As usual, my ordinary wife and I were on our own sides of the bed. My slave cock and balls were consumed by such lust that fondling and playing with them were a definite must. As my big hand reached the stroke of twelve, i was summoned by a Siren voice that could not be ignored: “slave . . . slave . . . look upon Me, slave boy. . . .”
As i was opening my eyes, i was thinking in fright, “Shhh, ‘You’ll wake my wife and then there will be a big fight!’ “
To this came a silky reply: “Don’t worry, you slut, she won’t hear My voice. I read and project thoughts so don’t talk, slave boy.”
Now my eyes were focused on an incredible sight. i cannot do justice to Her beauty, try as i might. Though the room was dark, this bewitching creature was so radiant that Her well-known features were easily recognized. She stood five feet eleven inches in Her spike heels. Her muscular, yet feminine, legs were encased in black nylons all the way up to Her thighs. There, glistening in its own aura, was Her moist, feminine shrine. She wore a black leather corset with garter straps to keep the stockings taut. The corset’s bra cups were designed to support, but not hide, the two perfectly proportioned 36C breasts that so lusciously stood at attention. i could not help myself as i stared hungrily at Her magnificence.
Like the rest of Her, Her face was perfect too. She had ruby red lips, emerald green eyes—that could see deep into my very soul—and long blond hair arranged in the most sexy style. She was my Mistress, but yet i knew She was not my Mistress.
“Who, or what, are You?” i asked (or actually, thought.)
“I am the Spirit of Female Domination,” She projected into my humble brain.
“Oh, you mean like in the Christmas story. Are You the Spirit of Female Domination Past, Present or Future?”
“I am all three rolled into one,” She answered.
“Why do You appear to me in the image of my Dominatrix, Mistress Marquesa? What do You want with me? How should i address You?”
“Slowly, slowly, slave. Though time is short, we do have all night. I can take any Feminine form I choose so does it not stand to reason that I choose that most beautiful of Women, your glorious Mistress Marquesa? Besides, She has you so enslaved and bewitched that appearing in Her image only serves to make you more receptive to what We have planned for you.”
“We?” i thought, forgetting that by just thinking, i was interrupting Her.”
“Silence, you slut! you are to stop thinking immediately. you are a submissive sponge and will absorb any and all thoughts I give you. you will only think when a response is required. Is that understood, slave boy?”
“Yes,” i replied immediately.
“Good boy. ‘We’ refers to your Mistress and I. The final, and most important reason for appearing in Her image is that by so doing She will know of all the physical, mental, and spiritual feelings that I experience.
“I am your Christmas gift from Her. Over the course of the next year, I will visit you four times, this being the first. During this visit I will get to know you through hands-on experience. I will use and manipulate you tonight right here in your bedroom with your ordinary wife asleep beside you in the bed . . . so near . . . but so far away . . .
“During each of My subsequent visits, I will take you to other places and times—past, present, and future—so that you may watch other Superior Females seducing, enslaving, and manipulating the inferior male of the species. The Marquesa has briefed Me on your natural subconscious knowledge about the Superiority of Females and how She has trained you to help plan Her seduction and enslavement scenarios.
“She tells Me that you now love to see other unsuspecting males become ensnared in Her wonderful Feminine web. Since I appear to you in Her image and She will sense everything we say, think, or do—She and I are one and the same to you. Therefore, you shall address Me as though you were speaking directly to Her. Do you understand . . . slave of seduction?”
“Yes, my most Glorious Queen. i understand You completely and i shall obey Your every command,” i thought.
All this happened in a matter of seconds though it seemed much longer. i was still lying in bed next to my ordinary wife trying to fully comprehend all that was happening to me. Before i could move and throw myself at the feet of this spirit image of My Mistress She rematerialized sitting on top of me as i lay in bed. Her legs were on either side of my chest, leaving Her moist succulent honey-pot just inches from my arching, darting tongue. Not only did this spirit possess my Goddess’ features, She also carried my Queen’s irresistible natural Feminine scent. With my ordinary wife just inches away, i completely succumbed to a dominant Feminine spirit sent by my Mistress to have Her way with me.
“No slave, you may not drink from the Fountain but since we have your ordinary wife available we will do some ‘comparison shopping.’ Slide your hand under her nightgown and feel her legs. Notice how they do nothing for you.”
“They do nothing for me.”
“Now, follow her legs up to her thighs. Feel between them, slut. Instead of a feminine pussy, you feel an ordinary c—, don’t you, slave?”
“Yes, Mistress. She has nothing but an ordinary c— between her legs.”
“What a shame! Such a pity. you do not find an ordinary c— attractive. you love, worship and adore the real thing!”
As i played with my ordinary wife’s c—, her breathing began to quicken.
“No. i do not find ordinary c— attractive. i love, worship and adore the real thing.”
“Look between My thighs and tell Me what you see.”
“i see a moist, succulent, Feminine pussy!”
“What conclusions do you draw from this, slave slut?”
“my ordinary wife has an ordinary c— which is unattractive and my Mistress has a moist, succulent pussy which is very Feminine . . . very powerful. i love, worship and adore my Mistress’ pussy.”
“Very good, slave. you are proving to be a very good comparison shopper. I want you to pay homage to your Mistress’ perfect 36C tits. Look at them! Feel them suck you into our quicksand of Feminine domination. you cannot resist their powers!”
“i cannot resist the powers of my Mistress’ perfect tits.”
“Now feel your wife’s titties!”
my hand did as it was commanded. my playing with her titties only caused my wife to breathe even faster. The Spirit Goddess began to brush Her full, ripe tits over my face.
“Compare hers to your Mistress’ tits as I dangle them before you.”
“my wife’s tits are so small and insignificant compared to those of my Queen. They totally lack the sexual charm and allure of my Goddess’ magnificent breasts.”
“Now play with her brown nipples . . . feel them harden to your touch. Describe how they feel in your hand, my little slut.”
By now, my ordinary wife was groaning in her sleep. She was having a wet dream brought on by the commands of my spirit Mistress.
“Look at your Queen’s nipples. What color are they and what do you associate with them?”
“my Queen has rosy pink nipples . . . pink like the inside of Her moist, succulent, Feminine pussy which i love, worship and adore.”
“Which do you prefer to have in your mouth, your wife’s common brown nipples or your Queen’s pussy pink nipples?
“i prefer my Queen’s pussy pink nipples in my mouth, Mistress.”
All this time, the Spirit had been teasing me by brushing Her glorious tits back and forth across my face. Back and forth . . . back and forth . . . back and forth . . . my slave cock was rock hard and throbbing wildly.
“Then drink, slave boy. Drink from My most beautiful, sexually-tantalizing tits. Drink from the breasts of feminine superiority. your wife has small, inferior titties. They do not interest you. your Mistress’ tits are not only perfect, they also compel you to think of Her most sacred pussy. you are a slave to Her tits. you want to feel them . . . you want to lick them . . . you want to suck them . . . you want and need your Mistress to nurse you . . . to fill you with Her feminine being . . . to make you a better male. To make you a better slave!”
As She nursed me, the Spirit Mistress continued Her spiritual counseling.
“The male was put on this earth to serve and obey the Superior Female of the species.
“Ever since Eve told Adam to eat the piece of fruit, and he obeyed Her, all male descendants have had a similar subconscious desire to please the superior Female.
“Some males repress it. Others, like yourself, do not and find total happiness at the feet of a superior Female. Unfortunately, the majority of Females do not possess the powers to manipulate the male and give him what he truly wants and needs. They allow themselves to be overpowered by his physical advantage. The truly Superior Female knows that all males, no matter how physically or politically powerful, still have an Achilles cock between their legs.
“She takes control of that cock and makes it Her puppet. In the process, the male becomes Her slave as well. This is what Mistress Marquesa has done with you and countless other males!”
Then, just as quickly as when She had assumed Her position of superiority on top of me, the Spirit was sitting on the stool at the vanity table, leaving me sucking nothing but air.
She continued . . . “you are just a male. you are a male because you have a cock and balls between your legs. Feel how hard and horny you are, slave boy.”
i obediently felt my hard and horny cock with one hand while the other still played with and fondled my ordinary wife’s titties. i’m sure the sight amused both the Spirit Mistress and my Queen.
“i have never been this hard and horny in this bed,” i confessed.
“Tell us, slut, tell us why you are so hard and horny now. Is it because of your ordinary wife whose titties you continue to feel and play with?”
“No. No, it is not because of her. Ordinary females cannot do this to me. Only the Superior, All-knowing, Dominant Female has this type of power over males. i am this way because of You, Spirit, because of my Mistress, my Queen, whom I love, worship and adore!”
“Yes, slave boy. your slave cock and balls lust only for the Superior, All-knowing, Dominant Female. Come to Us! Leave your ordinary wife and come to Us. Come be Our sex toy!”
i let go of my ordinary wife’s small titties as though they were burning my fingers. Without a second thought, i left her and began to crawl across the room on my hands and knees.
“Very, very good, slave boy. your Mistress has you well programmed. I know She is pleased by how you are obeying and serving Me. I expect we will have so much fun using, playing with, and traveling with you this coming year. I can’t wait to show you how Superior Dominant Females have used males over the years and will use them in the future.”
When i reached Her, the Spirit Mistress had crossed Her sexy Feminine legs and was dangling one shoe in front of me.
“Show Us how grateful you are . . . make love to My shoes and feet!”
Immediately, i began to use my mouth and tongue to show how much i love and idolize my Mistress . . . right down to the shoes She wears. . . .
“That’s it, slut! Oh yes! We want to see you screw the heels as if they were a cock and your mouth an ordinary c—. That’s it . . . in and out . . . in and out . . . in and out . . . oh slave boy, you are so good at being a slut . . . now, in and out . . . in and out. . . . Now, remove the shoe and pay homage to the feet of your Queen!”
Having performed foot servitude countless times for the Mistress, i knew exactly what was expected of me. i gave each toe individual attention, along with the heel and the arch.
“Tell Us, slut, wouldn’t you rather be in bed with your ordinary wife, having sex with her or eating her c— or getting a hand job . . . or maybe even a blow job . . . ?”
“No, my place is here serving You and giving pleasure to my Mistress.”
“Why slave?”
“Because i am just a male, existing only to serve and obey the Female, the Superior Sex of the species. my cock is a sex toy to be used only by my Dominatrix. It is not a sex organ for fucking or receiving pleasure.
The Spirit Goddess now stood in the middle of the bedroom in all Her magnificent glory. Somehow, both shoes had returned to Her feet.
“Come!” She commanded.
The order was no sooner given than obeyed. i found myself staring up at Her through my lust-crazed eyes. There was nothing i wouldn’t do on command from Her.
“Use that talented tongue of yours, slut. I want to feel it moving in and out of My ass.”
As i twirled and twisted my tongue in and out of my Spirit Mistress’ ass, three thoughts kept running through my brain: i am in slut heaven, thanks to my Mistress; i am in slut heaven, thanks to my Goddess; and i am in slut heaven, thanks to my Queen!
“play with that sex toy cock of yours! Masturbate for Us to show you know everything We have done to you is real and not a dream. Show Us how excited you are because you belong to your Mistress.”
We were in perfect unison. The upward thrust of my tongue was being matched by the downward thrust of the Spirit Dominatrix’s ass. This was matched by my hand stroking my sex-toy cock.
“Think of your Goddess’ very powerful, very Feminine, and oh-so-beautiful tits. Picture their luscious, pussy-pink nipples. We want to see you cum for Us, slut. Cum, slut . . . cum, slut . . . cum, slut . . . !”
On command, my slave cock behaved like a volcano, spewing forth its hot liquid tribute. i lost all concept of time as i shot load after load of cum and collapsed at the feet of my Goddess.
“Tonight has been wonderful for both your Queen and Me. We do look forward to our future get-togethers. Now, sleep slave boy . . . sleep. Sleep and dream of your most beautiful, bewitching, deserving Goddess. When you awake in the morning you will remember everything that has occurred and will look forward to My visits with great anticipation.” Then, running Her fingers gently over my body, She said, “Truth is ecstasy, ecstasy is the touch of your Goddess, your Goddess is Truth.”
The next morning i awoke right where the Goddess Spirit had left me.
“What are you doing over there?” my ordinary wife asked.
“I must have been sleepwalking,” was my reply.
“I had a strange dream,” she said. “I dreamed that my c— was all wet from a wild orgasm, wetter than it’s ever been before. Then I saw Her. Standing right were you are now was the most beautiful, sexy Female I have ever seen.
“She had on this black corset which revealed the most perfect tits with big pink nipples. Her Feminine legs were spread apart and I could see She had your face buried between your buttocks. She moved Her ass to show me how wildly you were licking Her hole.
“While you were licking Her ass you were also jerking off. I knew it was a dream because I had never seen your cock so big in all the time I have known you.
“Then I made eye contact with her. Her emerald eyes held me, i was unable to look away. Without moving Her lips She said to me, ‘he doesn’t belong to you, he belongs to Us. Now sleep, sleep. . . .
“That was the end of the dream. The next thing I remember is waking up. I wonder why She said ‘Us’ since it was only you, Her, and me in the dream. I didn’t see anyone else. Oh well, it was only a dream. . . .”
to be continued…
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