Posted by Krystal Mesmer
There are times when certain parents will say something like this to their children:
“You have it so easy. Why every day, I had to walk ten miles, through blizzards, going uphill both ways just to go to school.”
Exaggerations notwithstanding, there are some people who have had to endure a great deal of sacrifice to get the education they yearned for.Chronologically, the female I am lauding this time is not a woman. But if anyone deserves some kudos (and a whole lot more) from Me, and all folks of good will, this young lady definitely does. And that’s why this blog post is all about:
The title of her autobiography reveals why this teenager is absolutely remarkable:
I Am Malala: The Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban
Malala Yousafzai’s thirst for knowledge and moxie are praiseworthy indeed. What kind of a powerhouse of a woman shall she become as she matures?
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