Strange things happen to all of us.
The strangest things happen to the Magnificent, Mesmerizing, Mystical, Masterful, Marquesa sometimes!
One evening, a year (or was it a minute) ago, near the Magnificent One’s palatial home a mysterious saucer shaped craft quietly settled to the mist covered ground. Two statuesque women, dressed is silver, metallic outfits emerged from a portal in the craft and silently walked to the door of Marquesa’s mansion.
The tall, sensual women stood at the door and rang the bell.
This being one of the rare evenings that Her Hypnotic Highness did not have a loyal toyboy in service to Her, She opened the door Herself.
The two women bowed, at the waist, and addressed the Marquesa. “My name is Alpha” spoke the first.
“And mine is Tonga” echoed the second. The two women looked almost exactly alike. Dark eyes, dark hair, full, voluptuous figures and both wore identical silver jump suits, which clung to their full, ripe, figures. In unison they respectfully addressed the Marquesa, “Our planet needs help.”
Alpha continued, “We have monitored the media that you on earth call print and Internet and have come across Your name and stories of You many times. It seems You have the power to make men submit to Your every whim and we need that power in our struggle.”
Tonga went on, “Our planet , Metaluna, which is populated only by women is being attacked by the nearest planetary neighbor in our solar system, Testosteron. That planet, populated only by base and beastly males, plans to enslave us and control our planet. We have, until recently been protected by a global force field which did not allow men to even set foot on our planet. But last week we discovered a male spy in the control room of the force field as he was trying to manipulate the mechanical devices that keep us safe.”
Quickly Alpha continued the story, “Our best police operatives and military officers have questioned the spy but he will reveal nothing. We must know why the force field did not protect us, and if we are in further danger. Your reputation indicates that NO MAN wishes to resist You or lie to You, so we come seeking Your help. Will You interrogate the prisoner?”
“Well, frankly Ladies, I DO have some playtime planned with my pet alvin scheduled a little later today, but your problem sounds as if I COULD be of some help to you. Let’s go!”
The three buxom beauties wandered back to the strange craft and with a waver of light and sound it disappeared.
Later, the craft landed in a space dock and an honor guard of beautiful women escorted the Goddess Marquesa to the cell where the prisoner was held.
The Marquesa looked through the barred window in the metal door of the cell and saw the prisoner laying in his bunk, he seemed asleep.
“This won’t take long, My friends, if he is ANYTHING like an earth man—just let me in with him.”
The door was opened and She walked in.
For a few moments She stood at the side of the bunk just letting Her fragrance caress the nose of the sleeping man. The mixture of Her perfume and Her unique pheromones wafted in the breeze of the air conditioner, over the sleeping figure. He started to toss and turn in his sleep, moaning as if engaged in a sexual act, the powerful fragrance of the Goddess filling his senses.
Then She reached down and began to gently trace small circles on his temples with Her delicate fingers. She drew even closer and whispered to him “you can open your eyes now…… in fact, you MUST open your eyes now…. and gaze into mine…..”
Once…twice…his eyes fluttered open and suddenly……. he would NOT look away. His eyes were locked into the stare of the powerful Marquesa. Her emerald-green eyes seemed to capture his will as he helplessly stared
deep into them.
“Look deep into My eyes, My pet…. you find you are becoming weaker and weaker. You just want to listen to My sensual, mesmerizing voice and look into My deep, hypnotic eyes and surrender you mind to Me. Surrender……. surrender…. surrender.”
The prisoner momentarily struggled but with the Most beautiful woman in the Universe so close to him, he was immediately sexually aroused. And as his cock grew, his mental powers diminished. Indeed, he was JUST LIKE and earth man.
“I… I… I…” he stuttered.
She gazed deeper, concentrating Her magnetic, feminine, hypnotic powers on the helpless prisoner.
“you surrender…say it My pet. you surrender.”
“i surrender…..”
The Goddess called out, “Alpha! Tonga! Come in here, please.”
The two space pilots came into the cell, awed by the tremendous powers of the Marquesa.
“Just like a young duckling he will “bond” on the first figures he sees after he is released. I would like you two to stay here, while I question him and have him identify you as his new superiors when I release him.”
The two just smiled at the power that the Marquesa was exhibiting.
Again She focused her gaze on the powerless prisoner. “What is you name, My pet?”
“exeter, Goddess”
“And how did you overcome the force field around Metaluna?”
“we have developed a transport device that can send a maximum of five men through the field. they are to join me in three days in the control room where we will destroy the force field controls, allowing our ships to invade.”
“And what will you do after the invasion?”
“we will enslave all the women of Metaluna, as that is the true role for women, as slaves to men.”
Marquesa merely smiled a tired smile and thought to herself, “I have overcome this type of thinking in many men of earth, now I guess its Testosteron’s time.”
“No My pet, ” She whisper in his ear, “men are subject to females—as you now are.” With that She took Her hands and forced him to look at Tong and Alpha, who had lowered their suits so that their asses were “facing” him. “Serve your new Owners, exeter, serve!” exeter crawled over to the two gorgeous women and began to alternately kiss one ass then the other. he was overcome by lust.
Their asses had become objects of worship for the entranced man. he was STILL a prisoner, but no longer did mere steel bars hold him. he was a willing captive to the asses of Tonga and Alpha, who were laughing at his slobbering ass worship.
Alpha spoke first, “Strip now, and let Me see your body.”
Then Tonga added, “hurry up–boy, that was a command.”
exeter ripped off his prison garb, still focused on kissing their asses.
The Marvelous Marquesa called for the planet’s top scientists and, while exeter continued to worship Tonga and Alpha, instructed them on Her invention. An invention that just might save the planet.
Three days later, in the control room, a strange wavering light appeared and five well-armed soldiers from The Tetosteronese Army were transported into the heart of Metaluna. But instead of joining their ally, exeter, they were confronted by The Magnificent Marquesa, Alpha, Tonga, and five more of the beautiful citizens of the embattled planet.
Oh, exeter was there, but he was busy kissing Tonga’s ass and didn’t even notice the other soldiers.
Marquesa, Tonga, and Alpha were holding huge, bulky weapons that looked like some kind of rifle. As the men appeared the armed women took aim at them and fired. A beam shot out from each of the guns, striking the men in their faces. The beam was EXACTLY the color of The Marquesa’s emerald-green, hypnotic eyes and with each blast a fragrance of Jessica McClintock perfume, chemically bonded with pheromones cloned from those of Marquesa Herself was expelled and enveloped the invaders. As the ray was focused on the men they quickly became immobilized, frozen in place, eyes wide open, but unseeing.
This did draw exeter’s attention, momentarily, and he asked Alpha, “what are you doing to them–not that i care.”
Now, the Metalunan woman answered, “just watch, My pet.”
The three continued to play the laser-like beams across the faces of the invaders a few more seconds then turned them off.
The men blinked a couple of time and then found themselves able to move.
“Foolish interlopers, we are now your superiors, and you MUST do as we command. Come and kneel before US!” the Marquesa said in Her honey and silk voice.
The Goddess’ words released incredible feelings of passion and submission within them. They knew She was speaking the truth. They had to obey the women of this planet. They all fell to their knees in worship to their new Goddesses.
The leader was ordered to radio back to his planet for another five men to join them and these soldiers were disarmed and crawled out obediently behind the other five Metalunans in the room.
At the Marquesa’s command another five women joined them to await the arrival of the next group of Testosteronese invaders.
Again, the ray was played across the faces of the men as they transported into the room.
One by one the men fell to their knees, some resisting more that others, but ALL proving receptive to the Marquesa’s hypnotic ray. One even said as Marquesa said “your mind will be purified by me now.”
“This is my mind and NO ONE is going to change it, or own it.”
But with the slightest of touches on his cock, he too, fell to his knees and worshipped the Women.
Men ARE indeed controlled by their cocks.
On earth it was once said that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach. The Magnificent Marquesa knows it is a few inches lower.
As wave after wave of military men crawled out behind his new Owner, one could hear the Metalunans laughing as they spoke, “You will forever obey only US. you always submit to Our will. Submit! Obey!”
And the men were unable to resist. They kissed asses and toes. They stared at breasts. They cried in rapture. And they LOVED their new status in life. Yes, these men BELONGED to women.
Marquesa made sure that each woman was issued a flexible paddle along with her new toyboy, and a set of instructions on how to use, both the paddle—and the man.
By the end of the day the invading army had been captured and the war was over. Women had again proved their superiority to mere males and the Marquesa was ready to return home.
On the return trip She gave Tonga and Alpha further tips on how to control men using the powerless exeter as a lab toy. She also taught them how to make a lanolin-based lip cream for their toyboy as his lips were becoming rough and chapped from all the ass kissing.
As they were nearing the Marquesa’s mansion back on Earth Alpha spoke up. “Marquesa, the council has changed the name of our planet from Metaluna to Marquesa’s World in honor of You. You have saved us! If You wish You could stay as OUR QUEEN.”
“Thank you, ” She responded, “but I have plenty to do here on Earth. You really don’t even have to change the name of the planet.”
“Yes we do,” replied Alpha, as exeter licked her full, round, white cheeks, “Metaluna sounded like something from an old movie. The new name is MUCH better.”
Due to the intricacies of Faster Than Light travel they arrive only five minutes after they had left, even though nearly a week had passed in relative time. Marquesa had time to take a nap before alvin showed up.
When he approached Her, on his knees, and inquired, “How was Your day, My Goddess?” She sighed.
“Oh, I saved a planet, and subjugated an entire race of men.”
alvin just kissed Her foot, reverently and replied, “Just like every day, eh?”
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