I had decided that I would schedule my upcoming trip to Asia on an airline that didn’t have an American flag painted on the side of the plane—what with all the terrorist attacks and other crap going on. In fact, I booked my flight on an Asian airline that I knew almost nothing about.
When I arrived at LAX I was pleasantly surprised to see a shiny new Boeing B-747-400 — the kind with the first class seats all located in that upper-deck “bubble.” As I climbed the stairs I saw that I was the only person booked into first class and I settled into my seat. I decided to sit in the seat opposite the jump seat that the flight attendant sits in for takeoffs and landings and when she sat down for the takeoff I was very, very happy I had chosen this airline and this seat! “Oh my god! . . . Wow! . . . This could be the most memorable flight of my poor, sex-starved life . . . just for the takeoff alone!” I thought to myself.
As she sat down I was transfixed by her exquisite beauty. Luxurious, long black hair flowed over her shoulders and down her back. She had deep, dark—almost black—eyes and sexy, full pouting lips. She wore a white airline blouse and an unusually short blue uniform skirt. Pinned above her left breast was a name tag reading “Patma.” I chuckled to myself as I wondered what her other breast was named.
I am a sucker for dark Asian beauties like Patma and as the aircraft climbed to its cruising altitude I struck up a conversation.
“This is the first time I’ve flown this route. How long will the flight be?” I asked.
“Forever,” she said with a smile. “Actually, about ten hours.”
She got up and walked back to the galley. As I turned and watched her heavenly ass slowly sway down the aisle I was already developing an overpowering sexual urgency.
She returned and gave me some type of fruity punch. The airline’s “welcome drink,” she explained. She then sat down in the same seat again. Apparently she had decided to favor me with some small talk. “Your first trip to my country?” she asked.
“Yes,” I answered. “I have never been there but I’ve heard that it is beautiful. I am thinking about buying a business there. The prices are very favorable these days.
“. . . Beautiful . . . and mysterious. I myself come from a long line of “bomohs,” or witches, in my country. In fact, one of the reasons I have taken this job as a flight attendant in first class is to gain wealth by having business executives and managers share their incomes with Me. My mother was a very powerful bomoh but was simply content to rule just the men in Her own village. My sights are definitely focused higher. Much higher!”
I laughed and started to get up to go to the lavatory but my legs wouldn’t react to my mind’s orders. Patma pushed my back down into my seat and spoke softly to me.
“Ah . . . the welcome drink has taken effect. It will wear off shortly but by then My work will be finished and you will serve Patma—as all men should!” As She spoke She placed Her soft hand on my thigh. My eyes were drawn to Her hand immediately. On Her index finger She wore a large gold ring with a faceted yellow stone.
My manhood was twitching, straining hard against my pants.
“Look at My hand and the beautifully fascinating ring on My finger Jeff.” She said. Her hand felt hot and exciting on my trembling, receptive leg. What was it I was trying to do just a moment ago? She kept speaking as She moved Her hand—softly, slowly—in a circle on my highly excited extremity.
“Keep watching, concentrating on My hand jeff. just relax and keep your attention on My beautiful ring and My lovely hand and relax . . . relax . . . but pay close attention to My hand . . . ”
As i watched Her hand i momentarily thought of taking my eyes away but Her voice had told me to watch and somehow it seemed very important to listen and give in to Her very insistent, compelling and very, very sexy voice.
She moved Her hand from my thigh and as i followed it with my eyes it came to rest on Her magnificent right breast—the one with no name. I could see Her long erect nipples standing up through Her blouse. Her hand started to move slowly in a circle around the center of Her firm breast, Her index finger lightly touching it. Was it too as excited as my leg had been?
“Just look closely jeff . . . closely . . . you are fascinated—and yes, thrilled—by watching My hand circle My aroused, sensuous breast. Aren’t you? Tell Me!”
i heard myself agreeing. i did like watching Her tits! What man wouldn’t? Somehow i felt myself wanting very much to please Her.
“Very good, My little servant,” She said.
“Servant? What did She mean by that?”
“you can keep looking . . . it will relax you to watch My beautiful breast and the ring . . . as My hand moves in a perfect circle . . . on My perfect breast . . . nothing else matters but looking at My hand and listening to My voice . . . My hand . . . My voice . . . My breast . . . watch . . . listen . . . My voice relaxes you as you watch My hand go round . . . and round . . . and round . . . .
“jeffy . . . close your eyes so you can concentrate on My soothing, relaxing, controlling voice . . . close your eyes jeffy . . . Now!”
my eyes fell closed. i really wanted to continue staring at Her lovely hand, ring and breast but somehow my need to please Ms Patma had become my dominant urge.
“you hear My voice and you see My hand even though your eyes are closed. you love the way My hand moves in a circle. you love the sound of My voice. you love this restful, relaxed feeling . . . and you love Me! you love Me and want to please Me . . . don’t you jeffy?”
“Yes Patma,” i replied.
“Good, My little pet. you know now there is no need to resist Me because I control your mind and body and you love the feeling of surrender that you now feel. Submit to Me, My pet . . . submit . . . and obey . . . obey . . . .”
“Submit . . . obey . . . ,” was that my voice that said that?
“Now jeffey . . . open your eyes and look exactly where you were looking a moment ago . . . obey and look!”
As my eyes blinked open i had to look at Her hands. She was cupping Her full, dark, lush breasts in Her hands. Her uniform lay beside Her seat.
“Listen and obey!” She said. “More than anything you want to serve Me . . . to be a slave to Patma’s beautiful body. you need to serve Patma as all men should . . . serve My beautiful, sexy, dominating body . . . and
. . . My overpowering, deservedly dominant mind! . . . serve My body and My mind!”
Answering, i said “i serve Patma as all men should. i know that is true. i serve Patma’s body . . . and i serve Her powerfully dominating mind!”
jeffey you have a growing desire to suck and lick My sensuous nipples . . . your desire grows and grows as you watch My hand carress My tempting breasts. The need is growing and growing . . . the desire . . . the need . . . is growing . . . .”
i was fascinated by Her perfectly shaped breasts. i wanted to kiss and worship them. i found them irresistible!
“Now you too must be naked. To serve Me you must remove all your clothing.”
“i serve Patma as all men should,” i repeated as i took off my suit, then my underwear, shoes and socks. my manhood was worshipping Patma with a will of its own. It glistened and was quickly becoming Hers—and Hers alone!
She leaned over me as i fell back into my seat. i looked up at Her, looming over me, Her eyes almost glowing with magical, erotic, Feminine power! She was so sensual my hand involuntarily inched toward my highly excited passion stick and i started to rub it.
“you little slave slut. Get your hand off that pathetic little thing. What a sorry excuse for a man you are . . . you miserable little jerk-off!” Then She pushed Her bare foot against the skin of My naked chest and forced me against the back of my seat. “Don’t you want to kiss Patma’s breasts, My dense little white jerk-off?” She asked as She cupped both of Her gorgeous tits.
i started to get up to fulfill my greatest desire . . . to kiss Her glorious breasts . . . to worship Her dark beauty. This time She let out a demonic laugh and shoved me down to the floor at Her feet. “Well, slave, you never will! I am your Goddess, your Bomoh-Queen. you do not deserve to touch Me. your weak white lips will never touch My precious lucious dark breasts but they shall forever be your greatest desire . . . slave . . . .” She had only been taunting me with Her erotic suggestions of my being able to touch Her magnificent body. i was not worthy of Her . . . i was worthy only to dream. . . .
With that She reached into an overhead locker and removed a black leather cat-o-nine tails and continued to laugh as She lashed me with the whip, again and again. i rolled in the airplane’s aisle as She continued to whip me.
“Desire Me and fear Me, My little white slave boy,” She cooed…. . . and oddly, i did both. Whatever magical, erotic voodoo spell She had me under, it made me still crave to worship those huge, dark breasts . . . even as welts were forming on my helpless, suffering naked body from Her vicious lashes. “Now stand up, My slut slave!”
i rose to my feet before Queen Patma as She had instructed. She grasped my submissive cringing face in Her hands as if She were going to kiss me. She drew my face within inches of Hers. As i helplessly gazed into Her all-consuming, magical eyes i felt myself drawn totally and irrevocably under Her magical bomoh spell.
“jeff, My little slave, when we land you shall purchase the business you have come to My country to check out. you then must come to see Me and give Me a contract for at least three-fourths of all the profits. you will manage the business but I, of course, shall receive the lioness’ share of the profits. Do you understand?”
“Yes Queen Patma,” i agreed. If She had asked for all the money i would still have been powerless to refuse Her—lost as i was in Her magical, erotic spell.
She pulled my face closer to Hers and i closed my eyes to kiss my Queen. i heard Her clear Her throat and then i felt a warm glob of spit run down my cheek.
“White slave!” She spat the words out with Her spit. i started to cry, i loved Her so much. “Now kneel again and show Me your pitiful ass.”
“i serve Patma as all men should,” i said as i exposed my already-red ass to her. As i remained frozen in that position She walked back to the galley and took out a swizzle stick. She walked behind me where i could not see what She was doing. Suddenly She spanked my bare ass.
Then She softly massaged it and then i felt something! i always even refused a prostate test at the doctor’s office and now a voodoo Priestess was shoving a swizzle stick up it! Damn, it hurt!
Then all of a sudden my savior appeared! i had been alone in the first class cabin wtih patma. The door had been closed to prevent anyone from wandering onto the perverse scene. But the pilot’s door wasn’t locked and just then the First Officer—American or British—walked out into the cabin and saw me kneeling, at the mercy of his flight attendant. Kinky sex scene, anal rape, i was sure he didn’t know what was going on but i was certain he would stop it. After all . . . this had to be against FAA regulations!
i looked at him pleadingly.
He spoke, “What the hell is going on here, Patma? Stop it this instant and get your clothes on. I’ll have you fired for this!”
She straightened up and looked straight at the angry officer. Then She reached up and pulled his head toward Her’s until they were just inches apart and said, “you serve patma as all men should.” His eyes became vacant, staring directly into Hers. Damn, She must have worked Her magic on him some other time because he was Her slave too!
“Captain, you may remove your uniform and stroke your pitiful manhood until it is stiff. Let’s show jeffey what else can fit up his ass!”
As i cried out, She screamed out a fiendish bomoh laugh . . . or was it a cackle?
i write this tale from the shelter of my tiny hut of palm fronds at the northern edge of Queen Patma’s castle grounds. i have not long to live as the winds of the Himalayan storm season approaches while i am unprepared—totally depleted of all substances to maintain bodily functions and strength—far too many ejaculations on lonely nights having incessant never-ending dreams of my Glorious Goddess-Queen. Oh how i pray i have largely met Her expectations and that She remembers me once in a while as a very pliable, worshipping slave who devoted his whole being and life force for her pleasure and enjoyment. I thank our Great Goddess that She was able to drain me of all i was worth in this world before i must leave.
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