i called my Mistress as ordered at the prescribed time, She told me to pick up some things for her before coming over. Frustrated and now in a hurry I went to the store, more anxious than ever. I had never been to this Mistress before, my last Mistress traded me to her and just gave me her name and phone. Mistress Lana. i didn’t want to go but i really had no choice, if it was a test i could not afford to loose my current Mistress and if it wasn’t a test i don’t think i could live with out a Mistress. Not having a superior woman rule my life would be unacceptable, unthinkable.
i knocked on the door to Her Condo. Waited. Waited. Finally She opened the door, down on my knees as quickly as i could holding the bag of things she requested like a good puppy.
“Now look up at me ioby”
i saw a Goddess, blonde and tall with a beautiful strong face, dressed in black with an intelligence behind her eyes that spoke of an old soul. Legs that were shapely and long. The way she spoke i could tell this Mistress was one to be worshipped! i hoped i could prove myself worthy of her attention.
“Crawl after me to the bedroom” she said. i followed as close behind as possible. She was waiting impatiently, “Men” she said “I just got off the phone with one of my male friends…i don’t think they are worth very much trouble. They make me so angry…..and I guess you are going to have to pay for it because you’re here and he’s not.”
i shuddered to think what she was up to. “Yes Mistress, thank you”
“Strip and when I get back I want you on your knees, head on the floor, palms in front and facing up”
She returned in about 15 minutes, it felt like forever waiting for her. She fastened ankle restraints to me, a collar, and hand cuffs. She went to closet to get a small whip. Standing on my hands with her heels, she proceeded to soundly give me 25 of her best! Me saying “thank you Mistress” after each stroke.
“OH, that was a good boy, you didn’t move a muscle, that makes me happy” “Now ioby I want you on the bed”.. she proceeded to put a wooden device on me that kept my legs apart, about as wide as they could go. Suddenly she stopped. “What is this?” she said She walked over to where my clothes where hanging and saw my panties, a light beige all cotton lace, “Your previous owner didn’t tell me of your fetish for woman’s underwear!” “Oh” I said, ” She wasn’t very interested in it and tolerated me wearing them” Her eyes got big, and she smiled. This made me very happy, I have pleased my Mistress Lana twice in a very short time.
“Well I am interested in it!” Looking at my body, She became lost in thought. I am light skinned and have very little hair. Except on my head I have long hair and a pony tail, blonde. “I can use a good maid, let me untie you and put you in the shower” She did and told me to shave my legs and chest and beard. “My beard!” i screamed, “i have had this beard for 16 years!” “Had is the key word my pet” she said.
“Shave it or I’ll shave your entire body including your head!”
i cried as i shaved and cleaned the bathroom. i crawled back out to the living room where she was waiting. “Very good little girl, that wasn’t so bad was it?” “Oh so smooth! I like that”
“No, Mistress Lana. Thank you Mistress”
“Now I want you to put the panties back on, and this teddy” She said “and let’s do your toenails a bright red!” “I want you to learn how to do nails, because you will be doing mine, but I want you to learn on your own nails first.”
i proceeded to do all the steps as she instructed, and then redo them 5 times before she said I did it right. “You will keep your toes polished at all times” she said.
i mumbled something and was quickly slapped in the face. “i am sorry Mistress, it will not happen again, i beg your forgiveness”
“Better” she said.
“Now ioby put these stockings on and these sandals” we are going shopping for some outfits for you to wear while you do the cleaning around here!”
“But people will see my feet! i don’t know if i can do this.” i said, as i broke into a cold sweat. She stood up and walk to the entry way with her purse and keys in hand. “Move it and be quick or your going outside with lipstick on also!”
Mortified, i followed thinking this was going to be a challenge to follow this wonderful strong Mistress!
To be continued………………..
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