In Marquesa’s lovely home of devious delights is a small green crystal bottle… Do not be deceived, the bottle may be small but what it contains will shock you. Marquesa, sweet, innocent, devious delightful Marquesa may invite you for a visit. By all means visit Her, bring Her presents, spoil Her give Her reason to smile and maybe She will show You the wonders of that unique piece of glass…
It sits reflecting the light in various shades of green. Though it sits amongst many other curios it is the first one that catches your eye. Unfortunately, it may do far much more then grab your attention. i learned this personally and now am dealing with the consequences…
i asked to visit Marquesa, shortly before Christmas, and She granted me the privilege to soak in the radiance that flows from being close to the greatness of goddess Marquesa. i arrived and entered bringing a little something for Her to enjoy. She instructed me to take position one (kneeling, arms extended, palms up, back & neck straight, looking at the floor ) on the cold tile floor as She inspected Her pet.
She placed my collared on me and commanded me to bend over and offer my posterior for Her to discipline. It was divine! Her motion was flawless, the whip cracked once behind Her and then on my behind. Only if that could have lasted longer… Marquesa knows exactly how to make one rise and fall with every stroke of Her whip… Begging Her for more and more. Marquesa smiled and addressed me….
“Enough for now slave! If you are good and perform to my satisfaction, perhaps I will again grace your body with my whip.” Marquesa laughed wickedly. “Now go, get into your uniform and polish my floor on your hands and knees. Be sure to clean the bathrooms! I want them spotless! Slave you know what happens if you do not perform your duties! She ordered.
my body shook and i had a hard time wrestling the panties over my hard erect penis. The maids outfit was a new twist and it constricted my movement, limiting the motion range of my arms. Marquesa called out with a scandalous shout, “you won’t be finishing too quickly today, my pet!”
i bowed low and shuffled off to my cleaning duties in the patent leather high heels. Today something nefarious was going to happen. i just knew it!
After two hours, or so i crawled over to where Marquesa reclined with a cool drink as She watched Her favorite TV Show. i bowed, head on the floor waiting to be recognized. Marquesa yawned and as Her show ended poked me with Her crop and said, “It better be clean, slave!”
She attached a leash and lead me to every corner of the house to see if i had performed as promised. She smiled; Her eyes radiated emerald green approval and pleasure! i was overjoyed and delighted that i had pleased this goddess… my Queen!
“Now it is the time for your reward, my pet!” Marquesa cooed. “Hmmm…I am so delighted with your maid duties that i will let you choose your reward.
Now bow, forehead to the floor, close your eyes and wait for my return.” Yes, Goddess Marquesa i stammered.” She fiendishly cachinnated.
i waited for what seemed like forever. It was shear agony, to be completely aroused, bound by Marquesa’s Dominating Will, my mind twisted to Her reality and She knew exactly what would completely wrap me around Her little finger. Reflecting upon what incredible joy that i was to choose from had my mind swimming in undeserved pleasures. To be honest i began to think about myself, my pleasure and not Marquesa’s.
Marquesa doesn’t miss a thing. She knew exactly what i needed, desired and yearned for… She knew i longed to be Her possession, Her toy to be used as She wished and then tossed aside for a new play thing. Maybe to be enjoyed later, or maybe banished to Her vault to live in the shadows and only come out to clean and polish Her home…
Marquesa danced into the room declaring that She was giving me the most amazing choice She had ever given a slave. “The first choice is…. I will allow you to help Me in a ceremonial bathing ritual. you will be blindfolded, gloved and gagged. Yet, I will describe every motion and where each sponge filled hand is washing, and you will be washing all of me, my slave… ALL OF MY MAJESTIC BODY will feel the caress of each sponge stroke.”
This was more than i even dreamed…though to be honest i would have loved to see what my hands were doing!
“The second is a mystery! I will only tell you that if you choose your mystery reward you will feel pleasures that you won’t be able to explain. I will perform a ritual and you will be the recipient of a blessing from Marquesa!” She lilted. Marquesa smiled knowing that i would choose the later, because She knew i wanted the possibility of seeing Marquesa in all Her gloriousness!
“Marquesa, i choose the mystery….” i calmly stated.
“Good boy…that’s my good boy!” She reiterated.
“Now strip and lie on your back on the slave platform!” “Quickly my little puppet, before I change My mind and give you what you REALLY deserve which is….nothing! Hahahaha!” Marquesa snickerd sexily.
i rushed, tripped over myself, struggled getting the outfit off. All the while my manhood grew and tightened till i was almost to my limit. i finally laid down and instantly felt a hard open hand slap across my bare chest! SMACK! It left Her hand print on me. SMACK!! again and my right leg was Hers to use! WHAP! my left leg now had Her mark upon it! Then a light titillating pressure felt as if it had exploded on my forehead…. Marquesa had kissed my forehead! The affect was devastating! i was out of balance, confused and instantly deeply in Her web of enthrallment. Another kiss hit my right cheek, them my left and i do believe I briefly passed out!
i felt a warm smooth tightness on my chest, opening my eyes once again i was staring into Marquesa’s Emerald Green Eyes! She began to chant and sing a sublime and unearthly melody. my body lightened, shifting, spinning, decreasing, becoming ethereal…Yet i could see myself lying there on the slave platform with Marquesa chanting while She straddled my chest. She was extracting something out of my mouth, something out of my being.
Marquesa had mentioned She was a Witch of mighty powers… i didn’t believe it but there i was looking down at Her ritualizing my body into i don’t know what, but i no longer cared.
In fact i now welcomed it. i shouted my endearing love for Marquesa… though i heard nothing.
Marquesa, laughed and chanted louder, “Give Me your all! Become my thrall pet! Be My gooooood boy! Give Me what I desire…you never-ending enslavement”.
i shouted again Yes Yes YES all to Marquesa… then i saw Her hand open and inside it was the little green crystal bottle! She smiled and i watched horrifically and yet so happily horny and thankful as my essence slowly entered the bottle. Marquesa winked and triumphantly grinned as She placed the plug slowly into the bottle. She twisted and turned and slid it down ever so slowly… With each movement of that lid my cock danced to Her tune… i became entranced as i watched my cock grow to a size i didn’t believe possible.
Marquesa, still humming that beautifully haunting melody smiled… She paused and explained how now She owned me. She had encapsulated my essence in Her spirit jar.
I had given Her the permission She needed for total ownership of my body, mind and spirit.. SO now She could control my body and make it do things that would meet Her needs, Her desires and Her wants without a thought of my own. She giggled and then said, “Now pet you have the ability to please Me, and be forever pleased by My voice, My body and My Words. For My will is stronger than your will.”
Then She twisted the cap quickly in elongated circles. i screamed in such ecstasy much to Her delight… She then drew the cap out and licked it slowly around Her lips. my eyes rolled back in my head, my body erupted shaking and quivering out of control…then She commanded me to give Her Her tribute…to cum for Marquesa and Her glory. i came for what seemed like minutes, hours, time had stopped and it was only obedience to Marquesa that mattered and that was what drove the lid down. i came until Marquesa adroitly pushed the lid into the bottle with a precise POP!
i awoke naked on Marquesa’s slave platform.
Marquesa stood over me and smiled. She said one word and i knew all of what i had seen, heard, and felt was true. i knew Marquesa owned me locked cock and spirit..
She said the word again and i fell in complete bliss to my knees and began kissing and licking Her toes. She whispered it again and my body was no longer mine to control. She seductively mouthed the letters O-B-E-Y and i attached my leash, knelt, naked erect, palms up offering Her my leash, my life.
i am still waiting for Her to take the leash and lead me as Marquesa pleases. i kneel there on Her clean, polished travitine floor, it has been 6 hours…. Oh how Magnificent and Marvelous is Marquesa de Sade!
i wait because i want to please Her! It is My heart’s desire to do so!
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