It was not as if She was looking at him but She was looking into him! he tried to avert his gaze, thinking that if he could just avoid making direct eye contact with Her, he could avoid the helpless feeling washing over his mind. But, he found he couldn’t. Knowing himself, he knew all his will to resist Her was draining from his body. Only minutes before he felt he was in control, but now as She spoke, his insolence was gone. his chauvinistic attitude had deserted him. It was as if She spoke with Her eyes as well as Her voice. Her voice of honey and silk was the only thing he could hear. he could see nothing but the deepest, most intense, most compelling, flashing emerald green eyes in the world. Her eyes!
The Magnificent Mistress Marquesa was capturing another slave. he could not look away even though he sensed he was being transported into a world only She ruled. A world where he was no longer a powerful executive but just a lowly slave to this all-powerful Mistress. Her voice—while it did not appear to be raised—carried to the furthest corners of the large board room and was clearly audible to all the business leaders gathered there. She addressed Her new slave but clearly, She was directing everyone in the room! “Mr. Jamison would like to speak to me privately in his office a few minutes before proceeding with this meeting . . . isn’t that right Mr. Jamison?” With his mind focused on Her, he nodded blindly.
The two of them walked toward his office—She leading, him following—as it should be. Every eye in the room was locked on the beautiful blond. She was a woman of indeterminate age. Her body and face were youthful, firm, perfect. Her eyes, however, were wise beyond age—full of knowledge, wisdom, and power.
The beauty of Her complexion may have been enhanced by skillful application of cosmetics. In any case it formed a dramatic complement to Her gorgeous sexy flowing blond hair, falling loosely to Her lovely feminine shoulders. A black dress wrapped Her from high collar to Her thighs. Her perfect legs were encased in sheer black nylons and She wore black patent leather shoes with wicked 5 inch heels. She wore a black cloak—fastened with a heart-shaped crystal clasp—which flowed open as She walked, exposing the beauty of Her classic body, capturing the spellbound eyes of all present.
The president and CEO of a major construction company, jamison’s company had purchased a tract of land between the home of the Mistress Marquesa and a beach which it overlooked. After She learned that jamison intended to build a large, ugly supermarket on the property, She wrote him several letters asking him not to ruin Her environment by blocking Her ocean-front view. Like so many arrogant developers, he had not responded except for one cryptic message on Her answering machine about not changing plans for some “lady environmentalist in tennis shoes.” She vowed that at the next board meeting of jamison’s company She would indeed change the plans for the construction . . . and not by wearing tennis shoes! Finding out where the meeting was to be held, She drove to the office building, parked in the fire lane at the front of the building, and walked imperiously through the large, impressive lobby. She rode the executive elevator to the board room and strode confidently to the front of the room where jamison was speaking. Although jamison at first raised his voice as if to call for security, Her closeness and the deep, compelling gaze, and Her irresistible voice quickly had him walking humbly to his office behind the stunning blond. As they stood almost eye to eye in the privacy of jamison’s office She intended to deepen his hypnotic spell by implanting a post-hypnotic suggestion to cancel the supermarket plans. She knew it wouldn’t take long because, like all men, jamison would quickly realize his true place was as a slave to the Magnificent Mistress. It would take only moments to permanently enslave him, as She had enslaved so many men before him.
But just as She was beginning to deepen his trance the door burst open and a very attractive woman entered the office. She had a pale, almost transparent, complexion and ravishing jet black hair drawn back harshly from her exquisitely flawless face into a severe bun. She evaluated immediately what was happening to jamison, smiled, and spoke confidently.
“So you are the Magnificent Mistress! I hope you didn’t think poor jamison was the power behind this company. I have heard about You and Your power to make males grovel at Your feet. Since I have become the ‘power behind the throne’ here by subjugating jamison I knew it would only be a matter of time before I could arrange to meet You.”
Now that the Mistress knew who Her real opponent was She took a moment to evaluate the gorgeous imperious raven-haired beauty. The Mistress’ adversary was tall, with full lips and dark sparkling eyes. Dressed in a form-fitting dark ‘power suit’, she looked every inch the executive. Her body was thin, yet attractive. The only hint of her sensuality was the expensive silk blouse worn beneath the suit jacket. She exuded confidence. The Mistress now realized why jamison had fallen beneath Her own hypnotic spell so quickly. he had probably been hypnotized and subjugated many, many times by this extraordinarily powerful brunette.
Again the dark haired beauty spoke. “I must say You are just as beautiful as they say! It will be a pleasure to have You as one of My love slaves. My name is Sylvia but soon you shall call Me Mistress Sylvia, just as poor jamison does. Just so You know what You are up against allow Me to explain just how I have become so powerful. “Once I was just a student of psychology at a local college. One of My instructors was an accomplished hypnotist who utilized this skill to probe deep into the minds and subconscious of his patients. He was attracted to Me and in hopes that I would sleep with him he taught Me the skill. That was his mistake, and My free ride to power! ”
“I was truly a natural. First, My professor quickly fell under My influence. He was unable to defy Me once I had hypnotized him. Since I am so very beautiful and was so determined he had no chance to resist Me at all! Soon, many others became subjects in My own hypnotic experiments. “Then I realized I could easily make a lot of money by becoming the silent partner in the right company. I came to California and answered an ad for a secretary here at jamison’s company. After quickly hypnotizing a succession of Personnel functionaries and another succession of department heads and senior managers I had worked My devious way into jamison’s office—the CEO himself! “During the interview I also, of course, placed jamison in a hypnotic trance. It was no time at all before I became a silent partner in the firm, sharing fully in its profits. “I exercise all judgements that concern the business. he consults with Me whenever he is to make a decision. he never challenges any orders that I give. he probably doesn’t even understand why he obeys Me—only that I rule his body, mind and soul. he has no recall of his hypnotism but still obeys all My commands. Why? Because deep down within his nasty masculine soul, he needs My control, he loves My control . . . and he desperately needs to please Me! he may not realize why he has these needs but they are real and he is My truly devoted absolute slave.”
“Which brings Me to You, dear Mistress. I knew—because of what I had heard of You—that We would soon meet. You are famous in this city for the power You hold over many important men; famous for you beauty; famous for Your irresistible sensuality. I thought it best to meet You on My home ground so I ordered jamison to purchase the beach front property, to make sure You knew of the plans to build the supermarket and that You knew of this meeting.”
“I knew that, because of Your interest in the environment and Your home You would stop jamison. I hoped You would leave Yourself alone with him so I could trap You here. And now We meet! With Me taking control over You and Your stable of slaves. As some bad guy in some old cowboy movie once said, ‘this here town ain’t big enough for both of us . . . and I’ma takin’ over!’”
Suddenly a powerful light focused on the Marquesa’s eyes. A light Sylvia had used to entrance jamison and others. Sylvia held the light in Her wicked lovely hand, playing it across Mistress Marquesa’s noble face, all the while speaking to Her. The Mistress stopped moving. She stood immobile before the darkly attractive Sylvia. Was this to be the end of Her regal reign?
“Resistance is useless . . . You can’t control Yourself any longer.” Sylvia spoke assertively, repeating Her commands so Marquesa would never dispute Her authority. “I am in control . . . I can make You do whatever I want . . . You will obey Me!” As the light played across the Marquesa’s beautiful face, Sylvia hardly noticed the Mistress’ graceful hand reaching up to the heart-shaped crystal clasp on Her black cloak. She deftly manipulated the crystal to capture the light playing across Her face. Sylvia didn’t see this smooth Feminine gesture but that was all the advantage the Marquesa required. The Mistress aimed the crystal toward Sylvia and almost immediately Sylvia was gazing into its glowing center. The sparkle in Sylvia’s dark eyes dimmed, Her features froze. Her pupils enlarged. She stared intently, unblinkingly at the crystal. The light in Her once-powerful, wicked hand fell to the carpeted floor with a muffled sound.
“Sylvia, you can’t take your eyes away from this heart can you?” the Mistress softly whispered. Sylvia shook her now very-docile head mechanically and continued to stare blankly at the heart. As the Mistress gently played Her lovely fingers over the surface of the crystal heart, it was as if She was actually touching sylvia’s body. Even entranced as she was, sylvia felt the wonder of the Mistress’ touch. Marquesa’s sensual, dominant voice penetrated deep into sylvia’s mind as the Mistress’ psychic touch played lightly across sylvia’s once-proud breasts. The nipples quickly hardened and her breathing came in short spurts. If someone had seen sylvia they would have sworn an unseen hand was bringing her pleasure and excitement. her body moved involuntarily and one of her own hands soon began to play with herself while the other moved about her lips with a finger occasionally thrust into her mouth. The Mistress smiled, as She periodically made the suggestion to sylvia to reverse the position of her hands . . . to taste her own juices.
“No man and no woman can resist Me, sylvia. you should have realized that if you really heard all the stories about Me,” whispered the Marquesa into her ear. “you are helpless before Me. I can touch your mind with My mental powers and I can touch you body just as easily.” With that the unseen phantom hand caressing sylvia pinched a nipple, forcing a scream from her lips. she fell to her knees before the Mistress as if she wanted to worship Her.
“Now, jamison—get over her—now, I said!” commanded the Magnificent One. Having been previously ignored by the two beauties, jamison ran to the Marquesa and took his spot on the carpet before Her. The two business executives now kneeling, both worshipping the Marquesa, the Goddess now fully in charge of their destinies. “Both of you listen and listen well! you shall sign over to Me the deed to the ocean front property. I’ll convert it to a nature preserve. Wouldn’t you both like that?! ”
“I came her to stop your construction but because of your impertinence you shall deed Me the property to convert to the nature preserve and you will also donate $500,000 for Me to clean up the beaches in this area. Is that understood?” They nodded their enthusiastic agreement in unison. ”
“When I free you from this trance you will write Me a check for that amount. you will do so with no reservations or resistance. you will continue to be My slaves, even when not staring into My crystal. My voice will trigger a part of your subservient minds that I rule. you are mentally my prisoners. you are compelled to obey each and every time I command and, henceforth, you will love it. you can only be happy when you are serving Me, when your actions increase My happiness.” The two slaves nodded their enthusiastic agreement. “Now you may disrobe.” The two spellbound executives removed all their clothing but remained kneeling, naked, before the Mistress. Again Marquesa used Her awesome mental ability to psychically touch both slaves. jamison immediately became erect and sylvia’s breath once more became a panting sexual response.
“Who owns you?” “You do, Mistress Marquesa,” was the response from the two kneeling slaves. “Is there any doubt in your minds who controls you?” The Mistress had stripped them of any will to resist. They were Her puppets. Her toys. They not only were deeply under Her hypnotic spell but Her irresistible beauty, the sensuality of Her body, had captured them as well. They were in love with the most beautiful woman in the world! The emotional attachment to the Mistress was overwhelming the pair. Tears of love and surrender rolled down their cheeks. “No. There is no doubt who is my Mistress . . . forever,” was the muffled response from both.
Both were nearing orgasm without even the slightest physical touch of the Mistress as She ordered them to stand before the large plate glass windows of the sixth floor corner office. Obeying the Mistress, they stood facing each other. The appearance of the two naked bodies in the window started to draw attention from passersby who happened to glance up. As the Mistress instructed the two slaves to touch each other, the crowd grew. Cars pulled to the curb and parked as drivers stared, open jawed, at the horny duo. Finally, as their ardor grew, several police cars pulled over to watch.
“Now!” commanded Mistress Marquesa as the two collapsed in a shuddering, complete orgasm. jamison’s eyes were shut and his mouth was contorted as a guttural yell emerged from the bottom of his throat. sylvia’s mouth dropped open as she began to cum. Color rushed into her white cheeks. She was completely consumed with lust. she screamed!
Marquesa turned to leave the office, confident that Her orders would be followed to the letter by Her new slaves. As She walked out a quiet expression crossed Her lovely visage and She said softly, almost under Her breath: “Don’t mess with the Mistress . . . it doesn’t pay!”
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