettes. Read more…


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