I was feeling pretty good about myself. About six months ago a company that was putting on a big conference and seminar contacted me to ask me to deliver a speech about a new computer program I had written. That would be, of course, to most people very boring—but to us geeks in the computer field it is exciting beyond belief!
And the company sponsoring the conference had given me a first class ticket to Los Angeles and put me up in a five-star hotel, all for free! And topping that, they gave me a big speaker’s fee. But the best part was that with all the computer whizzes at the conference, my reputation (and my future salary) were assured!
I was feeling pretty good about myself . . . I was on top of the world!
I had been the center of attention at the bar explaining the details of my program to the “geek groupies” until late into the night. Finally, in the wee hours, I went up to my room. Just as I got into my pajamas—yes, I do wear them—and settled into the king sized bed I heard a knock on my door.
When I opened it, there she stood.
Tall, blond, so sexy it was hard to look at her and breathe at the same time! She was wearing a suit made of a striped wool fabric but it wasn’t cut like any business suit I had ever seen. A short, short skirt revealed her perfect long legs. She wore shiny nylons and very erotic, thigh-high soft black leather boots with spike heels.
The suit jacket was double breasted . . . and so was she! It had gold buttons and it opened at the top so you could catch a glimpse of her milky white breasts and magnificent cleavage. She also wore short black leather gloves.
I couldn’t see her eyes because she was wearing sun glasses even though she was inside a hotel and it was night. The only jewelry I could see was a beautiful heart-shaped ruby pendant and matching earrings.
Almost before I realized it and without a word of warning she walked directly into the room. She spoke in a soft, confident, sexy voice.
“Well Mr. Reynolds, I was impressed with your presentation today. In fact, I was so impressed I have decided to let you come to work for me. My name is Miasma and I am the president and CEO of a company called Regent Computers. Although we are owned by a conglomerate called MarquesaCo I have total control over My operation and the many male employees who work there for Me. When do you think you can start?”
I laughed! Even though she was beautiful I wasn’t going to take my first job offer when I was so hot. She hadn’t mentioned salary, bonuses, benefits, stock options, cars—none of the things that were so important to me.
Still laughing, I responded, “Well Ms Miasma, as beautiful as you are, I still have a whole list of demands for any employer who wants to negotiate for my services.”
“You misunderstand, Mr. Reynolds. I am not negotiating. I have decided that you will be working for Me—and you will, because of My decision—work for Me!”
I was ready to get up and push her out the door when she stepped over to me and traped me in my chair by putting her warm, sexy leg on the chair. In that position, she was forcing her gorgeous tits right into my face. I didn’t know where to look, except straight ahead, and to enjoy my predicament of the moment.
“Look at Me, Reynolds!”
My humble geek eyes were captured by her beauty.
“I would be willing to bet that all you want to do right now is sit in your chair and enjoy looking at these luscious tits of Mine. I’d win that bet, no?”
I didn’t answer, I couldn’t answer . . . but obviously, she was right on!
“Stare deeply into My cleavage, My little friend . . . into the deep crevasse separating My wonderfully seductive breasts. Can you see the beautiful blood-red pendant sparkling therein? Do you see it resting between My sensual tits? Get a little closer so you can see it better.”
I moved closer.
“It is so very lovely, isn’t it? Don’t you just love the way the light reflects off it? Keep looking at it and you will soon see what I mean. The stone—and My delectable tits—pull your gaze in. You feel as though you must look closer at the jewel, deeper into its center . . . deeper and deeper to the center of My ruby heart. Forget about all other cares, your only desire is to stare endlessly at My ruby heart and My glorious tits!
So deep . . . so deep . . . and as you look deeper you feel yourself growing more and more relaxed . . . deeper . . . deeper . . . more relaxed . . . let yourself look deep . . . closer . . . so relaxed . . . so relaxed . . . so relaxed . . . .”
i was relaxed and my eyes blinked . . . blinked . . . and then fluttered closed. i found it impossible to keep my eyes open. They had closed and i couldn’t even imagine opening them as much as i wanted to continue to stare at Her ruby heart and luscious tits. i seemed to hear some words . . . but i couldn’t exactly make them out.
It was a deep, soft, relaxed sleep. My mind was asleep. “You have put me to sleep, lovely Miasma. You have made me drift into a deep, restful sleep. i can’t hear anything except Your siren voice. i don’t want to hear anything but Your soothing siren voice. You must be the perfect hypnotist. You have hypnotized me. i feel my mind becoming more and more under Your power. you have taken control of my mind. You are completely in control of me and i really don’t want this ever to end. i hear a voice, is it mine or is it Yours?”
She spoke, “you are deep under My hypnotic power now.”
“i am deep under your hypnotic power now . . . i hear an echo . . . two voices . . . so relaxed . . . you speak . . . and i must answer . . . .”
“When you open your eyes your gaze will go naturally to My eyes. Open your eyes. Now!”
As my eyes slowly opened i could see that She had removed the dark sunglasses and i could see Her deep green mesmerizing, gloriously enchanting eyes. Oh those beautiful, powerful sexy eyes!
She spoke, “I think we can see eye to eye now reynolds, My pet. My eyes are just as compelling as the ruby-red heart. Look at them . . . gaze into them . . . keep looking and relax once again . . . relax . . . .”
i felt my eyes grow large while staring into Hers. Again i had the strange feeling that i never wanted this thrilling moment to end.
She drew closer to me and spoke again, “you are lost in My eyes . . . falling deeper and deeper into My eyes . . . you are becoming lost in My eyes and you love the feeling. It is a wonderful feeling of helplessness.
“Deeper . . . deeper . . . you have no will of your own . . . no will of your own . . . My will is your will . . . tell Me that is so . . . .”
i nodded in agreement because She was absolutely right—Her will was indeed my will. It was such a comforting thought.
“Listen and obey Me, reynolds . . . you want to obey Me . . . you feel this now and as you continue to look deeply into My controlling, hypnotic eyes . . . .”
She moved away but i continued to stare helplessly into Her glorious and lovely powerfully compelling eyes.
“I command you to be naked now. By the way, all My male employees are under strict orders to be naked when working in My presence. It is My will!”
“And my lowly will is Your supremely powerful will,” i think that was me responding as i removed all my clothing and stood totaly naked and exposed to Her approving gaze.
“Good!” She said.
i knew that was Her, not me. Her positive, approving response sent a chill of gratitude coursing up my spine.
“you can’t resist Me . . . feel your cock growing and becoming hard . . . it is standing straight out . . . hard . . . bobbing about in appreciation of its Mistress. It is growing larger . . . harder . . . showing its appreciation at My command. your desire to serve and obey Me grows and grows. Whenever you are near Me your desire is so strong you feel as though you are losing your mind. your cock is strong . . . hard . . . obedient . . . ever so lustful . . . .”
Her hand reached out. She grabbed my cock and led me around the room like a little child’s toy.
“Feel My hand on your—no, on My —cock. I own that cock. It is Mine!”
i felt it. i felt Her glorious and generous hand holding my humble cock! How could i possibly be so lucky!
“My hand gently massages up and down your hard, throbbing cock—My hard, throbbing cock! My property . . . feel it, feel My glorious touch . . . you lucky slave, to have a Woman such as me touch your fucking puny piece of meat . . . feel it . . . feel My hand . . . !”
“I control your mind! I control your body! When it squirts out its love for Me, when I make your cock cum, you will forever be My loyal, obedient slave. Do you understand?”
i was panting, “your slave . . . Your slave . . . Mistress Miasma . . . Mistress . . . slave . . . squirt . . . cum . . . slave . . . .”
Her soothing siren voice was almost a song, almost a chant as it penetrated deeply into my soul. If i could just keep from cumming i might break free.
“Stop!” i gasped.
She didn’t even break Her rhythm.
“your cock is throbbing, pulsating . . . harder . . . it feels so good . . . you want to obey . . . you want to cum . . . you want to be My slave . . . your balls . . . all My property!
“The heat is rising in your balls . . . as you feel My hand slowly moving up and down your cock . . . controlling your body . . . up and down . . . now a bit harder, a bit faster . . . when you cum you will be My slave forever! It hurts now, the desire is so strong . . . only Mistress Miasma can stop the pain . . . only Me, your powerful merciful Mistress . . . so good . . . oh it feels so good . . . My glorious touch . . . so good . . . !”
i was lost now. Nothing else mattered to me but Her. i knew it was true. If i shot my load, when i came i would be Hers. The thought excited me, thrilled me as nothing had in my entire humble existence!
Now i didn’t care. i wanted to cum so badly and i desparately wanted to become Her lowly fawning, obedient slave.
“Now it is time, little itty bitty slave boy. I am turning the chore over to your eager hands to finish what you so desparately want. To prove your insatiable desire to belong to Me—forever and ever! I am going to count from one to three and as I do, you will quicken the pace to the point of total release. you will cum and when you cum you will be Mine . . . forever!
“One . . . surrender your mind and body to Mistress Miasma as you feel Her controlling will guiding your body, mind and soul.”
i began to nod in sync with Her words. my hand was now moving so fast that it was hard to see.
“Yes Mistress . . . yes Mistress . . . yes Mistress . . . .”
“Two . . . all resistance is futile . .. all resistance is gone . . . I command you . . . obey . . . obey . . . obey . . . do it faster . . . do it harder . . . more passion . . . faster . . . harder . . . My silly slave boy . . . .”
“Yes Mistress . . . yes Mistress . . . yes Mistress . . . .”
“Three! Cum! Now! Now My slave. Cum into My irresistibly sexy hands I now hold out to catch the convulsions of your cock’s celebration of its total submission!”
“Yes Mistress . . . yes Mistress . . . Mistress . . . ,” i was babbling.
Once the orgy of release and acceptance of submission and eager servitude finally calmed down a bit She raised Her fully soaked hands up to my adoring, submissive eyes and forced the lids closed.
“Sleep now, My loyal, adoring slave boy. you will hear every word I say, but once again, you are in a deep hypnotic trance . . . you are eager to obey Me always. It is only natural for you to yearn to be My slave forever. If you prove to be worth My time and energy and please Me I may just let you have your fervent wish.
epilogue . . .
i was sitting, naked, in my chair at work at the Regent Computer Company. As i looked around i saw my Glorious and Gorgeous Boss, Mistress Miasma, sitting in a leather chair behind Her big desk. i didn’t exactly know how i had come to be here . . . but for some reason, i knew it was where i belonged.
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