He hated her ever since college. He first saw this looker at the reunion as she made her grand entrance entrancing him with every step she made crushing his heart in her wake. It was like being imprisoned in an unbreakable infinite loop of reliving his most painfully humiliating moments all at her damnably still perfectly manicured hands. He’d hoped all his deep feelings only for her alone had been crucified and slain and entombed everlastingly by his career successes and financial rewards. With nothing save her infernal appearance at the event, this voluptuous, [and probably still as vicious] vampiric virago of a sirenic she devil had cast her witcheries on him again. Simply his glimpses of her attractiveness as this sex goddess-looking, Junoesque social butterfly started flitting about the banquet hall like the high arch-queen bee of the May were enough. And all he did from time to time was crane his neck and perk up his ears to pick out her unmistakably sensuous voice as she chatted up to ecstasies those lucky people she wanted to be with. Even for the most infinitesimally minuscule instant in timelessness why couldn’t her eternal lovebird brainwashed by her beauty be one of this lusciously lovely, leggy leviathan of a dragon lady’s favourites? Consciously knowing he was so close and yet so far from his treasured torturer was All it took to ensure all those conflicting thoughts, emotions, and desires ruthless resurrection to immortality with a vengeance. Read more…