He had been in this airport lounge for 6 hours, they said that his flight to the Caribbean was delayed by low cloud and bad weather. He seemed now to be the only passenger
apart from 2 or 3 others to be sitting waiting to depart. It seemed that all of those around him
had been taken away.
The video screens at the “Krystal Air” area seemed to broadcast nothing but the perils of flying. Dreadful statistics unfolded before him , part of him wondered why.This was a very exclusive airline with small but very comfortable aircraft. He had won this holiday as a prize. He was all set for Montego Bay, he even had his shorts on but the images on the screens seemed to show nothing but severe storm warnings in the Caribbean.
Suddenly he decided that he did not want to fly, he began to walk towards the exit of the terminal,as he did 2 air hostesses accosted him and gently but firmly pulled him into and office beside the departure lounge.
Both ladies were young and very striking, both wore silver satin blouses and gossamer soft long ankle length satin skirts split at the side. They both looked extremely confident and efficient , one was blonde with smiling eyes, the other looked at him caringly yet with an alluring coolness that seemed to broadcast a subtle subliminal message that she was in charge, was in control and there would be nothing he could do about it.
She spoke first motioning him to sit in a comfortable leather chair, but it was not so much a “Motion” more a subtle command.
“Look I really think I ought to go” he said, “There have been nothing but storm warnings on that screen out there and I….I, for the first time feel afraid, I know it’s not manly but…”
“Shhhh, shhhhhh, “ she said, this is nothing new for us, you really wouldn’t want to spoil your holiday, your special vacation in the sun , the slowly undulating oh so blue waves drifting back and forth across the beach as you lay in the soft warm sand”
There was just something about her that started to change his mind, he breathed an inhale and exhale, looking calming but without smiling she said “There, that’s better, now here at KRYSTAL-AIR we specialize in making our clients verrry comfortable, our aircraft are sumptuous, I think that you will also agree that our in flight staff have an aura of calm and re-assurance”
“ Now my dear, if you afraid we do have the option of a little sedation to help you relaxxx and sleeeep during your flight…”
At those last words he suddenly felt like her voice was coming from far away borne on a gentle soothing breeze, he shook his head to revive himself
“But-she continued, we would rather have the option of you being er…alert as well as rested when we need you to be” the other lady laughed slightly as she said this.
“Sooo my slightly fearful darling we have developed the option of hypnosis for our customers to make them feel warm and safe, warrrm and saaaffe on our craft”
He was a little startled, the lady next to him laid a calming hand on his arm.
“Now don’t just dismiss it, lets give it a little tesssst flight shall we”
She stepped towards him and suddenly pulled out a long necklace with a glittering emerald stone set into it.
“Here my darling , just watch this wonderful necklace for a little while, just to get you used to what it is like to be hypnotized, watch as it gently and compellingly swings back and forth”
He watched the emerald catch the light, he was also aware of the long satin skirt rocking back and forth, it was gentle alluring , re-assuring, peaceful, as she came slightly closer he was aware of a wonderful heady fragrance.
“That’s right, see it sway back and forth, back and forth, then move around and around, around and around catching your eyes, keep your eyes on it as it softly and soothingly swings back and forth and around and around, so soothing and easy to watch against the backdrop of elegant silken fabric rocking back and forth, in time with the necklace as it too swings back and forth and around and around as it draws you deeper , deeperrrr, deeperrrr into it’s restful illuminated spell”
“Yessss it makes you restful doesn’t it, imagine that you are in a comfortable boat on a soft emerald river, the river flows calmly, it’s little waves lapping against the boat making it undulate softly and soothingly, this boat is all yours, it is commanded by two wonderful silken clad ladies whose only wish is to take you on a sofft calming journey, a journey to a land of sofft relaxation. These ladies are here to make you feel safe and warm, warm and safe and calm, the air is full of fragrance. They decide that you need to be more at ressst so one of them nonchalantly swings a wonderful emerald just like this close to your eyes, back and forth and around and around as the boat moves softly away, softly away.”
“Gently in the background you here a sound, a sound like an ocean, the gateway to the sea of sweet dreams, that is where this boat is going and the more it moves to it’s restful destination the more you start to feel tired, your eyes begin to flutter like they flutter on a long journey as restful sleeepiness softly but unyieldingly and stealthily flows over you. The ladies smile a caring soft smile, they know that the journey is lulling you, they want it to lull you. They want you to be quiet and peaceful on your journey, to the sea of soft gentle wonderful dreams”
“You feel soothing fingers at the back of your neck moving in a gentle circular pattern, you look up with that helpless and slighly confused expression of someone on the edge of a deeep restful sleeeeep, the fingers move in time with the pretty emerald and in time with the softly undulating satin clad legs and hips of these wonderful soooo soothing angels, you feel the soft satin against your thigh and your leg sending messsmerizzed messagess of pleassure mixed with relaxation to your more and more sleeepy tired little head, sooo sleeepy and tired, that head wants to ressst, needs so much to ressst, needs to ressst before the river meets the sleepy sea of dreamland, time to ressst until the voyage is over, to sleeeep, to sleeeep, to sleeeep”
As they spoke their voices grew further and further away, the sound of the ocean grew louder and more calming like nature sussshing him to sleepy rest, suddenly his head fell against a silken thigh.
He was at the rivers end, the gateway to the sea of soft silken dreams, he smiled contentedly.
In the air terminal the tall dark haired lady said “Now stand up, you are in a state of deeep hypnotic sleeep but to be at complete rest you must come with us”
He was gently led away into a corridor and eventually into the interior of a Lear jet. Though he could not see it 5 other men were soundly sleeping. His hostesses strapped him in and one blew him a soft kiss and joined the dark haired lady who was clearly in charge of the flight
“Always works that storm DVD” she said “It always makes our little darlings scared, we always soothe their little minds away and WE get unlimited fun for the next 8 hours, ahhhh we must have collected at least 50 tired little hypnotized darlings by now but I lovve the new ones, ahhh bless them they are going to be flown away to our little island lair where mistresses rule everything, we have our fun and we whisk them back and if we think one of them is special…”
“She suddenly picked up a public address microphone, Now pay attention my hypnotized honeys, you are coming for a little ride with us, you are going to give us soo much pleasurrre. When we are done you’ll be taken to your destination, but if some of your are special good little boys then you may get a phone call one day, if you do and here the words EMERALD SEA you will call the KRYSTAL-AIR helpline and we might just fly you away again. Of course you won’t remember anything but my hostesses and I will,now settle down and let me put on some gentle soothing music to lull you away whilst we fly you away. You sooo need your sleep as you will need all the energy that you can muster for what we have in store for you, now sleep tight little ones. Let OUR pleasure flight begin!.
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