It’s ALLL *about* POWER. ALLL *for* POWER. ALLL *about* and *for* MYYY POWER — about and for MORE POWER. Gathering MORE and MORE POWER. Gathering POWER over Men, then Gathering Men — Gathering MORE and MORE Men to use MYYY POWER on. Using MYYY POWER on Men — *Over* Men — Pulling their strings, pushing their buttons, pulling — no, no, yanking their levers…Yeeessss!!! — COMMANDING Men…CONTROLLING them…DIRECTING them…MANIPULATING them…OWNING them…POSSESSING them. *How I love this!! This is what I live for.* I *NEED* MYYY POWER…It energizes My being, fuels My life. Without it, I’d feel like nothing, I’d be nothing. Thank God for MYYY POWER, for My SEXX!y looks, for My *Special Gifts and Skills* — Gifts and Skills I share with few others. And Thank God I’m not an ordinary housewife!