I am amazed at what has happened to me in the last week. I remember clearly what has happened but why and how are still a confused jumble.
I must commit these memories to writing-I don’t ever want to forget-and, just maybe, I will someday understand it all. In any event I pray this adventure never ends . . .
Friday morning I boarded the flight from Los Angeles. I had booked a seat in the First Class section and had the luck-I then thought-to be seated next to the most beautiful Asian woman I had ever seen. She was petite,five-one or so, even in her black high-heeled shoes. She was the sort of woman you noticed from the ground up: shapely legs encased in shiny, sexy black nylons; a short black skirt, flaring slightly at the top of her well-formed thighs. She had narrow hips, a flat stomach and tantalizingly well-formed breasts pushed into one of those “lift and separate” bras to form pronounced, sexy mounds. Her black knit blouse was tight and cut very low. Her long hair was a lustrous black as it cascaded down her back.
Her eyes were a jade green, her skin was flawless and her luscious lips were full and wide with their generous proportions emphasized by her dark lipstick. It looked like a mouth designed for love . . . if you know what I mean. . . And I was ready to enter negotiations for some cool, improvisational sex when we arrived. In fact, I vainly attempted to convince her to consider the idea for the entire seventeen hours of the flight to Singapore.
At first I was polite and “cute” as I hit on her but as more and more free booze was consumed I think I got rather rude. In fact, before I passed out I think I even grabbed one of those soft, pert breasts. At least I remember her pushing my hand away and saying “cut it out, you ass!”
Finally we landed and I sort of walked-“stumbled” might actually be the more correct word-toward the customs counters lined up along one wall. Somehow I ended up in line directly behind Mai (I had learned her name before I became such an ass and passed out.)
When Mai reached the female agent she whispered something to her and pointed toward me.
Now Singapore is one of those countries where you don’t want customs to start looking into your bags. They jail you for pornography, cane you for smuggling liquor and the discovery of even the smallest amounts of drugs can have very, very serious consequences. As the plane arrived the flight attendant had announced “Welcome to Singapore. The temperature is 91 degrees. And there is death for drug traffickers under Singaporean law.”
Was Mai claiming I was a drug smuggler as revenge for my drunken pass at her?
A tall, dark blue-clad female customs officer motioned me through two steel grey doors, away from the lines of passengers waiting to have their passports stamped.
“Damn! . . . what now?” I thought to myself.
She spoke to me: “I am Customs Agent Jasmine Kim. It has come to my attention that you may be in possession of illicit materials and I must check. Please place your suitcase on this table.”
I did as ordered and let out a sigh of relief as she briefly inspected the contents and shut the case.
“Now sir, please step behind the curtain and remove all of your clothing.”
“What?” I was incredulous!
“Please follow My instructions to the letter. And quickly!” She ordered.
I stared at the woman, weighing in my mind my alternatives-which were few indeed. The drab military cut of Her dark blue uniform shirt and knee length skirt failed to fully hide Her sensuous beauty. Tall and angular at first glance, She had seemed of slight build but I noticed Her shoulders were wide for someone so slender, tapering to a perfect Audrey Hepburn neck.
Obviously unrestrained by a bra, her large breasts peaked sharply to pointed nipples. A snug black leather belt circled Her small waist. Full, womanly hips flared gracefully and She had an ass so perfect it appeared to have been drawn with the brush of a Renaissance painter.
Her hair was jet black, highlighted by tones of red and brown. Long and lustrous, it was brushed into a fine cascade that flowed over Her shoulders. The blue peaked cap She wore when I first saw Her had been placed carefully on Her desk.
Her luminous eyes were like black diamonds polished by a jeweler’s cloth. They were enormous, seeming to fill half Her face, reflecting a power from a knowledge that She was in charge here . . . as well as from Her obvious complete awareness of the effect Her beauty has on the beholder
. . . placing them far below Her lofty level.
Slowly, reluctantly, I walked behind the white cloth curtain and stripped.
I heard the door open and then shut. I assumed Kim had left to get a male officer to conduct the search. As I stood there naked awaiting a humiliating search, the curtain was suddenly ripped away. Kim hadn’t left . . . She had let someone else in! It was MaiLee, the lady I had groped in my drunken stupor while on the plane!
The two of them rushed toward me and pushed my arms to the wall. I hadn’t noticed the metal rings mounted there but quickly figured out what they were there for as each of the women was carrying a set of hand cuffs. I was quickly shackled-naked-facing the wall. I felt very, very vulnerable.
Kim spoke to MaiLee: “Do you want to control him now to make him suffer for what he did to you?”
“Yes Mistress,” She answered.
“‘Mistress?’ What was going on?” I wondered.
Kim smiled and answered my unspoken question. “MaiLee serves Me as a slave but even a female slave is far superior to any male . . . especially a rude boy like you.”
I suddenly felt like I had eaten a pound of cold buttered popcorn and had washed it down with bulk saccharin. I was nauseous and scared!
Of all the women in the world I had chosen the lesbo from hell! The submissive slave of a dominant customs inspector. Beads of sweat formed on my forehead as i heard the Mistress snap on a pair of latex gloves. MaiLee did the same.
I stood there, naked and vulnerable, before the two women-waiting . . . waiting for something unknown. . . .
It was the sound of a latex-gloved hand spanking my ass.
Slap! Again the stinging humiliation of my ass being spanked by these women caused my face to blush with shame.
Slap! Slap! Slap! Over and over . . . !
Kim spoke again to MaiLee. “You know pleasure and pain are but two aspects of the same thing, My little pet. Stroke him but don’t let him have his full pleasure until I command it.”
Kim leaned over and whispered into my ear. Her hot breath excited me as MaiLee manipulated my manhood.
“Pleasure and pain are one, slave boy,” She said.
Smack! Smack! Smack!
“Relax your mind and body as MaiLee strokes your hard . . . .”
It was hard! My god, in spite of all the humiliation, fear and pain, it was very hard and still growing! Could i really be enjoying this treatment?
The hot whisper again penetrated my brain. “Let all your awareness focus on three things: the pain, the pleasure, and My soothing, controlling voice. MaiLee’s hand pleasuring you, My hand inflicting erotic pain on your ass, and My soothing, sensuous and sexy voice . . . the voice of your Mistress controlling you . . . taking you where I want you to go . . . you are learning to obey My cruel and dominating voice. Focus . . . focus
. . . focus . . . .”
Smack! Smack! Smack!
“Let all your awareness focus between your legs and Our hands of pleasure and pain. Focus all your awareness and let a feeling of surrender come over you . . . sweet pleasureful surrender
. . . washing over you as Mistress Kim takes control
. . . only Mistress Kim . . . your Mistress . . . your Goddess . . . your owner . . . ! Enjoy the warm feeling of submissive surrender washing over you as you feel our persistent hands and listen to My pleasant and soothing, yet cruel, cunning, controlling and sexy voice . . . .
Smack! Smack! Smack!
How long would this go on? I felt searing, stinging pain in my red ass cheeks with each blow. I was starting to cry from the incessant spanking . . . yet my mind seemed to accept and somehow enjoy this strange fate. In a certain way i was enjoying the pain . . . the sensual pain . . . the sexual pain from Her hand as it smacked my bare ass . . . ! And I was rock hard from the tender, compelling manipulation of MaiLee’s gloved hand.
“Pleasure and pain are one, slave boy . . . ,” i heard that wonderfully sexy voice intone. “Let go and surrender to the feelings . . . feel the control MaiLee has over your body . . . . Now prepare to release your passion . . . your surrender . . . into Her lovely, sensuous hand. Feel it . . . feel it . . . surrender . . . give up . . . let go
. . . Now!”
i felt like my mind and soul were flowing out of my body through my unbelievably hot manhood! i exploded! i just let the feeling take over . . . i had to surrender to the feeling. It was overwhelming! It was truly wonderful
. . . how very lucky i felt! Smack! Smack! Smack!
Ohh . . . pleasure and pain, pain and pleasure
. . . one and the same . . . ohh . . . it felt so-o-o-o good!
my orgasm seemed to last forever and at some point the spanking slowed, then stopped, then became a sensuous massage of my painfully red butt.
Mistress Kim was massaging . . . whispering . . . “Look at Me, slave boy. Let yourself surrender to My incredible cruel and glorious feminine beauty.”
i focused on Her gorgeous, flawless face . . . the face of unlimited confidence, control and absolute vanity.
“I control your body . . . I control your mind . . . you would love to become My slave like Mai . . . a subject who obeys My every wish . . . to obey My every command. I want to hear you beg to become My faithful, always obedient and eager sex slave.”
i nodded. She did control my body. She did control my mind. How could i be anything but Her slave?
“Yes Mistress . . . please
. . . please let me serve You! i beg you in my humble shackled condition. Please accept me as Your very eager and faithfully obedient slave . . . please . . . please . . . please . . . i humbly beg you!”
A smile crossed Her beautiful lips. “you shall serve MaiLee as well. you shall be a slave’s slave . . . a fitting position . . . a possession of My possession!”
“Yes Mistress Kim. Thank You, my glorious generous Mistress. i shall strive to be a very grateful and good slave to you both. Thank You! Thank You!”
“Are you hungry, slave boy?”
What an odd question, but i was in such a compliant mood . . . so under Her erotic control . . . that if it would please Her . . . well . . . : “Yes. If that is what You wish of me My Mistress.”
At a nod from my Mistress, Mai unlocked the shackles and i tumbled to the floor on my hands and knees before my two glorious controllers.
“Look up at Me, slave boy!” Mistress Kim snapped. “Now!”
i looked up at Her beautiful face-still on my knees before her-just as a slave was supposed to worship a goddess, i thought.
“you love Me, don’t you slave boy?”
Once again i nodded in agreement. i had only set eyes on Her an hour earlier but She had taken control of my body . . . my mind . . . my heart. i did love Her!
“No, no, My slave boy. I want to hear you confess to Me . . . say the words . . . confess . . . tell Me . . . .”
i began babbling, “i love You Mistress! . . . i want to be Your slave! . . . and i want to serve MaiLee too if that is Your wish . . . anything for You . . . i love You
. . . i love You . . . !”
i was crying.
“Good boy! I do so love to hear a male’s total surrender. MaiLee, bring his food.”
Slowly, sensuously, Mistress Kim’s slave-my Mistress MaiLee-moved toward me holding out Her lovely hand. It was still covered with my juices. She held it before me as i turned my head away.
“We can’t have that kind of reaction, My pet. Lick that hand! Lick Her hand!” Mistress Kim commanded, in no uncertain terms.
In spite of my revulsion i knew that i must obey Her and i started to lick MaiLee’s hand.
She reached out with Her right hand as i was sucking the last drops from the lovely, sexy fingers of Her left.
This time it was MaiLee who spoke: “That thing between your legs is no longer yours . . . it now belongs to Mistress Kim . . . and to Me.”
“Yes . . . Yours . . . pleasure . . . yes . . . Mistress . . . pleasure . . . yes . . . belongs . . . yes . . . to You . . . Yes!”
Once more i shot into MaiLee’s expert pleasure-giving hand, filling it.
She removed Her left hand from my face and placed Her right hand there.
“Eat!” Kim whispered into my ear. “Eat!” MaiLee echoed.
i ate . . . i was now totally under Their power so i did as i was told and licked from MaiLee’s hand. i didn’t enjoy it but somehow the humiliation did wonders in cleansing my soul. i had truly become a most eager, submissive and very obedient slave. While i licked away MaiLee deftly slipped out of Her black silk panties and when i finished my immediate task-at-hand, She made me put them on. Then Mistress Kim had me put on my other clothes over the silk panties. She said i was now Her panty slave and i nodded in agreement.
i would do anything She wanted me to do and the panties did feel nice and had a wonderful effect on my tool, which again became active. Later as we all left the customs office for Mistress Kim’s home, i was told a room with a cage (instead of a view) awaited me at her place. Mistress Kim also explained to me how the cane was used to instill discipline among criminals-and slaves like me. i was afraid but i went with Her. i kept hearing Her voice in my head as i followed at a respectful distance behind my Mistresses
. . . “pleasure and pain are one . . . !”
i knew it was true . . . !
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