Addictive Personality

Have you ever wondered why I have been the reigning Queen of the Hypnodommes on the World Wide Web for so many years, pet? Of course you have. Is it the fact that My legs routinely stop traffic? That My tits have reduced grown men to drooling infants? That My penetrating green eyes have enslaved princes and presidents? Well, yes…of course those assets have all contributed. But they would not have been enough.

No, even you for quite some time have understood that your Goddess is not just a pretty face and a smoking hot body. But what is the secret? How is it that I have conquered so widely and ruled with such an iron (though gorgeous and impeccably manicured) hand?

Don’t strain yourself, pet. I won’t let the mystery linger. My beauty, My brilliant mind, My creativity, My talent, My mesmerizing skill- all of them have helped lay the foundation of My empire. But the key to My success has always been my addictive personality.

No…not that kind of “addictive personality.” I am not prone to addiction. My personality, however, is almost always addictive to those who encounter Me.

Addiction to substances or destructive behaviors is no laughing matter, and I would never make light of it. But I can’t help Who and What I am. People who interact with Me find Me fascinating. I make them laugh, I turn them on, I make them think, I unsettle them. Usually all at once. I am funny and serious and thought-provoking and approachable and mysterious, all at the same time. Spending some time with Me (even over the phone, or just listening to a recording) feels so good that you find yourself craving some more. Before long you can’t imagine life without me.

It’s all right, pet. I am a benign addiction. There is a LOT of Me to go around, and I don’t impair motor function (permanently) or leave you with a hangover (usually). So come, indulge- you know you want to. A little taste of Me won’t hurt… first…..

An Interview with Bob

INTRO:  As one of the Magnificent Mistress Marquesa’s most favored slaves – so I’m told, and of course I pray that it is really true – I am privileged that I am allowed to perform many tasks in accordance with Her strict orders.

One of the tasks recently assigned to me by Mistress was to interview male submissives and record those interviews.  Because I am just a lowly, stupid slave She allowed start by speaking to a submissive who served Mistress Racquel, the beautiful petite associate of the Marquesa.  This meant that I didn’t have to seek out slaves in the normal commercial B&D clubs. Read more…

Out of the Bottle

            A cloud of purple smoke billowed through the room, and as it cleared a green-skinned man stood in the center of the carpet, wearing a gold turban, a rose-pink vest, and white pantaloons. His dark black beard was trimmed to a sharp goatee.

            “I am your servant, Mistress,” the man declared, pressing his palms together in greeting. “Ask any three wishes and I will grant them.” Read more…

Sissy Hercules

It is story time, pet. Come sit at Goddess’s feet and I will tell you about Hercules. you have all heard about him killing the Hydra and wrestling with a lion, but do you know he was a sissy? I bet you don’t. Somehow that one tends to get lost in the shuffle today.

Hercules was prone to fits of madness, and in one of those fits he killed some poor prince and as punishment was condemned to be the slave of Queen Omphale of Lydia for one year. He fell madly in love with Omphale and submitted to her every whim.  She ordered him to wear her clothes, which he happily did. He would sit wearing her dresses and spinning thread at a wheel while she lounged on her throne in his lion skin, gripping the famous club with which he had slain so many monsters.

What do you think this story means, pet? Goddess is here to tell you. The yearning to be made into a sissy by a powerful Woman is as old as time itself. you men can’t escape it. Deep down, you all know that any world in which Women are not in charge is mad. That is why the only time Hercules could be cured of his fits of madness was when he was being humiliated and sissified by Omphale.

Come, pet. Stop the restless trembling. Let go of all that anxiety. Put on a pair of My panties. Try this nice shade of lipstick. Sit here at My feet and serve Me like a good girl. It will make you feel soooo much better…..

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…….!


I want you to RELAX and EMBRACE your HYPNOTIC SURRENDER to Me.
I’ll start whispering the legend of Pygmalion in your ear…..

King Pygmalion of Cyprus was an idealist. He was certain no woman could match all he felt a woman should be. The King was also an excellent sculptor. He used all his skills to carve his fantasy of the perfect lady out of marble.

Pygmalion became infatuated with his creation. He adored it so much, he pleaded with the gods to send him a real woman just like the statue he created.

Aphrodite, the goddess of beauty and love, decided to grant Pygmalion’s request.  However, the goddess decided to put her own twist on the situation. She cast her spell upon King Pygmalion’s creation.

One day the King was so enraptured with what he’d made, he started treating the sculpture like it was a living woman. The more he adored the statue, the more lifelike it became. When the King’s adoration was strong enough, this statue became the lovely maiden Galatea. Galatea and Pygmalion fell in love and were married.

In some ways, sensuous hypnosis, hypnodomination, FinDom, BDSM and FemDomme, are like Pygmalion and Galatea:


When it all comes together just so: MY! OH!! MY!!!“`

Can you and I turn mutually pleasurable fantasies into something out of this world?


Maybe some of Aphrodite’s magick is in your future!

Our Emerald Eyes are watching 🙂


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