I’m sure you will have no doubt believing that I have had the experience of putting people “under” in some pretty unusual and interesting places and circumstances. But one, in particular, stands out.
I was on a flight home, to Los Angeles, from Washington DC. Seated next to me on the airplane was a rather handsome young man who was pretty obviously attracted to me. At the same time, he appeared to be a bit nervous and agitated. Finally, smiling, I introduced myself and asked him if there was anything the matter. He said that, yes, he happened to hate flying (especially these days.) He claimed that it made him anxious and uneasy and kept him from relaxing during the flight. An excellent opportunity at hand, I told him that I was a professional hypnotherapist and I most certainly could help him relax and enjoy the remainder of the flight. All he needed to do was to relax as best he could, listen to my voice……… and decide that he truly wanted to overcome his fear of flying.
Right about then, the plane’s flight attendant arrived at our aisle with dinner. A very attractive young woman, she was obviously tired and felt overworked serving the passengers. My soon-to-be subject, hoping to be gallant, asked her if there was anything wrong. She told us that, yes, she was having a rough time. She had been forced to work a double-shift that day. Also, she said to me, “As a woman, you’ll understand this”, she had picked out a pair of shoes that morning that, while very attractive, were not terribly kind on her tired feet that day. After a bit of commiseration from the two of us, she continued her rounds.
Back on focus, I worked to help my handsome new friend with his air travel problem. I had him close his eyes and helped him to progressively relax. Breathing in and out, hearing the plane’s engine noise as waves breaking on a warm, peaceful beach, letting his anxiety melt away further and further. He dropped down very quickly, sinking into a deep hypnotic trance. He was an excellent subject. And I could tell he was thoroughly enjoying the sound of my compelling and dominant voice.
I quickly and skillfully implanted the right suggestions to help his anxiety, using the visualization and metaphor of the peaceful beach that he could use (for himself) to relax during flight. Then, I decided to take the opportunity to do something a little more fun and amusing, if I might add! I asked him if he liked the pretty flight attendant with the tired feet. He responded that yes, he had. I asked him if he would like an opportunity to get to know her better. He slowly smiled and again said yes…
Looking towards the rear of the plane’s cabin, I saw the weary stewardess, her work done for the moment, taking a much-needed rest in the drop-down seat in the back. Perfect. I then suggested to my subject that after he came back up to full awareness, he would head to the back and take the opportunity to help the pretty stewardess relax by offering her a foot massage. Then, I brought him back up, counting up, telling him that he would feel relaxed, refreshed and at ease….remembering nothing of what I just told him.
He smiled after coming up and relaxed back in the seat. He thanked me for my assistance. He then turned around and focused his full attention on the sexy stewardess. “Excuse me, I’ve got to head back for a minute.”, he said as he got up to act out my suggestion. I didn’t look back for a couple of minutes. When I did, I saw my young man following my instructions perfectly. He was down on his knees looking into the pretty blue eyes of the stewardess with adoration while massaging her feet as if it were the most natural act in the world!
I couldn’t help but smile and order a glass of champagne………. from the very attractive young male steward who kept looking my way.!
There was more to follow for the hypno-passenger, the sultry stewardess and for the studly young steward (afterall, it’s a pretty long flight) but that’s a bedtime story for another night….
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