Posted by Krystal Mesmer , 2014
Trick or treat, dearie
With the Halloween spirits in the air, I felt like sharing with you somethings about a couple of scary people.
I’d be very surprised if someone reading this had never heard of the most famous fictional vampire of all time, Count Dracula. Well guess what?
There actually was a person who was called Dracula. By the way, he was not a count. Vlad Dracula was a 15th century Romanian nobleman. Vlad was not a vampire. However, he was noted even in his times for his exceptionally barbaric cruelties. His viciousness was frequently murderously inflicted with unrestrained savagery upon anyone he decided was an enemy or on those he deemed unfit to live. His most favorite way of killing people became linked to him throughout the centuries. And that’s why Vlad Dracula is also called, Vlad the Impaler.CLICK THIS
http://www.crimelibrary.com/serial_killers/history/vlad/impaler_5.html LINK to read about a truly gruesome guy.THE BLOOD COUNTESS.
I haven’t come across anything tying Prince Vlad (The Impaler) Dracula to any sort of vampirism. There is someone sinister who very well may be the root of linking Eastern European nobility and vampires. Elizabeth Bathory was a 16th century noblewoman renowned for her beauty, vanity, and monstrous nature. As some legends say, one day Elizabeth struck one of her maids who displeased her. After injuring the girl, some of the youngster’s blood fell upon some of Elizabeth’s skin. After this happened, to Elizabeth’s eyes the spot on which the girl’s blood dropped looked more youthful and vibrant than the rest of Countess Bathory’s skin. This perceived rejuvenation gave Elizabeth a truly vile idea. With the obedience of some of her most loyal servants, Bathory proceeded to kidnap, torture, murder, and drain the blood from many peasant girls and women in or near her domain. The authorities only stopped Countess Bathory’s villainy because they feared the people who lodged complaints about Elizabeth might stir up a violent revolt.CLICK THIS
LINK to read about an explicitly evil woman.
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Oh yes, I did virtually whisper something in your ears about captivations.Now which one of these is better:
you fall into the clutches of a fiend like the Blood Countess?
you freefall head over heels under the superb sensuality sorceries and sophistication of This Intoxicating HypnoDominatrix well-endowed with the wicked know-how to send spine-tingling shivers up and down your ahim (guess where
that are oh sooooooo good to the last drop?
And speaking of treats:
Trick or treat.
Smell My feet (yummy),
Give Me something good to eat.If you are into that sort of thing and if you and I resonate rapturously: The middle line in that Halloween triad might become more real than you can imagine! And fantasizing about how much fun it is to smell My feet is exactly what I command olfactorily-enchanted foot fetishists to do.
I adore it when fine folks send Me comments, questions, and suggestions inspired by something I’ve written, said, or done.
Loving Hypno-Domme You are much more appealing to me than historical fiend Elizabeth, from Hungary/slovakia. Thanks for all data you so delicately have sent to me, but all info about Lady Elizabeth were only to my personal research and have nothing to do with yr Superb teasing Enchantement. Please, don’t be jealous of crual Elizabeth. I do prefer U all the WAY!!
And wd love to get yr email adress in order to promote U even MOOOE at a global SCALE, am aware U don’t need my little HELP, but i only do-offer this to People i care.
And Lady you belong to my affectonaste circle.,
Endless Love and True Pain Missing me,
Joao Alves da Costa
am only a submissive writer to worship U!!!!