He hated her ever since college. He first saw this looker at the reunion as she made her grand entrance entrancing him with every step she made crushing his heart in her wake. It was like being imprisoned in an unbreakable infinite loop of reliving his most painfully humiliating moments all at her damnably still perfectly manicured hands. He’d hoped all his deep feelings only for her alone had been crucified and slain and entombed everlastingly by his career successes and financial rewards. With nothing save her infernal appearance at the event, this voluptuous, [and probably still as vicious] vampiric virago of a sirenic she devil had cast her witcheries on him again. Simply his glimpses of her attractiveness as this sex goddess-looking, Junoesque social butterfly started flitting about the banquet hall like the high arch-queen bee of the May were enough. And all he did from time to time was crane his neck and perk up his ears to pick out her unmistakably sensuous voice as she chatted up to ecstasies those lucky people she wanted to be with. Even for the most infinitesimally minuscule instant in timelessness why couldn’t her eternal lovebird brainwashed by her beauty be one of this lusciously lovely, leggy leviathan of a dragon lady’s favourites? Consciously knowing he was so close and yet so far from his treasured torturer was All it took to ensure all those conflicting thoughts, emotions, and desires ruthless resurrection to immortality with a vengeance.
He silently cursed the fact she had not changed. Yes, no one there had escaped the influence of time. Ohhhhhhh!!! how much he gave it the old college try in vain with all his might diminishing by her mere devilishly diabolical presence in the room. He knew he couldn’t honestly deny she was even more so than ever before the most attractive woman in their class. She hadn’t even had to imagine expending the effort to effortlessly utter a throwaway, solitary syllable in his general direction. Nevertheless, she had devastatingly dealt a doomsday deathblow to undoubtedly his most cherished dream of being only almost below her level and her notice. Never had he poignantly perceived so perpetually painfully just exactly how much she was obviously out of his peewee league major!! league!!
Should he face up to his powerlessness against his fiendish femme fatale or slink away in the gloomy darkness like a whipped mongrel cur of a misbegotten mutt? Somehow, he sensed in either doom he was only picking his deadly poison witch’s brewed in her heartlessness and administered by her foul, formidable, fearsome, fascinating fangs forged from her sinister, soulless spirit spawning malevolence mainly or solely for him.
All through the opening pleasantries, cocktails, and dinner he couldn’t escape that all too familiar from his matriculations at university tingling, prickly feeling on the back of his neck. To make matters worse, each time his eyes were drawn in her direction it was the same. Inevitably, her eyes found his. Once their gazes locked, the torture intensified. Sometimes she rolled her eyes at him apparently in disgust or disbelief. On a couple of occasions it seemed to his mindlessness fascinated forever by her that she was flirtatiously batting those long, thick eyelashes in his general direction. Once or twice she narrowed her gaze as though she was thoroughly examining him. Depending upon her facial expression that came with the stare, he felt like she was playing the part of an evil scientific genius examining a misbehaving dullard of a lab rat or the deadliest exterminator scrutinizing a bothersome pest whose vapour of a lifespan was held in the clutches of her cruel claws.
After dessert, the gorgeous, gruesomely grueling giantess strode across the room. He mentally fumbled with ways to avoid, stalemate, or best her with each slow, seemingly deliberate click of her stiletto heels sounding like another nail being driven to the hilt into his coffin. At last this sinuously shapely, serpentine sorceress sensuously slithered up right next to him. The earthy, sophisticated as always lioness’s Cheshire Cat’s eyes looked down at her prey paralyzed by paradoxes only she stimulated ever since all those years ago.
They stared at each other in silence for several increasingly intense seconds. Her next dagger thrust into his heart and soul was giving him that sadistic smile only seen on the conqueror’s face of a truly wicked woman who knows the man who’s staring at his nemesis is unnerved by her charms he simply can not resist.
She leaned down and condescendingly patted him on the head. “This is my little worm of a straight A-plus nerd of a dweeby geek I used to put to sleeeeeeep in lectures. I never failed, no matter how feebly you tried to stop loving me even evermore. He’s still as uncool as ever. Close your egghead’s eyes you ugly little idiot,” she commanded in that insufferably mocking tone. Her voice, movements, posture and manner still dripped with that venomous confidence which infuriated and perniciously enthralled him.
With her laughter cutting him to the quick he walked away. But each time his downcast mind’s watery blue eyes searched the room, it looked like she seemed still to look for him. He did not know why he was her only target to tantalise and torment. At college she did have some power over him. She seemed to be able to put him to sleep in any class. No matter how diligently he was devoted to his studies. Even if he only dreamily saw her passing by the window. A mere casual glance from her usually did the trick. Her eyes were as penetrating as they were pretty.
He got bored with the tail end of the reunion and went to bed. He didn’t really know why he had come.
At around the witching hour, when he was almost sound asleep, there was a knock at his door. Still completely undressed, he groggily opened it. Jessicca, his tempting, titanic tormentor, was standing swathed in the most sumptuous Charmeuse Satin nightgown he had ever seen. Low-cut cups flirtatiously revealed her firm breasts. And such a long, swaying, rippling skirt with splits like those was tailor-made to order his libido into driving him daffy with desires. Only this woman with the longest legs he’d ever seen now embraced in thigh high fishnet stockings and lacy garters could do this enticing ensemble justice.
“Hello, my little worm” she said. A look of mischief was in her triumphant eyes.
He got angry “Why do you call me that? Jessicca, why did you still make my life hell in Hades? And why don’t you go away?”
She strolled up to him and mockingly but soothingly traced her finger across his forehead “Simple, you allowed me to experience, well-develop, and show off the scales the delicious extent of my female power. I grew up in a family of control freak males and no mom. Soon after I enrolled at university I ran across you. When I saw you so quiet and week in the knees for me, I just gave it all to you. I took out both barrels of all my frustrations on my little worm who will always adore me. But from you I also learned that one big power over men is a woman’s irresistible ability to lull any man who yearns for her into dreamy unconsciousness. you see, sirens, mermaids, enchantresses, magical maidens, and goddesses like moi show it’s women who usually lull males to sleep. And I enjoyed that power.”
Jessicca fell silent and watched him struggle with his hatred of her and his hunger to forever be in her sights. She knew he wouldn’t win. He never had. She silently laughed.
“And guess what wormy, I’m gonna exercise my charms right now. I am not leaving this room until I have put you fast assssleeeeeeep. Yessss, you will fall fast asleep, my pathetic, little maggot. I’ll do just like I used to. Me and my friends watched saliva run from your mouth. I felt so powerful. And I won a lot of bets too. If you try to fight me, I’ll scream.”
She paused until she sensed her threat’s full ‘gravitas’ fell fully on his balding head.
“So you had better get ready to go nightie night, baby?”
He felt first resistant and then not nearly so much so. He felt mocked at first and then soothed. Really!! Her eyes repeated his feelings.
She came towards him swaying her silken hips like the waves of a silken ocean of rest.
She placed her incredibly long, soothing, soft fingers on each side of his neck. He was in heaven. She swayed his head back and forth. Apparently, her former cruelty had melted into care.
“Just watch my hips, darling, swaying softly. Rocking your little mindlessness soothingly straight to drowsier dreamland. I am so sorry I was always so harsh with you. But back then, anger was the only emotion I knew how to tap into when I wanted to feel the confidence I needed to captivate a man. I’ve done a lot of studying, soul searching, and growing up since those days. Now pleasure is the only way to go in hypnotizing you even more. I just love soothing you, my sweet. Just concentrate on the gentle, swaying satin you hunger to feel me all overwhelming us with passions. It’s like our own private and personal waterfall of sweet surrender. You’ve always wanted me. I still see it in your dreamier eyes. Now our pleasures shall soon be increasingly soothing you. Our passions are taking away all the pain and all the hate we used to have. Feel my hypnotic eyes mesmerisingly watching over you becoming sleeeeeeepier with each soft, satiny, silken moment of rapture. I am so sorry that my mesmerizing eyes were so harsh to you before. See how caring they are. They are swaying your tiring self to softly soothing, sensuously sumptuous sleeeeeeep. Your tiring mindless weakening will shall surely and certain succumb and surrender solely to sleeeeeeep with a gentle lingerie lullaby.”
Her breasts and gown came toward him. He wanted to be hers. He wanted her so much to soothe and care for him. He relaxed into all his newly stirred up sentiments and sensuous sensations she spawned. And as he did so, he felt more aroused and alive. He was timelessly tantalized and transfixed. His droopier eyes settled and stayed steadfastly on her stunningly shapely stems’ swaying hips. Like the walking snaky sorceress she was, her lusciously rounded womanly hips unavoidably and unstoppably undulated like a green ocean of silken delight. She temptingly came closer. And he was so stimulated and so hard for her.
“Can’t you see why I liked putting my lovable, little worm into deepening and deeeeeeeper sleeeeeeepiness so much?” she said. “Awake you acted like you were less than Clarke Kent’s underling. But in my hypnotic sleeeeeeep spells, that big bulge between your legs turns you into superman. And your delectably larger, longer, and lengthening rod of steal is all for me and you to enjoy. Now lie back, my trance formed sleepy stallion and let me show you how we’ll really have some fun!”
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