Tag: Tribute

From Galatea to Tantalus, With Love

Rick looked down at the woman sitting next to him. The bar was crowded tonight, people were in a good mood. Friday, the weekend had begun. The woman was brunette, mid-twenties, very cute. Perhaps an aspiring actress or a rising young professional recently out of college. She had begun flirting with Rick almost as soon as he entered the club, and continued through two kamikazes.

This was not unusual for Rick. He was tall, broad-shouldered, with classic square-jawed features and a chiseled physique. Women liked him. Liked him a lot. Until recently he had never lacked for company. Right now he was only interested in one thing. Read more…

In Service to Goddess Marquesa: Chapter 5 Meeting Requirements (Corrected Chapter 5)

Sweating in the desert lands is a common enough thing.
Chafing is a natural accompaniment.
Add in a manhood that will be hard all month, one that needs to be strapped down, and the situation becomes of a new order.

Ravar strode through the networked honeycomb of side streets off the main districts towards his house. At least, he tried to stride, but limped instead. His left leg dragged, tumescent glans rubbing painfully on the sheath where it had slipped by a fraction. Wincing, he lifted his foot awkwardly. Read more…

In Service to Goddess Marquesa: Chapter 4 The Closeness of Confession (Correct Chapter 4)

Ravar gulped, shuffled, wondered if she could sense the thoughts forming in his brain.

“Ahh. I always wondered how you ladies found your way about.” he said at last, having failed to come up with something witty.

“Did you think I was incapable of such when you helped me in the Bazaar?” she asked softly.

He remembered that day well, for it was the night when he’d pledged allegiance, and more, to the Goddess. Laying with a whore in a slum brothel, west of the then closed Bazaar, he’d been taken to new levels of ecstasy. Amidst post-coital lassitude, he’d asked her where she’d learned her trade, being so amazed at her unearthly skill. Read more…


Mistress Marquesa’s Disclaimer:

THIS STORY IS TOTALLY A WORK OF FICTION AND FANTASY. It is best suited for someone who enjoys exploring the crueler, edgier aspects in the vast spectrum of erotic hypnosis and/or BDSM interactions or relationships. Mistress Marquesa is The HypnoDomme mentioned in the story. HOWEVER, NONE OF THE SELFISH AND/OR SADISTIC ACTIONS, THOUGHTS, AND FEELINGS IN THIS FANTASY IN ANY WAY DEPICT WHO I AM AND WHAT I WILL DO WITH, TO, AND FOR ANY OF MY pets.
Anyone who has personally experienced succumbing, surrendering, and submitting to My will knows each and every sensuously satisfying session with Me IS ALL ABOUT *MUTUAL* ENJOYMENT.

If this story is your cup of teasing you tantalizingly, then enjoy reading it.
“Please… Please Mistress Marquesa… .” Read more…

Confession is Good for the Spirit of the submissive


Yesterday i fixated on Your picture (seated in Your Queen Anne chair) for about 2-1/2 hours. In my mind, i heard Your sexy voice, and You took me deep into hypnosis. Obviously, this was self-hypnosis, but i can’t help but wonder if the power of Your karma was the true source of my trance.

During the induction phase, You had me think of my body floating in a warm, safe, calming pool of water. You told me that this pond was the pool of my thoughts. It was the pool of my mind. And, floating within was my very relaxed and secure body. Read more…


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