The advanced feminine studies program was designed to catapult the female student body into political, business and financial leadership roles in society. For the three years of the academy’s existence, no boys had ever been admitted. If his mommy, Samantha, was not best friends with the founder and owner of the school, Marquesa, tommy never would have been attended. But he was, and thus commenced the beginning of the end of tommy’s former life…as a boy.
At first, Marquesa was reluctant to accept a sissy into her little baby of an institution, but Samantha was relentless and agreed to pay the entire $15,000 yearly tuition in advance. Samantha had given up on tommy ever growing up and living a normal life. He never displayed the characteristics of a boy, even played with dolls and did not have an interest in competitive sports. He loved girls, but had not once attracted a girl in 23 years. Samantha had caught him, on multiple occasions during his young life, encased in her dresses and her panties and her feminine apparel to the extent that she had decided he would live as a girl whether he wanted to or not. It was last year when she made that decision, out of the blue, after she realized tommy had lived eleven months of feminine sobriety. Either he was hiding it well or he finally accepted his biological self. Either way it really didn’t matter to Samantha. When she made the decision, in her mind, it was too late. He had his chance, and she was a very determined woman. She enlisted the boy’s Aunt Gigi to be her general and then drafted an army of ladies to join the cause, each one, knowing the boy, wondered what took Samantha so long.
The boy was engulfed in a fight for his masculinity and he didn’t even realize it and that’s exactly what his mother wanted. He would be bombarded by a shock and awe campaign of daily, persistent femininity. Being blackmailed, literally, by his own mother into attending an all-girl school was like winning the war without dropping a single bomb, but to Samantha wouldn’t be satisfied until tommy was a distant memory for everyone, and tammy lived on. Samantha knew that’s what tommy called herself when dressed in her clothes. She found remnants of the name on his laptop in his room. She was at war and intelligence was critical to her victory.
Needless to say, tommy was never informed of his mother’s decision and suspected nothing as Marquesa made a place for Samantha’s tommy in the freshman class. His mother had threatened the poor darling that if he chose not to go quietly and willingly to Marquesa’s Woman’s Advancement and Femininity School, she would, without measure, begin to inform the world of his little secret. Richard Johnson, a local policeman, and personal family friend of both Samantha and tommy, would be first. Richard, despite being gay, was the only male mentor-figure tommy had in his life. The few nerds he went to high school with would be next. All of his high school teachers and his current friends would follow.
Samantha would have a little website created where she could reveal tommy’s Pandora’s Box. The site would be announced on Facebook and Twitter where all of tommy’s online friends would come to the knowledge of his feminine proclivity, and she would tell the few girls in neighboring towns who had taken a liking to the online variation of the sissy’s personality, a stark dissimilarity to the real him, or her.
Finally, all the ladies at Samantha’s beauty salon, women he had known for years since he had worked there after school for as long he remembered, would be informed about tommy’s other self in the most public and humiliating of situations. She would call a meeting of the entire staff, 15 ladies in all when you count the rotating front desk attendants, to give a graphic illustration of tommy’s secret obsession. Tommy just couldn’t let that happen. Just the thought made him cringe and cry. A few of these women were like aunts to him. They actually talked to him, hugged him and even kissed him. Yes, on the lips. The only women he had ever kissed on the lips, besides his mother and Rachel, the first girlfriend he had ever had and a member of the same freshman class, were women who worked at her salon. These were women, he thought, who considered him to be a boy. In his mind, at least.
Tommy knew his mother was serious. He always knew for her eyes projected like laser beams giving light to the discordant sound of her feminine voice. She wouldn’t joke about something like this anyway. When she wanted something, truly desired it, she got it! Okay, that was it, tommy would surrender and go quietly. But little did the sissy know, Samantha had already had that staff meeting five months ago. After making the announcement that tommy was a sissy and that she was determined to turn him into a her, a lively discussion ensued. Everyone agreed the transformation would be the best thing for tommy. All he needed was a nudge and his mother would provide it and her staff were sworn to secrecy.
Three months had passed and tommy was beginning to become acclimated in the new school with each new day. He thought everything was going well. Strangely enough, he was settling into school and trying to hide his interest in the curriculum which included a cooking class, interior and fashion design, an erotically composed sex education course, and other advanced feminine studies. It had been two weeks since a group of his fellow students cornered him in the ladies bathroom and bullied him, a regular if not near daily occurrence since his enrollment, and the reprieve was soothing but suspiciously absent. he wondered why no one in his class had harrassed him. Even the upperclass girls had left him alone and that almost never happened. He was a target, a mark, and no one protected him from attack.
Perhaps it was because he didn’t feel so alone and humiliated anymore since Marquesa had sold two more desks to mothers who sent their sissy sons to receive a higher education. (There was an ongoing bet in the freshman class who would go first, meaning which one of the 3 sissies would end up living as a full-time girl first. Tommy was the unanimous favorite.)
Even after a few months of study, as a first year student in the four year program, tommy noticed how the preliminary course was elementary in its structure, but later he learned the effect of the feminine studies teachings on the Senior students, girls instructed to put their training into practice upon graduation. They held themselves with such confidence and power. It was frightening for him, to say the least, to be in close proximity to a Senior. Only twice did he experience a bullying at the hands of some Seniors and it appeared almost orchestrated in its evolution as if he were a test subject or genii pig. Senior girls were encouraged if not compelled to radiate their dominance and seek victims on campus.
One day while the students of the freshman class all had their heads buried in a textbook, tommy raised his hand to gain Miss Mggee’s attention and when she pointed at him he asked, ‘’Miss Mggee, may he go to the ladies room?’’ You see, there were no boy’s bathrooms in this school, and he, too, used girl’s bathrooms along with all the other girls, and he quickly learned not to enter the ladies room during recess or lunch when his fellow students were using it. he had made that mistake twice and he wasn’t about to commit that awful error again. When he had to go, he resorted to sneaking into the teacher’s lounge, hurrying as fast as he could and then running out. he knew that was an equally dangerous proposition considering that the four female teachers, two Prinkettes in their late 20s and two ladies married to Prinkettes, used the bathroom and his fate might even be worse had one of them caught him in there, let alone the owner of the school, Marquesa, and the couple that ran the office. (If you don’t know what a Prinkette is, we’ll reveal that later in the story. If you need to know now, research the artwork of Eric Stanton on Google.)
At any rate, the only thing he could think of to solve this devastating dilemma was to wear diapers to school. he had confided the situation to his Aunt Gigi who he shared everything with and it was her idea. ‘’I think you have no choice, tommy,’’ she admitted. ‘’I think it’s the only thing to do.’’ Reluctantly, he had agreed, but it was this one day he had forgotten to don his diapers in the morning before his Mommy drove him to school. (Yes, he still called her Mommy.) he was kicking himself inside for making such a bone-headed mistake, but he had no choice. he really had to go.
‘’Not without a chaperone,’’ Miss Mggee replied. Turning to her teacher’s aide, a tall, elegant Senior student by the name of Danielle, a young lady of higher breeding who had cohim all way from New York City to attend this school, Miss Mggee asked,
‘’Danielle, would you kindly escort tommy to the ladies room?’’ Danielle was the Student Body President and the pride of the entire school, a leader on campus in every say, a young lady whose grade point average glistened among the top 2% percentile. So stunning and refined was her physical and intellectual presentation that the school owner and the teachers granted Danielle privileges unknown to her classmates. She was one of only a handful of students granted a full scholarship. She arrived and departed class each day when she pleased, and was even paid a salary for assisting Miss Mggee in the Freshman classroom. Everyone knew she was going to elevate to a position of stature and return accolades to the school one day.
Danielle looked at him and smiled that almost sinister but charming smile of her’s which would send a little Freshman girl running for cover. She never took her eyes off him like she had anticipated this mohimnt for a very long tihim. ‘’Of course, Miss Mggee.’’ A few girls in class knowingly giggled. Tommy, like most freshmen, never looked straight into Danielle’s eyes. Ever! Personally, she petrified him. So scared was he to look at her at this moment that he thought he wasn’t going to be able to wait to get to the ladies room. he thought he was going to pee his pants right there in class. Hurriedly, he dropped his eyes and he turned to Rachel, his girlfriend who sat next to him in class. he was so scared that he didn’t realize his expression of terror which produced deep rosy cheeks. he wanted her to intercede. She looked at him expressionless. he whispered, ‘’Rachel, please do something. Please tell Miss Mggee you will take him to the ladies room, please!’’ She looked back at him, a gentle smile slithering across her lips and slowly shook her head back and forth. Then, for the first time since being together with Rachel, he realized all of her assertions of love for him before this moment, all the kisses and confessions that she planned to marry him were nothing but lies. At the moment when he needed her most, now, she didn’t budge. Was she actually enjoying this?
Tommy heard the sound of Danielle’s Milan crafted heels clicking upon the hardwood floor of their classroom coming in his direction. he thought his heart would jump out of his chest when he saw Danielle’s outstretched hand in front of him as she stood right between Rachel he obstructing his vision of Rachel, with her long legs beautifully exposed under a fiendishly short skirt. ‘’Come on!,’’ was all she said and he put his hand in her’s. OMG, he WAS HOLDING DANIELLE’S HAND! She intertwined their fingers holding him tightly pulling him behind her. One of his fellow classmates, the meanest of all the other Freshman, whispered to him as they walked by her out the door, ‘’Have fun, tommy.’’ he thought to himself, a little tear in his heart, ‘’That lil’ bitch!’’
To be continued…
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