A Story set in 2012

So how come an English guy like me ends up teaching in America? Well it is a long story. It started in the 1990s. I started exchanging emails with Krystal. She had a website and started writing stories for her website. In return she would give me free copies of her video and audio hypnosis recording she made. I loved them! her voice was just so smooth and relaxing, and she had this lovely soft American accent. Gradually as I kept listening I became more and more gravitated towards Krystal. I would go out like a light for her! I gradually became more and more friendly with Her. At first she was a bit reluctant to get too close to me, as I lived so far away, and had a fiancée, and while my fiancée lived quite a way from me, I did see her every weekend. Gradually though Krystal realised that this fiancée didn’t give me what I really needed and desired – deep hypnosis by a skilled and talented hypnotist! She also realised how very deeply I was falling under her spell and how sincere I was in my admiration for her. Read more…