It had been a long day at the client site, with a lot of seeming small issues that took up so much time. It was late and all I wanted to do was get something to eat, try to relax and get back to the hotel.
I think I had sampled just about everything on the hotel menu, so I was very pleased to see a small restaurant I hadn’t noticed before. I went down the steps into a dimly lit very discreet room. The tables looked like they would seat just 2 people each and they were in little booths. I ordered dinner and a bottle of Pinot Noir. I was checking some of my documentation for the following day and sipping some wine, when I noticed Her. She was sitting at a table diagonally across the room from me. She must have seen me looking, because Her lips curved in a beautiful smile and as She turned slightly in Her chair to face me, She crossed her long, long legs. She was wearing very black sheer stocking, and high spike black open toed heels. The gold ankle chain, sparkling in the candlelight caught my attention as she began to swing her leg slowly.
Her stockings seemed to shimmer as the ankle chain, nestled on Her delicious ankle, glistened and sparkled, the rest of the room seemed to go completely black as I found myself more and more fascinated by the sparkling ankle chain, the light seeming to flash inside my mind like thousands of tiny flash bulbs, all I could think of was just to keep looking at the most beautiful legs in the whole world, nothing else really mattered, I needed to keep looking and let the cares of my day fade away, fade away with everything else, all I needed to do was to keep watching the sparkling ankle chain and the slowly swinging ankle.
I must have asked her if she wanted to join me for dinner, because I slowly became aware that She was walking towards my table, Her long legs so shapely in those high spike heels, which clicked as She came towards me, her stocking clad legs swishing sensuously as She moved so gracefully. I rose to meet Her as the waiter assisted with Her chair. She introduced Herself as Marquesa.
As She sat down, She smiled, such a wonderful smile, so wonderful since i was now closer to see Her beautiful sensuous full lips and the glistening dark red lipstick, deeper than the wine I had been drinking. Her eyes held mine; eyes deep like an emerald pool that welcomed me inside. We began chatting and the waiter brought our food, but I don’t remember that I ate anything and after a while, I don’t remember what we talked about, Her voice was little bells tinkling in my mind, as I watched Her lips, dark red lips, full and glistening, I wondered how those lips could be so red and full, so full and sensuous, what sort of lipstick could make her lips so red and full. I knew it must be so wonderful to have lips so red and full, glistening sensuous lips, knowing when your lips are so red and full that they are so sexy, I couldn’t help wondering how it must be to use lipstick to make my lips so red and full, to watch the lipstick slowly rising out of the lipstick tube, rising and growing to meet my lips, so red and firm, smooth and round, rising to meet my lips as I slowly brought my lips to it, feeling it so firm and smooth against my lips, making my lips redder and fuller, more and more sensual.
I gradually became aware that Marquesa was saying it was time to say good night, before I could ask to meet Her again, She gave me Her card and told me She could use my services and I should call her the following day, so we could discuss how I could help Her.
I watched her walk away, so sexy and sensuous, her long legs, legs I would never forget, those high spike heels, heels so long and firm, hard and smooth, the need to run after Her, just to be near her again, aching inside me, but I knew i must wait until the next day when I could phone Her and hear Her voice again, just to listen to Her words, to see Her lips moving inside my mind.
I don’t remember walking back to the hotel, or how I got into bed, all I can remember is the feeling of floating in a cloud, my mind swirling, full of red red full lips, emerald eyes, long long legs in shimmering stockings, and the high spike heels, long heels, smooth round heels, hard firm heels, how that heel must feel if I could caress it, to feel it between my moving fingers, so hard and smooth and long. I kept thinking how Marquesa looked as She walked away from me, not little mincing steps, but striding confidently, the black jersey sexy dress clinging to every sensual curve, the smooth undulating motion, like waves rippling through my brain. I remember thinking how it must feel to be a woman like Marquesa, knowing every time She looks in the mirror, how sexy She looks, how it must feel putting on those sheer shimmering stocking, stepping into those high heels, feeling the calf muscles tighten, so shapely and firm, the feeling of silk against bare skin, smooth and cool, shimmering and sensual.
The next day, I couldn’t concentrate on any of the meetings, I called Marquesa’s number twice but I just got Her voice mail, I left a message but I was very disappointed, almost frustrated not to be able to hear Her speaking to me. Then my phone rang, it was Her sweet voice tinkling with Her laughter, she toldme that I should come to Her office at 3:30 and gave me the address.
When I got to Her office, She gave me a tour of the facility, the room where all the computers were, was behind a glass wall, everything was so clean, with subdued lighting. I sat in front of the console and we started talking about Her systems. The console background had a graphic which slowly dissolved from a picture of Her face, to a picture of Her standing so tall in that slinky black jersey clingy dress, with sheer stocking and those high spike heels. We spoke about how the slave computers would submit tasks to the primary computers, to submit a task they had to be granted a token, and then had to surrender the token in turn, how other computers in the network were servers. I was watching Her lips move as She spoke, she asked me if I thought it was cute the way computers seemed to be about slaves and submitting and serving and surrender, these four words, just to think about submitting and to surrender, watching Her red red lips, wondering how they could be so red, as if reading my mind, She took out Her lipstick and said to me, “you don’t mind, do you?” I shook my head slowly, as if she knew I had always been aroused watching women put on lipstick, watching the lipstick rising out of the tube, slowly, firmly, rising higher and higher, and the pressing against the lips, Marquesa said to me “you know why red lips are so arousing?”, I said softly “no”, then Marquesa said, “lips are one of the sexual indicators, or triggers, and a sign of sexual arousal. When a woman is aroused, the blood flows to the lips, making them swell and redden, both the mouth and the vagina, just inside the lips becomes sexually sensitive, so feeling the lipstick pressing against the lips is arousing,” and she told me to purse my lips, so she could show me. I pursed my lips and She brought the lipstick into my gaze so I could see it as She twisted the base slowly, watching it rise slowly, growing as I watched, then She pressed it against my lips, I could feel my lips swelling as She slowly rubbed the firm smooth lipstick against my lips, I knew my lips were becoming fuller and redder, Marquesa said, “you will find the inside of your lips becoming sensitive, your lips are so pouty now, you can feel the blood flowing, making them warm and sensitive.”
She put her finger on my lower lip and caressed the inside of my lip, pressing her finger more firmly against my lip, slowly moving her finger, saying “feel how sensitive your lip is, as you feel my finger rubbing against it” Her finger moving slowly in and out as I opened my mouth, Her finger pressing deeper, Her firm finger sliding in and making me more and more aroused “you like the feeling, you know now how the lips of the vagina feel, Your lips grasping my finger wanting suck, knowing the arousal, like a drug inside you, making you more aroused, knowing you mouth is like your vagina, like your cunt!”, When she said the word my mind swirled and I just wanted to suck and lick, the finger so firm, sliding in and out.
Marquesa said “you liked my high heels yesterday, didn’t you”, I nodded, still sucking her moving finger as I stared deeper into her eyes of emerald pools, “now I’m going to show you one of my special shoes”. She lifted a high heel shoe like I had never seen before, it was clear, like lucite or crystal, a one inch platform and the clear heel must have been nearly 8 inches. She waved it slowly in front of my eyes, the heel seemed to glow, it was so long and smooth, Marquesa said “you want to touch it”, I nodded again as I continued to suck her moving finger, my lips more and more sensitive, I touched the heel and almost automatically began to caress it, so hard and long and smooth, Marquesa said “see how clear it is, you could imagine wearing it, so everyone could see your slim beautiful foot and red toenails, that would make you feel so sexy, as you caress it, you can feel how slutty it would make you feel, so slutty and sexy” I continued rubbing the long smooth shaft, wanting more and more to feel it between my lips, as I caressed it lovingly, almost as if I was trying to arouse it, to feel it pulsing between my fingers, as Marquesa removed her finger from my mouth, and let me bring the smooth long shaft to my lips, I could feel the blood pumping to my lips, making my lips so red and full, so sexy and slutty, the shaft of the heel pressing between my red slutty lips, red wet lips, leaving traces of wet lipstick all along the shaft as I sucked it deep, the shaft moving in and out of my red wet slutty lips. Marquesa said “as you suck your mind is emptying of everything, your soul is emptying of everything, you are surrendering your will to me, all you can think of is how slutty and sexy it feels, so slutty and sexy to have the hard long shaft between your wet red lips, sliding in and out between your lips as you lick and suck, your mind and soul so empty, waiting to be filled by me, you are so empty without me, you need me to fill your empty mind and soul, so empty without me, all you want to do is suck and lick, feeling my power growing, growing as you suck and lick, red wet lipstick from your red wet lick up and down the shaft, up and down as you suck in and out, sucking harder, wanting to be filled, to fill your empty shell with only Me, only Me only Me!” I wanted the shaft, wanted to feel it swelling, growing, wanted it to fuck my cunt mouth, fuck me more, fill me, open me up for Marquesa’s power.
“I have something you will like better” Marquesa said, and I watched Her taking a dildo from the drawer, I was so aroused, She said “this is a symbol of my power, you are going to open yourself up to my power” and She pressed it against my lips, I opened my mouth immediately, I just wanted to suck and lick it, to open myself for Her, to feel Her power filling me, just to lick and suck, to caress it with my lips and tongue, feeling it go deeper and deeper inside me, wanting Marquesa to take me, to make me Hers, to make me her slut slave, sissy slut slave, sucking, licking, so aroused, more and more aroused, I never want it to end, just to be here with Marquesa, Her sissy slut slave forever.
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