The night was clear, the sky filled with stars. The warm wind rushed by the beautiful face of the Magnificent Mistress Marquesa as She drove across the desert on a dark, seemingly deserted, highway. Her long, lustrous, sexy blonde hair was tossed by the wind—making it even more attractive . . . if that is at all possible. She was a stunning sight indeed—that is if anyone else was lucky enough to be out on this lonely stretch of road . . .
She loved the feeling of freedom and almost-sensuous pleasure of driving with the top down at night in Her powerful sports car. Every once in a while the desire to drive across the desert at night moved the Goddess and this was one of those nights. She had not seen another car in nearly an hour as She drove past the billboard . . . you know the one: suntan lotion, little girl, dog. The lights illuminating the sign were the only lights She could see in any direction as She scanned the horizon.
As She drove past the billboard, She noticed a police car pull out and follow Her. She glanced down at Her speedometer to check Her speed. Don’t we all when a cop car is behind us? It looked like She was going a mere five or six miles over the speed limit . . . no problem . . . .
Suddenly the single red gumball light in the center of the roof of the patrol car began flashing and then She heard the wail of the siren in the cool desert air. The Marquesa pulled over to the side of the road and stepped out of Her car. From the patrol car, which had parked 20 or 30 feet behind Her, a fat, repugnant-looking middle aged cop emerged. From the illumination of his headlights She could see he was dressed in a short sleeved khaki uniform, stained with his smelly sweat. The tail of his shirt was pulled loose from his pants and a bent and dented cowboy hat perched on his little head.
Slowly the cop walked toward the Mistress with his pudgy right hand resting on the butt of his holstered revolver. As he approached the Goddess his eyes widened and a broad smile came across his face. “Damn honey, you look good! I could write you a ticket but usually when I stop a pretty little lady like you I propose a deal: you know, sort of like if you’re a rea-a-l-l-l good girl and are real-a-l-l-l nice to me, I’ll be good to you. I could easily forget to write this nasty old ticket. Now how does that sound?”
An angry expression flashed across the Marquesa’s face.
“Whoa now honey, don’t get angry. I’m just proposing a deal that could keep you out of my jail and show you a good time at that. After all, wouldn’t you like some good hot action from a real man right now? And, as for that angry little look, even without my gun I could easily lick you in a fight.”
“Lick Me? You jerk, you couldn’t even get a date with Me on your best behavior, sheriff!”
The sheriff laughed, “I’m not looking for a date, little lady, I’m just looking for a little action. I’ll bet those luscious lips of yours fit real nice around a piece of meat.”
This creep’s suggestions were most repulsive to the Marquesa and were making Her very angry. She looked over at the patrol car and asked, “What’s wrong with the red light on your car sheriff? It’s moving so slowly.”
The sheriff quickly glanced at his squad car and fixed his eyes on the single revolving red light on its roof.
The velvet and honey voice that Mistress Marquesa used to entrance and ensnare so many unprepared victims in the past suddenly washed over the sheriff’s malleable male mind.
“Watch how it turns and flashes . . . flashes and turns. Watch as it turns round and round . . . so smoothly . . . so evenly . . . round and round. Just keep watching the red light, sheriff. Just keep watching as the red light forms patterns as it turns and turns, turns and turns. Watch the patterns move . . . shift . . . revolve. Watch them merge and drift and remerge, holding your gaze as I speak to you.”
The sheriff gazed, spell bound, into the light.
“Keep looking, deeper. . . deeper . . . deeper . . . as the light pulls you in . . . deeper and deeper. All that exists is the light and My dominating . . . sexy . . . all-controlling voice . . . that is all that exists to you in your tiny, insignificant, pathetic, little world . . . all . . . there is nothing else.”
Silently the sheriff formed the word “all” but no sound escaped his lips as he continued to stare at the light.
“The longer you look at the light the more you understand that you must obey My every command, don’t you? Just watch the light flashing into your eyes. You must keep looking at the light. You can’t take your eyes away until I say so . . . until I allow it. The wonderful lights, the wonderful sensation of submission flooding your mind as you keep looking at the light . . . submission . . . submission . . . submission . . . .”
Again his mouth formed the word that the Mistress had spoken. “Submission. . . submission . . . .”
The Magnificent One looked at the police officer, his facial muscles relaxed, his eyes sleepily focused on the revolving light.
“You must surrender to your Goddess . . . surrender to me . . . obey all of My commands . . . surrender. . . surrender . . . .
he felt himself locked into Her spell. It was as if he was falling down a long, dark shaft . . . dropping faster and faster . . . deeper and deeper. his own will faded as the Goddess’ control became stronger and stronger. In his mind an emptiness, a void, waited for commands from his new owner to fill the wasteland that was his mind before it had the pleasure of encountering the gorgeous Magnificent One, Mistress Marquesa.
“Surrender . . . surrender. . . ,” he echoed.
“Now, you little slut, let’s talk about what you wanted from Me. But first . . . Strip!”
Unable to resist Her commands he started undressing. First he removed his gun belt, then his shirt followed by his trousers. he then quickly removed his underwear and it joined the rest of his clothing in a pile on the ground as he stood before Her naked except for his boots.
“Put that belt back on but first, give Me the gun. I don’t want you ‘shooting’
. . . accidentally,” She said, laughing at Her own joke.
As he obediently surrendered his revolver She flipped open the cylinder and pushed the ejector rod, dropping all six rounds to the dusty roadside. She then walked around the naked cop while slipping the gun back into his holster.
The Goddess had seen men in humorous positions—often, as a matter of fact—but this slave was probably the funniest. he stood before her naked and pot bellied in only his boots and gun belt.
She walked back to his patrol car and took his hat from the hood of his car where he had placed it after he got out, walked over to him and placed it back on his head.
“Now tell Me, you pitiful excuse for a person, have you done this before?”
Unable to lie to Her, he responded, “Yes, it’s the only way i can get any sex. No woman will sleep with me so i force little ladies such as yourself to give me head or i arrest them.”
“you prick!” She spat out the words as She reached into the back of Her own car and pulled out a wicked looking paddle. (The Goddess is always prepared!)
“Lean over and show Me your ugly male ass.”
As he complied with Her order She leaned over and whispered into his ear. Her hot breath caused his manhood to stiffen. “you won’t be able to move but you will feel this paddle as a punishment for your crimes against women . . . and it won’t be your only punishment!”
She struck him until his ass glowed red. Then She changed to a two-handed baseball players stance.
“If you feel like it you may scream, My poor little slave,” She said to him, sarcastically.
The Goddess laughed out loud at the pitiful slave dog.
Suddenly the speaker on the roof of the squad car blared out with a female voice, “Car one . . . car one? . . . this is Judy. I’ve got your coffee sheriff. Where are you?”
Of course he would make his female deputies get him coffee but, damn it, She wouldn’t have enough time to teach him a lesson. She then heard the dispatcher over the loudspeaker, “He went 10-7 out near the suntan lotion sign and I haven’t heard from him since. He didn’t call in a license plate.”
Well, at least he hadn’t called in Her license plate number. A solution to Her problem crossed Her devious mind as Deputy Judy acknowledged, “Okay, I’ll head that way with his coffee and doughnuts.”
“This is what you do when Judy comes, My slave boy.”
“Yes,” the hypnotized sheriff responded. “i hear You and i obey.”
This time it was the Goddess who hid Her car behind the sign to await the arrival of the deputy. As Judy’s car pulled up behind the parked sheriff’s car—light still revolving on the top—the surprise on Judy’s face was evident. The sheriff walked back toward her, still naked, and as soon as she stepped from her car, he fell to his knees before her as if praying to a Goddess.
Mistress Marquesa knew he was confessing all of his crimes against women to Judy . . . only, of course, after having read himself his own Miranda rights.
Then he started kissing and licking Deputy Judy’s shiny black police boots while rubbing his very aroused manhood.
The Mistress couldn’t hear from Her position but She giggled as She watched Judy turn on her dashboard video camera to record all of the sheriff’s actions and statements.
Finally he stood up as he continued to wildly manipulate and jerk his ecstatically hot, hard, happy manhood as the video rolled on and on. “This will never be classified as one of the world’s scariest police videos—although the sight of the sheriff naked and stroking was not a pretty sight by any stretch of the imagination—but it might become a highlight in the Circuit Court Hall of Evidentiary Fame,” the deputy thought to herself. The sheriff only stopped jerking on his manhood when his hands were handcuffed behind his back and he was placed in the back of Judy’s squad car.
As Judy put her black-and-white into gear and headed toward the jail, she wondered what had caused this to happen . . . this night . . . this way.
Suddenly she heard the dispatcher, “Judy . . . car 2.”
“Go ahead Central,” she replied.
“Got a caller on a cell phone—a woman. She wants to know if you are happy now and if you would like to know how it was done? I don’t know what the hell she’s talking about but she knew your name.”
A smile crossed the deputy’s face, “Yes! Tell her ‘yes’ and give her my home phone number. I’ve got a lot to learn from that lady and I’m looking forward to it! Oh, and by the way, open up cell one, I’m bringing in a prisoner. I’ll call the prosecutor’s office when I get in. I’ve got some film I know they will want to see.”
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